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[world-vedic] Vedic Mitanni/Vedic Akhnaton

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The Vedic people known as the Matanni formed an important empire called Mitanni.

It is principally among the Mitanni that Vedic Aryan names and words occur....In

a famous treaty between the Hittite ruler Suppiluliuma and the Mitanni king,

Mattiwaza,(Mattiraja) about 1370 BC, the Aryan gods Mithra, Varuna, Indra and

the twin Nasatyas(the Ashvini Kumaras) are mentioned. Thus inthe Mitanni kingdom

Aryan gods were worshipped as well as Mesopotamian deities,which indicates an

Aryan Vedic element."



"A particular treaty, between the Hittite King Shuppilulima and

Mattiwaza(Mattiraja), king of the Hurrian (Hari)kingdom of Mitanni circa 1350

BC, listed among the divine witnesses "Mitra-ash, Uruwana, Indra, and the

Nashatiyanu gods,the very Mithra, Varuna, Indra, and the Nasatya(Ashvinis) gods

of the Vedic/Hindu pantheon"



Another treatise from the State Archives of the Hittite Empire(circa 2400 BC)

was discovered in Boghaz-keui in modern Turkey. It is a treatise on chariot

racing and it uses Sanskrit words such as “Aikavartana=One Turn,

Teravartana=Three Turns, Panzavartana=Five Turns, Sattavartana=Seven Turns.”




Excavations in El-Amarna in Egypt have yeilded the fact that about the middle of

the 2nd millennium B.C., Kings and Princes with typical Vedic names were ruling

in the region of modern day Syria. Some of the names are Artamanya, Aryavirya,

Yashodatta and Suttarna.




>From Mitannian proper names such as Shuwardatta one can also infer the presence

of the Vedic Sun God Surya in the Mitanni pantheon. Surya was also worshiped by

the Vedic Aryan Kings of Babylon, the Kassites, by the name of Suryash




Aknaton was born in the beautiful Charuk palace, in Thebes, in or shortly after

1395 B.C.,-(some scholars place his birth a few years later.)At the young age of

12, Akhnaton was crowned King of Egypt. Records show that in the beginning, he

merely reigned, while his Mitanni Mother, Queen Tiy, governed.The King of the

Mitanni, King Dashratha (Dushratta),writing to congratulate him on his

accession, addresses himself to Queen Tiy, not to Akhnaton directly. Even in

later letters of this period, Dashratha writes to Akhnaton advising him to“refer

to his mother” about important matters.



The evidence proving the Vedic influence-via the Mitanni- on Akhnaton is beyond

questioning. In fact, not only were a majority of his relatives, Mitanni, his

wife was also a Mitanni princess, the daughter of King Dashratta, the famous

Nefertiti. It is a well known fact that she, along with Akhnaton, were acting in

the role of High Priest and Preistess in the religion of Aton. It has

erroneously been stated that Aton’s worship was"invented" by pharaoh Amenhotep

IV/Akhenaten. However, beginning with Akhenaten's father, Amenhotep III, Aten

enjoyed a higher level of worship.



At the age of eighteen years, he came into complete power of the Kingdom. It was

at this time that he proclaimed his faith in One God-The Sun, which he

designated by the name of Aton, ie. The Disk or Fiery Orb. He publicly

proclaimed his faith in Aton, as the God of Gods. Some have claimed that as a

Sun worshipper, Akhnaton was more of an Animist Nature worshiper rather than a

devotee of a Supreme Godhead. However Akhnaton’s own words confirm that this is

not the case. Akhnaton spoke of the Sun disk as being the Eye of Aton and a

representative of Aton’s Power. In the Bhagavad Gita, the Sun is described as

one of the unlimited eyes of God’s Universal form. In the Brahma-Samhita the Sun

is also described as the Eye of God.Akhnaton’s reverance of the Sun is properly

understood in this context.



The symbol of Aton, as presented by Akhnaton, was an image of the Sun Disc with

many sunrays extending out ending in hands, in a kind of triangle shape. Some

scholars have pointed out that the shape of the Pyramids also represents the

Sun’s beams shining down to Earth, in a triangle shape, with the top being the

Source and spreading out ever wider as it reaches the Earth.


The similarity between Akhnaton’s Aton and Surya is indeed striking. The

Sanskrit description of the Divine source of light corresponds perfectly with

the picture of Aton given in the Egyptian King’s hymns.


“As the Vivifier and Quickener, He raises His long arms of gold in the morning,

rouses all beings from their slumber, infuses energy into them, and buries them

in sleep in the evening.” (From a Vedic prayer to Sun God.)

This description also fits perfectly with the carvings of Aton as the Solar

disc extending its golden arms to the Earth. Archeologists have confirmed that

all these images and engravings were covered in gold at one time.

Also according to Akhnaton, Aton as the Supreme Godhead, was imbued with both

the male and female principles. He says to Aton,”Father and Mother of all that

You have made.” This paralels with the Vedic terms for the Sun,

Savita(male) and Savitri(female)or the Sun and the Sun’s energy.Also Akhnaton's

perception of Aton in the threefold forms of Sun globe, Lightning and Fire is

exactly the same as the Vedic "threefold Agni," or Fire. Agni is known in the

Vedas as Sun, Lightning and Fire upon the Earth and within the Earth.



