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Ancient World Contacts

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Hello Friends, Happy New year. Namaste. Today I wanted to share information


the Ancient world's cultures and the fact that thet were very connected with

each other.

Modern historians teach that people in ancient times had very little contact

with each other.

However, believers in Vedic Culture know this to be false.Having faith in the

higher authorities, ie. Guru, Sadhu and Shastra, we can learn many things,

without having to

spend millions of dollars on questionable research. Many times, though, this

modern research

validates what the vedic scriptures have stated, all along. We know, from the

Vedas (Shastras),

that the ancient world was very connected and united under the rule of

Rajarshis, or saintly

rulers. There were indeed many cultures, peoples, languages etc. but they all

thrived under

benign governments, (most of the time), that were all locally maintained, but

were subserviant

to the protection of Samarajas, Chakravartis or Vedic Emperors. These Emperors

were not

irresponsible tyrants of the Kali yuga variety. The position of a Vedic Emperor

was so burdensome,

that if it didn't rain enough, or too much, or if a citizen died untimely, it

was considered the

fault of the Emperor. Though he was the king of kings, he was for all intents

and purposes, the

servant of the people. Lord Rama, even gave up His own family in order to pacify

the will of His

people. Even to this day people try and find fault with Him for this, but He did

this in order to

set a precedent, to show the true meaning of being a King. (For those who feel

that the Uttar Ramayana

is not a positive part of the vedic scriptures, Srila Prabhupada says," If the

story of Lord Rama

banishing Sita to the forest were not blissful, than why is it stated that

whenever Hanuman hears

this story, his heart fills with love and tears of joy pour from his eyes?") It

is the perfect

example of God and His love for the world. In order to teach us, Lord Rama and

the Goddess of

Fortune Sita, out of their own will accepted the roles as ordinary Kings and

Queens, to teach the

ideals of duty (dharma) and sacrificing personal enjoyment for the greater good

of humanity at


So back to point of this letter; What evidence do we have that the Ancient

world's cultures were

connected? In 1977, an tomb was discovered in Greece, macedonia. Forensic

experts verified it was

the tomb of King Philip, the father of Alexander the great. Later, other

scholars refused to accept

their findings.Why? Because there was so much evidence of Vedic cultural

contacts, that their

present historical theories could not account for. There is a sacred ceremonial

sheild, made of gold

and covered in swastikas, the style of the diadem was Indian, in design, and a

beautiful full color

mural shows a royal lion hunt. In this mural, the trees are decorated with

boundry markings exactly

like the vedic kings had in their hunts. Because of these and other evidences,

the so-called experts

are refusing to admit the tomb can be Phillips, even though the evidence is

overwhelming, and they are

dating it to a time after Alexander's. They have no historical figure to replace

Philip with, nor any

other evidence, except to say,"This can not be Phillip's tomb because there are

too many Asian influences

and we know that can not be possible until after Alexander's time." I say

"Hogwash!" When Schlieman

rediscovered Troy, he found almost 700 Swastikas. The Ancient greek healing arts

are almost a dulicate

of the Aryuveda. Alexander's teacher told him,"If you want wisdom you must go to

India." the list goes on.

Alexander, himself, accepted an Indian Guru. For more info on philip's tomb,

rent the Archeology video

series, Greece tape. Evidence also proves that the father of King Tut, Akhnaten,

was a practioner of Vedic culture.

His prayer to the Sun is almost word for word the same as the gayatri mantra,

that brahmins, to this day

chant to Sun God. The list of evidence goes on and on. It is lifetime's work to

research and present it

all. On our website members.xoom.com/vedicempire I have presented more evidence.

Check it out.

P.S.Modern scholars are now admitting to contact between ancient Egypt and South

America. It turns out

royal egyptian mummies have traces of cocaine and nicotine in them. These two

chemicals come from two

plants only found in the Americas. This evidence was featured on the Discovery

channel.The fact is there

so much evidence, I find it odd that it takes cocaine and tobacco to get them to

change their views.

Anyone out there with evidence, please post it. Namaste




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