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Bala Kanda Sarga-55

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Bala Kanda Sarga-55


Om Asmadgurubhyo Namaha

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha


With the war unrelenting, Vashishta encouraged Sabala to create more soldiers

and she created many kinds of soldiers from different parts of her body. They

started destroying Visvamithra's foot soldiers, elephants, horses and chariots.

Watching their father's army being destroyed, Visvamithra's sons ran towards

Vashishta with anger, and the Brahmarishi with a mighty sigh burned them all.

Loosing his whole army and his sons, Vishvamithra was both ashamed and angered.

He felt helpless like an ocean without tides and a snake without fangs. Loosing

his sons, he was distressed and sad. Eventually Vishvamithra nominated his last

surviving son to be the king to rule over his kingdom, and he himself left to

Himalaya Mountains to start Tapas. After continuing Tapas for long time, Siva

appeared before Vishvamithra and said, "Oh king! Why are you doing Taps? I am

pleased with your Tapas; I will grant you what you ask;" Vishvamithra, prayed to

Siva and said, "Mahadeva! Please bless me with the entire Dhanurveda secrets and

also give me all the weapons which Devathas, yakshus, Rakshasas possess. Siva

blessed him all those wishes and disappeared. Vishvamithra went to Vashishta's

ashram, and with His new weaponry, He started using them against the innocent

residents of that Ashram. Because of the power, of the weapons the ashram

started burning. Frightened with the power of those weapons, the inmates of the

ashram, animals and birds started running out in different directions creating

chaos and confusion. Vashishta's ashram now became empty and silent. Vashishta

warned Vishvamithra saying "Oh Foolish king! You have destroyed my long standing

Ashram. With terrible intentions you did a dreadful thing. You should be

punished." Then Vashishta raised his Brahma-dhanda to kill him.


(To be cont)

JET USA Prajna Teachers





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