Akhnaton’s Hymn to Aton also shows a remarkable scientific understanding of the

Sun’s role in the functioning of life on the planet as a whole. Some see his

religion as “ a philosophic and scientific revolt against religion,” rather than

a new religion. One scholar, H.R.Hall sees Akhnaton as “History’s first

scientific mind,” due to his scientific understanding of the Sun and its

relation with the organic world. Sir Flinders Petrie writes about Akhnaton," No

one seems to have realized until well within this century, the truth which was

the basis of Akhnaton's worship: that the rays of the Sun are the means of the

Sun's action, the source of all life, power and force in the universe. This

abstraction of regarding the radiant energy as all-important was quite

disregarded until recent views of conservation of force, of heat as a mode of

motion, and the identity of heat, light and electricity, have made us familiar

with the scientific conception which was the characteristic feature of

Akhnaton's new worship.If this were a new religion, invented to satisfy our

modern scientific conceptions, we could not find a flaw in the correctness of

this view of the energy of the solar system.How much Akhnaton understood, we can

not say, but he certainly bounded forwarded in his views and symbolism to a

position which we can not logically improve upon to this very day. Not a rag of

superstition or of falsity can be found clinging to his new worship evolved out

of the old Aton of Heliopolis, the sole Lord of the Universe." end quote.


Those versed in Vedic Spirituality know that true religion is based on

scientific principles of reality. As a follower of Vedic Dharma, Akhnaton was

aware of this and many other scientific and spiritual facts.



Accompanying Akhnaton’s name in every inscription of his reign, apart from the

early ones, is the term“Ankh-em-Maat” or “Living in Truth.” In a tomb of one of

his followers an inscription was found, “The King has put the truth into me, and

to lie is an abomination.” (From the tomb of a courtier named Ay.) As we know

Satya, or Truth, is also one of the main points in Vedic culture. To this very

day the motto of India/Bharat is “Satyam Eva Jayate.”


I see it as a powerful affirmation of the truth, that the most spectacular and

famous find in Egyptian history was the discovery of the tomb of Akhnaton’s son,

Tutankhamon. The Universe has a wonderful way of bringing Truth and Justice to

light. After Akhnaton’s death, the priests of Amon, did their best to obliterate

the memory of Akhnaton and his religion of Aton. All his monuments and

inscriptions were torn down and the stones were all reused. However this very

act of desecration is the very thing that has preserved Akhnaton’s story for

thousands of years. When all of his inscriptions and carvings were reused, they

were hidden away from not only the eyes of the Egyptian people, but also from

the erosive effects of the environment. The newly carved inscriptions and

carvings of his enemies soon withered away under the effects of the sun, wind

and rain.



Another important point to remember, is that modern scholars, though able to

understand Egyptian hieroglyphics,are only guessing at the pronunciation. They

have no way to ascertain the vowel sounds as spoken by the ancient Egyptians.

Thus we come across such a variety of spellings of terms like Ra or Re,

Ikhnaton, Akhnaton, Akhnaten, Aten, Aton, Yiten etc. The fact is, it was only

through the discovery of the Rosetta stone,that scholars were able to finally

understand the hieroglyphics. They were able to compare them with the other two









"Thou risest beautifully on the horizon of heaven, O great god Aton, initiator

of life! When thou dost form thy circle on the horizon, thou fillest the earth

with thy beauties. Thou are delightful and sublime, shining high above the

earth. Thy rays envelop for all time the lands and all thou hast created. Since

thou art Ra, Creator, thou win what they give and thou bindest it with the bonds

of thy love again. Thou art far, but thy rays are on earth. The earth is in

darkness when thou rests, as if dead while away from thee, thou hast slipped

behind the horizon west. Men sleep in their rooms, their heads wrapped and not

an eye sees another man. All their goods, put beneath them, could be stolen

without their feeling it.




And then every lion comes out of his cave; every snake bites. It is dark as in

an oven. The earth is silent; for he who created it all is at rest in his

horizon. But the dawn comes, thou risest, thou shinest as Aton of the Day; when

thou sendest forth thy shafts, the darkness is banished away. The Two Lands of

Egypt make merry. Men awake, and leap to their feet: it is thou who makest them

rise up. They wash their limbs and eat, and they take up their clothing. Their

hands worship thy rising; the Whole Land sets to work in the glory that thy rays

bring. All the beasts are content at pasture. The trees and plants grow. Birds

fly in the brake, with wings uplifted in the worship of thy Ka. All the wild

beasts leap; all things that flutter and fly live again in the rays thou place

upon the earth when thou risest for them. The boats so up and down the river;

when thou risest, all roads open for thee. The fish in the river leap toward

thee; thy rays go down into the depths of the sea.



Thou risest up children in women, and createst the seed in men; thou feedest the

child in its mother's belly, soothe and feed him, and thou send the breath of

life into all creatures and man, and satisfy his needs. Thou bringest the chick

from his shell and give thy strength to every seed. How numerous are thy works,

all that thou has created, O thou, unequaled one! By thy heart thou hast created

the earth, all that exists, by thy will is done, on earth, in all foreign

countries. Thou settest each man in his place, createst all needs, words, and

property, his forms and his variations of face. Thou makest the Nile in the

Lower World, and bringest it where thou wilt to feed men.




Thou art loved of all, the Lord of this land, thy Disk of Day hast cared for

them. Thou hast set all in place of the forms of earth. How excellent are they

great designs. When thou risest, all grows for thee. For every area, thy rays,

milk finds. Thou makest the seasons of the year. Thou hast created the distant

sky. Thou comest in thy form of living Aton, rising radiant, goest away, by and

by, thou returnest. Thou drawest all forms. Every eye beholds thee above. Thy

son alone understands thee; thou art in my heart . . . issued from thy flesh,













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