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DEVOTEES WAKE UP & REACT! The great plunder of Tirupati

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This was written long before I was invited into this wonderful group. I am

reproducing it for the benefit of those who many not have read it. Namaste,

S V Badri


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 The great plunder of Tirupati

*Bankrupt AP Endowment Department* *and the CM, Y Samuel

Rajasekara Reddy**


*The AP Government has already started plundering the Tirupati Balaji's



*Hindus should understand that this AP Govenment is headed a naastika who

cohabits with the virulent adventists silently promoting conversions by the

millions in his State.*


*Why should the Hindu Samaj remain indifferent and inactive to such naked

aggression and rape of our revered institutions by a Samuel Reddy, the current

CM of Andhra Pradesh? The kings of yesteryears were the Trustees of our Mandirs

in their time. They were only keen to add to the Mandir assets with each passing

year. The current day kings, and the born-again naastika kings like YSR, seem to

deem it their duty to the church as they systematically strip us to the last

fibre and parade us as pagans.*


*Take a look hard look at few of these facts: *

- *10,000 Mandirs in AP alone are in the worst possible state. There is no money

for lighting a single lamp each day. Nor is Nivedyam presented to the Presiding

Deity each day. In many Mandirs there is no money to pay for the salaries of the

staff and the Archakas.*


- *The church is the largest real-estate owner in the country, next only to the

Government and no single Government dares to bring this under its control. Nor

can it ever dream of using the church lands for social justice measures like

giving it away to dalits or the naxals or to Hindu religion for constructing

Mandirs or the much needed Hindu schools / Patashalas, Informed sources say that

the naxal distribution of Mandir lands in AP is happening with the very

blessings of the NAASTIKA CM Y SAMUEL REDDY. After all when it comes to Hindus,

the Government which is just a "trustee" will suddenly assume "ownership" of

these lands while bartering it for vote-bank politics and for appeasement of




- *Let us assume that I form a Trust and do what the AP Government is doing

today as a Trustee. I would be instantly prosecuted and hauled in for fraudulent

activity, betrayal of trust and would be ordered to dismantle it, under the law

of the land.*


*It is evident that the A P Government seems to conclude that it is above the

Trust laws. It can do what it pleases when it comes to destroying Hindu

institutions. And the trust that the Hindu Bhaktas impose on it to take care of

its Mandirs be damned.*


*How can you expect this NAASTIKA Y Samuel Reddy to be sympathetic to Hindu

causes, its institutions and the sentiments of its Bhaktas? It is a shame that

the TTD should allow him into the Hindu Mandir of Tirupati without asking him to

sign the mandatory declaration of his allegiance to the Bhagawan. *


*Please circulate this to as many and urge them to respond to these two ignoble

men *(*Sri Y Samuel Rajasekhara Reddy, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, and Sri

M Satyanarayana Rao, Minister for Endowments,* *Government of Andhra Pradesh)**

so they get to know that all devotees are outraged with their betrayal of our

trust as Trustees of our Mandir affairs.


- - - - - - -*

Letter sent to The President:

I'm pained to write this. I find no option. Because I am hurt at the way the

Mandirs are silently being stripped by naasika Y Samuel Rajasekhara Reddy garu,

CM of AP and no body seems to care. I request your immediate intervention and

render justice to the Hindus and Hindu institutions.

* * *


Read my special request to the Hindus and Hindu institutions/ organizations all

over the world and shoot your protests to the above three gentlemen. Our

institutions are seriously getting eroded. If you care to have your great-grand

child see them remain as Hindu institutions, show your concern.





*Religious money*


Give me an honest answer. You visit Bhagawan Tirupati Venkateshwara's Mandir

(Balaji Mandir) or any Mandir in Andhra Pradesh .You have the devotion to make a

monetary offering into the Hundi. You feel it is your private equation with the

Bhagawan. You fulfil your *Prarthana* as you make a humble drop into to the

Hundi. Some of you have saved this money painfully over years and in several

cases enduring pangs of hunger to make this offering. That is the extent of your



*Secular money*

Are you aware that till the last nano-second that the money or the offering was

in your hands, it was "religious money" because your Bhakti veils your eyes as

you think that this money that is offered will be sacredly used by the A P

Government for Hindu religious purposes like maintenance of the Mandir, its'

development and for propagation of Hindu religious causes, payment of salaries

of *Archakas* or for the regular conduct of *Pujas* and rituals as per the

*Aagamas* and Sastras. You assume this is what the AP Government is doing with

your offering, because this is a Hindu Mandir and you are a devout Hindu

offering the money out of total surrender to the Bhagawan. You are painfully

ignorant what happens to this money once it gets into the Hundi. You just assume

that it is being used for a Hindu cause. Perhaps you are one of those who just

does not care because your job is done and it is up to the Mandirs to use it as

they deemed fit. Yes Mandirs will use it as they deem fit if they are out of

Government control. *So if you think that your money is used only for Hindu

purposes, banish the thought.*


*Because, the moment the money slips into the Hundi, the Government "converts"

it into "secular money". How can you explain why Mandir funds alone should be

the target of the Government to draw as they please for other than Hindu

religious purposes?*


*Money down the drain*

Take for instance, the recent decision of the Government and the Government

sponsored TTD Board to spend the Bhakta's "religious money" for "secular"

purpose of constructing the underground drainage.


*Tell me if it is the duty of the Government to provide the drainage or the duty

of the Mandir? So your money finds its way down the drain.*


*Or its diversion to the Veterinary College development, not connected to the

religious institution? Whose responsibility is this, the Government's or the



*Will Lallu give Railway lands for mandir constructions?*


*The AP Government through the TUDA (Tirupati Urban Development Authority)

demanded from the TTD a sum of Rs 6 crores towards property and other taxes so

it could have the money required to construct a Idgah Maidan on the Railway

lands abetting the Bhagawan's lands. Obviously, because it is Idgah Maidan,

secular Lallu did not object. And the secularists rushed to facilitate its

completion. What if a Hindu wanted to construct a Mandir on the Railway lands?

Will the same secularists come forward with such glee? Remember, Lallu ordered

removal of Mandirs on Railway lands?*


Naastika Y Samuel Reddy unhappy with his Endowment Minister I am told that the

money was stopped in the last minute after strong protests and the intervention

of the Endowment Minister, M. Satyanarayana, who as I understand, is fighting a

losing battle against the naastika YSR. Well placed sources indicate that this

minister is likely to lose his berth unless he "converts" himself from being a

good Hindu to being a "adorable-secularist" as YSR wants him to be. Meaning, YSR

does not want the Minister to raise objections to the usage of Mandir funds for

Monotheistic religious purposes. Knowledgeable circles in AP confided with me

that YSR takes joy in making the officials of the Endowment Department to

over-rule the Minister and to ridicule him at every opportunity. People who were

present during the "Ugadi Puraskarams" functions this year are witness to how

the Endowment Minister was humiliated and made most uncomfortable by the YSR.

