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To : Genevieve Bhat & All


Problems are increasing everyday only due to these bad priests, bad

gurus, bad acharyas, bad swamis or in summary false religious people. True

spiritual people won’t allow dirty things. For example, Bhagavad Ramanuja

opposed the caste system, allow everyone in the temple, initiated Muslims, Jains

etc into the Bhakti path, allow women to chant mantras etc


Why these problems came? It’s only because of false religious person. In

our Holy books there are no such problems. Always bad people invented the



So the solution is that we have to follow our sastras (Holy books) ,

purvacharyas (previous pure devotees) and acharyas (present pure devotees who

follow strictly in the footsteps of the purvacharyas), then we will know who is

genuine and who is false or bad. First we must begin with ourselves, we reject

the bad. We follow the genuine. We then practice the genuine path. We spread it

to our family, then we spread it to our community, to our country and the whole



The best things to serve the world is to follow in the footsteps of the

purvacharyas, because they served the whole world, by leaving the works, their

experiences. Their lives are best examples for us.


We have always been acquainted with bad examples of bad people including

politician with vested interests, that’s why so many problems.


In conclusion, the solution is ONE, that is we worship the pure devotees or

bhagavatas, the best examples. For example if people would have known the

glories of Shri Ramanujacharya, false kalki incarnation, false religious people

and politicians will not be eulogized.


By this ONLY ONE way , all misconceptions would be cleared. First we are not

Hindus. We are vaidikas (followers of vedic culture). Our religion is Vaidika

dharma, Sanatana dharma, Arya dharma, Bhagavata dharma.


Aryan invasion theories etc are bogus and invented. Another major problem is

maya dharma that is sunyavadi (voidism) and mayavadi (impersonalism). They

create many more problems. Due to them our vedic sciences and history are

appearing as mythologies, novels and dramas.


So let us start glorifying our purvacharyas and genuine acharyas, these

problem will vanish. I am 100 % sure about it.




>From : Adiyen Ravi Goorree Ramanuja Dasa,

from Mauritius.

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