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[vedic-culture] May Lord Krsna Protect You

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Dear Zoran and company,Hare Krishna. Our prayers and best wishes for your safety

and well being in the face of such catastrophic events. During W.W. II our

spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. BhaktivedantaSwami Prabhupada, was a

householder living in Calcutta. When the Japanese bombs fell he was living

almost right near some of the explosions. Hedid not leave the city as many other

did, but always taking shelter of the Lord, observed that the bombs sounded like

a manifestation of Krishna's universal form (Virata Rupa). That is a horrific

manifestation that illustrates material destruction and havoc. If we could

something concrete we would, but political leadership in this country is far

from or ever has been representtaive of public opinion that decries violence and

aggression. Our only shelter is the Holy name of the Lord. Even the forest may

seem peaceful from external appearance but there is a great conlfigration of

territorial dispute over sun, root space, domination of one tree over another

etc., as well as the jiva jiva sa jivanam, (one living entity being th food of

another) always going on. Not that knowledge of of the events will ease your

suffering, But A deadly earthquake shook up Columbia recently and government

relief proved grossly inssuficient for the 250,000 left homeless. Plastic bags

had to be used for coffins for the over 900 dead and injured were placed three

to a bed in hospitals. The damage was staggering by anyone's estimation. Still

some devotees there, managed to distribute prasadam (Sanctified Food)to the

homeless and hungry. If there are any Vaisnavas left in Yugoslavia I know Krsna

will help them offer what relief they can when the Bombardment finally ceases.

Your servant,Puru Das Adhikari/Ralph Somerstein rasomer

P.S. In Fact in Chechneya,Russia, some Hare Krishna Devotees were killed during

their food relief efforts. So have no doubt if they can help you they will.In

the hometown, of one of these Russian Vaishnavas, a statue was built in honor of

the memory and sacrifice of these selfless volunteers.




Dear Narasimha Rao and other Prabhu's,Dandavats and Pranams. All gloriest to Sri

Guru and Gouranga.Dire predictions. Sounds like we all better become serious

aboutKrsna consciousness. In LA back in the 70's Srila Prabhupada alsomentioned

a nucelar proliferation, but said that the conflict wouldbegin between India and

Pakistan. We better watch the evening news onthe tv with our hand in our bead

bags. Haribolo.Your servant,Puru Das Adhikari



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