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[vedic-culture] Vedic Solutions for Kosovo/Yugoslavia

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CC: NarasimhaRao


Dear Narasimha ji,


Thank you for your interesting and quite adequate assessment of the

Kosovo-Hysteria and the connection to Jyotish. It was said by a saint: "The

ones with weapons always will find good and "logical" reasons just to be

able to use the weapons".


The solution comes to us (as usual, one would like to say) from the Vedic

civilization. Atma, pure unbounded consciousness, is the basis of all the

creation. In modern scientific terms, it is the Unified Field of all the

Laws of Nature that underlies all of evolution in the Universe. All Laws of

Nature function from this common source - quietly and perfectly managing

everything. Atma expresses itself in Veda, the blue print of the universe,

then in universe itself, evolving finally to Brahman - the Totality - which

according to the scriptures and personal experiences is the Atma itself

(Aham Brahmasmi).


The human consciousness (individually and collectively) must align itself

with Atma, pure consciousness, the source of all order, to be able to live a

peaceful and purposeful life.


A well-known technology of consciousness of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, The

Transcendental Meditation Programme, has been found to support peaceful

tendencies even in the whole society when practised collectively. Besides

600 scientific studies on the health and other benefits of the individual TM

practice, there are over 40 scientific studies (several of them published in

scientific publications) that have documented the "field effect of

consciousness" induced by this simple Vedic technique (including the

advanced TM Sidhi programme).


Consistently it was found that a group as little as a square root of 1% of

population enlivening the Atma during their practice of the TM technique

together at one place decreases crime rate and other negative tendencies in

the whole population.


Two studies in Israel and Lebanon in the 1980's have shown over several

months a close correlation between the size of the TM group and war

fatalities. Whenever the critical group size of square root of the

population was reached, conflicts as measured by fatalities and other signs

of hostility have decreased.


It is extremely urgent that governments start to apply scientifically

validated technologies of consciousness that really work! The cost of such a

group is incomparably smaller than all those classical non-working means,

such as warfare, debates (see UNO etc. etc.) and others. Now is the time for

Vedic solutions - because now science is enough evolved to validate and

measure the effects of the power of Natural Law - the Veda.


Enclosed please find the most recent Press Release of the European Natural

Law Party who is pushing for Vedic solutions in politics.








Markt 1 • 6063 AC Vlodrop • The Netherlands

Tel.: +31-475-404111 • Fax: +31-475-403642

Internet: http://www.natural-law-party.org

E-mail: nlp



24 March 1999







The Natural Law Parties of the NATO countries today called on NATO leaders

to use the proven, constructive approach that the party has repeatedly

offered them in order to resolve the conflict in Kosovo, rather than the

destructive approach they have now embarked on.


Extensive published research has shown that regional conflicts can be

diffused quickly through the deployment of a "coherence-creating" group of

experts in the peace-keeping technologies of Maharishi's Transcendental

Meditation and Yogic Flying programme. The leaders of the Natural Law

Parties have demanded that NATO and the EU establish immediately a

coherence-creating group of 10,000 people. This could be, for example, the

10,000 soldiers stationed in nearby Macedonia.


Dr John Hagelin, presidential candidate of the Natural Law Party of the USA,

said: "NATO's resorting to violence represents the complete failure of

diplomacy and highlights how utterly powerless current defence technologies

based on the threat of violence are in today's volatile world, torn by

social stress.


"Violence begets violence. It will be a miracle if NATO's recourse to

violent means does not lead to an escalation of bloodshed," Dr Hagelin said.

"It is absolutely urgent that the NATO commanders wake up and reject their

historic reliance on violence and embrace a far more modern and humane,

scientifically proven technology of peace."


In London, Dr Geoffrey Clements, leader of the Natural Law Party of the UK,

said: "British Prime Minister Tony Blair demonstrated NATO's bankruptcy of

intelligence yesterday when he said, 'We were at the end of our tether' (Sky

News interview).


"Should we leave it to leaders who are 'at the end of their tether' to make

decisions to resolve tensions in the world, or would it not be better to

utilise a proven formula to create peace?" Dr Clements asked.


"Far from helping to avert a humanitarian disaster, as NATO leaders claim,

history shows that resorting to military action will only lead to further

tension, hatred and misunderstanding - the very factors that have created

the initial problem."


Dr Reinhard Borowitz, leader of the Natural Law Party of Germany, said: "In

announcing that there are 'no options open except military action' NATO

Secretary-General Javier Solana is ignoring the fundamental principle of

creating peace. Sustainable peace can be created only by reducing stress and

negativity, not by fuelling tension and aggression. Surely the example of

Iraq must illustrate that military might cannot create peace and stability

in the long term."


Dr Borowitz added: "The coherence-creating strategy of the Natural Law Party

has been successfully employed many times to reduce international conflict,

crime, and violence. Unless NATO adopts this scientifically validated

solution, their efforts to secure peace in Kosovo will fail."


Dr Benoit Frappe, leader of the Natural Law Party of France, quoted the

UNESCO charter: " 'Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds

of men that peace must be constructed.' Conflicts such as that in Kosovo

arise when collective consciousness is weak, turbulent and disorderly. The

source of the problem lies deeper than race, religion or politics. The

problem arises due to the intense build-up of stress, negativity and

frustration in individual and collective consciousness. