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Sri piLLai lOkAchAryA's yaadruchchika-p-padi: Charama Sloka prakaraNam: English Translation by Sri T.A.Varadhan

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srImathE krishNa sUrayE namah

srImathE vara vara munayE namah

srImathE lOkAchArya guravE namah

srImathE anantArya mahAguravE namah

srImathE rAmAnujAya namah

srImathE saTakOpAya namah

srIyai namah

srIdharAya namah


Dear and respected Devotees. Please accept our humble pranam:


Sri piLLai lOkAchAryA's yaadruchchika-p-padi


lOkAchAryAya guravE krshNa paadasya sUnavE |

yat kataakshaika laksyaaNaam sulabah: srIdhara: sadaa ||


charama sloka prakaraNam:


sarvadharmAn parityajya maam Ekam saraNam vraja |

aham thvaa sarva pApEbhyO mOkshayishyaami maa sucha: ||


sarvadharmAn – after he was taught the karma, gnyaana and bhakti yOgas in order,

Arjuna, due to the preciousness and difficulty of the three yOgas, and due to

the fact that they were not in accordance with his svarUpa, became sad and

worried about how to attain the ultimate thing. Krishna remove Arjuna's worries

by saying "Discard everything that I have taught you till now, and take Me as

the only means to the goal – I will remove all of your obstacles – Do not



sarvadharmAn – all the dharmaas; all the means that were told before; parityajya

– discard them (similar to discarding food we don’t want down to the taste and

smell!); maam – Me, the one who has taken your salvation as my

responsibility/duty; Ekam – ONLY me; saraNam – as the means; vraja – take, or

persevere; aham – Me, who is all Supreme; thvaa – you, who has discarded all

other means and goals other than Me; sarva pApEbhya:- from all the obstacles

that stand in the way of you attaining Me; mOkshayishyaami – will free you from;

maa sucha: - do not worry


Thus, Lord Krishna removes the worry of Arjuna by saying " Discard all the means

along with their auxiliary prescriptions, and take Me, me who possesses all the

auspicious qualities such as vaatsalya (the quality of enjoying even the faults

of His devotees), ONLY me as the means; I, who am all powerful, will free you –

the one who is taking only ME as the means - from all of your bindings and give

you salvation. Do not worry".



AzhvAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam,

adiyEn Madhurakavi dAsan,

Thirumalai AnandAnpiLLai SrInivAsa Varadhan


Vedic_Books http://www.radioramanuja.com/eb

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