*In Bhadrachalam, where 12 acres of lands belonging to the Sri Rama Mandiram was

given away to a naasitka organization (apparently for the construction of a

school there), who ended up constructing a church for converting the local

tribals. The Minister was apparently unhappy with this and was denied the

protocol honours during his recent visit for Sri Rama Navami celebrations.*



*Render the ground fertile. So the phirangis come to harvest.*


*With Mandirs and Mandir activity rendered systematically extinct in backward

areas, it is no wonder that our Dalit and backward Hindu brethern find themself

spiritually bankrupt. Because people like YSR want them to be spiritually

bankrupt so the his buddies can come and take over their souls with their brand

of hatred of Hindu practices and Gods disguised as love and social service. YSR

is silently making room for the imported buddies to usurp the dalits and the



And he can bank on their votes at the call of a Samuel. Shame.*


*Are Hindus incompetent to run their institutional affairs?*



*Mandir money for "secular sexual" use*


*A P Government had recently decided to construct guest houses and rest rooms on

various highways using the TTD money. Bhagawan's money will be put to some

"secular sexual use" to create rendezvous for the benefit of some unscrouplous

ministers and bureaucrats to sleep with the concubines.*


*Where is Hindu religious cause here? Why should one permit the TTD to become

the Government appointed nodal agency to appease minorities or to undertake

projects other than the Hindu Dharmic ones?*



*Page 3 Chairman and the naastika broker*

Both The flamboyant Page 3 personality and TTD Chairman, T Subbirami Reddy

(Cong-I) and the YSR Government owe an explanation to the Bhaktas of Bhagawan

Venkateshwara for betraying our trust.


*Join me in my prayers to the Kaliyuga Nayaka, Sri Venkateshwara (Bhagawan

Balaji) to render the most severe punishment on each one of these starting from

Y Samuel Reddy down to the last peon who is involved in this systematic assault,

rape, plunder and loot of His Mandir and its possessions.*


*Lessons from Y Samuel Reddy's Government on How to ruin a prosperous Mandir:*


*Let us now examine the orderly way the naastika YSR government acts to make all

our Hindu Mandirs go bankrupt. Before one starts reading this, it should be

stored in our minds that the Government has taken over the Hindu Mandirs as a

Trustee. It has no right of ownership. And you will come to the conclusion that

this A P Government is worse than the Britishers when it comes to inflicting

damage on our Hindu institutions and the Hindus as a whole.*


*There are 370,000 acres of Mandir lands in AP. Of this, the Endowment

Department does not even have records of lands to the extent of 100,000 acres.

Does this surprise you? The Hindu Religious Endowment Department is infiltrated

by naastika administrators in the guise of Hindu devotees.*


So we have a trustee who does not even have proper accounting system. What

should you do to him? What would you do if your accountant failed you? Trash

him? Throw him out? And what are we doing to these trustees who have betrayed

our trust.



*A Ministry that does not have annual budgetary allocation*

You might be surprised to learn that the AP Hindu Religious Endowment Department

is the only department in AP which does not get a single Rupee as the Annual

Budgetary allocation from the A P Government. So this Deparment has no

Governmental source of funding. Then how does this department manage to run its

blasting path of systematic destruction of our Mandirs? How does it manage the

vast empire of unwanted elements in the garb of employees?


Simple. *In addition to having all the Mandir resources at its control, it

collects 15% of total revenues from Larger Mandirs like the Tirupati Mandir and

12% from smaller Mandirs. In addition, it collects 3% uniformly from all the

Mandirs towards what it has called as "common-good-fund". Anything that starts

with the word Common is just plain bullshit. You saw that in the Common Minimum

Programme, too. Didn't you? Now, the Government, in addition to dipping its

hands into the Hundi collections can just can dip into this common- good -fund

also for any activity of its choice.


*Check the AP government Website and show me the Endowment Department there:


*It might surprise you that the Endownment Department is not featured in the

Official website of the Government of AP while even the minority welfare has a

link presented in the website. So our Trustee is very secretive. Wants to hide

from the public glare. And least credible because he shuns the public domain.

