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[vedic-culture] Journal of Studies of Ancient India

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Journal of Studies on Ancient India



Scope of the Journal: The Journal of Studies on Ancient India (JSAI) - a

research quarterly, will publish scholarly papers of high-quality, in any field

related to India's culture and civilization - past and present, for example on

history & social sciences; archaeology & anthropology; languages, literature and

linguistics; science & technology; Ayurveda, health science & martial arts;

scriptures (Vedas/Upanishads, Smrities, epics, Puranas, contemporary works);

philosophy; religion; dharm %hastras, ethics & rituals; animal/plant science &

ecology; etc. The journal shall not be governed by any ideology.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts, written in English, may be submitted in triplicate to an

Editor-in-Chief or a member of the 'Editorial Board'. Manuscripts should be

prepared conforming to accepted standards of international journals, giving

title, names(s) together with institutional affiliation(s), e-mail address

(whenever possible) of the author(s), an abstract of about 200 to 300 words,

references at the end of the paper arranged in alphabetical order of the last

name of the (first) author. Submission of a manuscript implies that the paper

has neither been published before nor is being considered for publication



Authors are encouraged to send a copy of their paper on floppy, as a plain file.

Use proper diacritical marks. If you are using some special fonts for

diacritical marks, include the fonts on the floppy.


Book-Dissertation reviews: Books for review and dissertation for publication of

abstracts should be submitted in duplicate.


Rates Rates for South-Asian Countries

Library/Institution: US $100.00 per volume Rs. 1,000.00 per volume

Individual: US $ 30.00 per volume Rs. 200.00 per volume

Individual US $.15.00 per issue Rs. 60.00 per issue


For subscription: Write to a 'Managing Editor' (addresses at the back of the

journal). All payments should be made in the name of 'World Association for

Vedic Studies - JSAI ' in US dollars payable on a bank in U. S. A.

Note: The copies of the Journal shall be sent by normal library rates/surface

mail. Subscriptions from countries other than USA and Canada should add $10.00

per volume, if delivery is required by airmail.


To Members of the WAVES: Journal is sent free of charge to current members of

the 'World Association for Vedic Studies'. Membership is open to all interested

persons - membership dues are $50.00 per year; $500.00 for life. All membership

inquiries may please be addressed to the President, General Secretary or the




Voluntary page charges: To partially defray the cost of production, there shall

be a $25.00 per page voluntary page-charges on publication of accepted papers.

Author(s) honoring voluntary page charges will be entitled to 50 reprints of

their papers.


A Publication of

World Association For Vedic Studies, Inc. (WAVES)

A Multidisciplinary Academic Society




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