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$22 Billion US Dollars is the price tag of the 1000 pillared temple destroyed in Tirumala

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Hindus have got a very good case and now should proceed , along the archeology

line for protection of the ancient monument,and for redressing the damage, with

the help of expert archeologists.


They should sue the AP government in the APEX Supreme Court, after taking into

account various legal issues.


Please do not expect this issue to be solved within the state AP. This Temple is

Important to Hindus from all over the world. Their appears to be a christain

conspiracy to bring bad name to the Tirumala Temple, by this controversy.


Please see the recent article "The campaign against Indian civilization" August

17, by Rajeev Srinivasan a ReDiff.Com columnist.





India's loss of knowledge of its history is a double disaster, because it turns

out India's history is almost unimaginably lustrous: in fact, within the first

order of approximation, one could claim that India invented almost everything

worth knowing in the ancient world. India was, for millennia, the Empire of the

Intellect, the civilization that with astonishing creativity generated more

ideas than the rest of the world put together.



Muslims do not allow even a Brick to be dismantled, even in small road side

darghas to make way for road projects. Hindus, though pious and good natured and

at heart universal, still do not have a historic sense. Or else how could they

allow for such monumental defilation of their most sacred Hindu Temple?


In Europe and America, such ancient 1000 pillar Hall would be easily classified

as the most protected site. AN ART HISTORIAN (WHO DOESN'T WANT TO BE NAMED)




The Hindus have their Historic knowledge blunted and even heads of various

sampradhayas are oblivious to the Hindu History .


That the Hindu history has been deliberately negated in India, is aptly

expressed, by you when you asked as to why the ASI has not taken control of the

Hindu Temples, is a classic case in point, to the negation of Hindu interests.


Please read Dr.Elst's "Negationism in Indian History" available online, at your








Negationism in India

Concealing the record of Islam



Koenraad Elst


Published By The Voice Of India


New Delhi, India


>From The Cover Of "Negationism In India - Concealing The Record Of Islam


Some Excerpts

Chapter 1 : Negationism In General

Chapter 2 : Negationism In India

Chapter 3 : Exposing And Refuting Negationism

Chapter 4 : Reply To Some Questions And Criticisms








"By all known accounts of world history, as pointed out by Koenard Elst in his

book the Negationism in India, destruction of about 100 million Hindus is

perhaps the biggest holocaust in the whole world history.


Europe never forgot or forgave the atrocities of the Nazi rule under Hitler. We

hardly come across any positive reference to either Hitler or his army in the

present day text books on European History. No one talks there of the qualities

of Hitler as a great commander or an inspiring leader of German people whom he

could mould and influence with his hypnotic speeches. No films are made showing

Hitler as a romantic hero singing songs and his mistress as a heroine shedding

copious tears over her lover!


The European consciousness is filled with the evil deeds perpetrated by his

regime, thanks to the untiring work of their politicians, journalists,

historians and film producers, so much so that the very thought of seeing any

virtue in either Hitler or Nazis is abhorrent to the consciousness of the

present day Europeans.


Europe and America produced at least a few thousand films highlighting the human

misery caused by Hitler and his army. The films expose the horrors of Nazi

regime and reinforce the beliefs and attitude of the present day generation

towards the evils of the Nazi dictatorship.


In contrast look at India. There is hardly any awareness among the Indians of

today of what happened to their ancestors in the past, because a great majority

of historians are reluctant to touch this sensitive subject. It is not difficult

for the Indian historians to gather information on the kind of atrocities

perpetrated against the people of medieval India, to work out the estimated

number people killed in the reign of each ruler, to create vivid pictures of

what happened during such battles as the battle of Tallikota when Hampi, the

capital of Vijayanagara empire was systematically destroyed for weeks.


Nadir Shah made a mountain of the skulls of the Hindus he killed in Delhi

alone. Babur raised towers of Hindu skulls at Khanua when he defeated Rana Sanga

in 1527 and later he repeated the same horrors after capturing the fort of

Chanderi. Akbar ordered a general massacre of 30000 Rajputs after he captured

Chithor in 1568. The Bahamani Sultans had an annual agenda of killing a minimum

of 100000 Hindus every year. The history of medieval India is full of such



And against this background, look at the films we have produced so far in a

country which boasts of the largest film industry in the world, with no dearth

of talent and workmanship! We have films like Mugal-e-Azam, Anarkali, or Taj

Mahal which romanticize the Mughal rulers, depicting them as great heroes of

noble virtues oozing with kindness and love for the humanity! The heroes of

Anarkali and Taj Mahal were next to Aurangazeb in their persecution of Hindus

and Sikhs. But people are made to see them as romantic heroes and remember songs

from these movies with great nostalgia!


One may say why dwell upon unpleasant facts. True, but can we develop the

character of a nation without facing the realities of life, however unpleasant

they may be? Can we develop the maturity of thought that comes with the sense of

suffering and the sense of responsibility? The purpose of knowing these facts is

not to heap vengeance, but to strengthen our national character, to avoid the

weaknesses that were responsible for the plight of our ancestors. The Muslims of

present day India are also part of this character building because they must

know that their ancestors also suffered, that as far as the past is concerned

all Indians were in the same boat and that there were no victors and no losers

in that great human tragedy. Knowing thus, perhaps they would develop proper

wisdom and understanding and right attitude towards other communities.


Finally, in what context do we talk of Hitler and Nazis in India?


The answer is even more disturbing. Any one who speaks for Hindus is a Hitler or

is in the process of becoming one and any group which speaks for Hindus are

Nazis or are in the process of becoming Nazis!


Thanks to my friends who helped me with some of the historical facts".



Hindus should react to this issue with a sense of History, and with urgency not

with a sense of Religion and agamas only, and it will be easily countered by





I read varied reports on the TTD's leaflet campaign planned, in all districts of

AP. This can be countered by only taking a Historic and Archeology approach, to

expose the bogey of development. No ancient monument can be developed, but only





Laura Kelly

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