What is it afraid of?*



*Known destroyers of Hindu Temples and Lands*


*1. Kasu Brahmhananda Reddy*


*2. N. Janardhana Reddy*


*3. Y Samuel Rajasekhara Reddy*


*Add to these three, sympathisers of the variety of Chandra Babu Naidu, whose

regime saw the State-sponsored and facilitated upshoot of the towering statues

of Mother Teresa competing with Ambedkar in every nook and corner of AP. There

are also strong rumours doing rounds that Chandra Babu's wife, Bhuvaneshwari

(daughter of the Late NTR) practices naastikam secretly. Readers should also

know that it is believed in certain circles that Chandrababu Naidu has interests

in an abattoir with Saudi links that slaughters countless cows for export of

beef. If this is true I am not amazed why he was the first to take the flight to

meet Vajpayee and "strongly" demand the dropping of the very idea of a

Prevention of Cow slaughter Bill, when BJP was Hindu enough in its early days of



*Sanction for the repairs – Hindus get into debt trap*


*Days before Chandra Babu Naidu of TDP lost his elections, he sanctioned Rs. 75

crores towards repairs and restoration of some Mandirs in AP. The Endowment

Department had no funds. The Government undertook the work. And in many cases,

the presiding deities were dragged out into the open under the pretext of

renovation and left to fend for themselves, the vagaries of Nature. In some

Mandirs local bhaktas formed groups to facilitate renovations. Such bills ran up

to Rs 48 crores. And the Government made just a token re-imbursement, thus

putiing various Hindu Bhaktas into a debt trap. The Government still owes this



*Now, where does it decide to look for the money?*


*The Government has already started plundering the Tirupati Balaji's wealth.

Now, it wants to be seen as being fair to Him. It does not want people to

perceive it as being selective in its destruction. So tells the world that

Tirupati Balaji was not willing to give money for these projects so they have to

scout for another Mandir, to satiate their rapacious appetite for systematic

destruction of Hindu institutions. I would like to call this as: The Secular

chain reaction to the deliberate distribution of destruction.*


*Simhachalam Narasimha Swamy – A P Government's new target of plunder:*


*The Government has now set its eyes on Simhachalam. On Simhadri Narasimha

Swami. And His thousands of acres of lands. These lands are in the Vizag

district of Andhra Pradesh. About 1500 to 2000 acres of these lands are under

illegal occupation. In most cases, it is simply not traceable as to who sold

these lands and to whom, the registration has long since been done, with the

connivance of various ministers and officials. Thousands of houses and bungalows

have come up on these illegally occupied lands. The current occupants claim that

they have been in the "enjoyment" of these lands for the past 10 to 15 years and

if the Government comes forward to "regularize" the land transaction and decide

on the price, they are willing to pay. Now, even squatters make the rules.*



*Can you give a honest figure, Mr. Y Samuel Reddy?*



*A new Committee is born in the barn. Some have seen stars and dollar signs*


*A few years ago a committee was formed for the express purpose of

"regularizing" these illegal occupations of the lands belonging to Simhadri

Narasimha Swami Mandir. The committee lied low, perhaps taking time to make its

own deals by virtue of being given the oppurtunity to officially deal with the

squatters. Now, YSR Government has formed a new Committee comprising of a few

MLAs and officials to look into this matter of "regularizing" the land in favour

of the illegal occupants. This committee is expected to submit its report

shortly, highlighting its observations and recommendations. The price per Square

Yard is under consideration. The lands where there are no constructions will be

sold "as is where is". They expect a inflow of Rs. 125 crores. Of this, Rs. 48

crores will be disbursed towards works already committed and in progress. The

rest will be used for the requirements and running of the A P Endowment



This is as far as the 2000 acres of the Simhadri Mandir lands, now concluded as

in illegal occupation by squatters, of whichever faith and denomination they

belong to.



*Government decides to sell Over 100,000 acres of Mandir lands in AP*


*In addition to the lands belonging to the Mandir of Simhachalam Sri Narasimha

Swamy, the Endowment Department has decided to sell 100,000 acres of lands

belonging to various Mandirs in AP and which are either under dispute or have

been illegally occupied by all and sundry. The Government has decided that a

committee comprising of all the MLAs will be constituted for this purpose. This

committee is enpowered to decide the price. There are 370,000 acres of Mandir

lands under the control of the Endowment Department. Of this, the department has

no records for Mandir lands to the extent of 100,000 acres. Of the rest of

270,000 acres, thousands of acres are under illegal occupation.*


*Who gives this Samuel Reddy's Government the right to sell the Mandir lands?*


*Why should the Hindu Samaj remain indifferent and inactive to such naked

aggression and rape of our revered institutions by a Samuel Reddy? The kings of

yesteryears were the Trustees of our Mandirs in their time. They were only keen

to add to the Mandir assets with each passing year. The current day kings, like

Y Samuel Reddy, seem to deem it their duty to the church as they systematically

strip us to the last fibre and parade us as pagans.*

















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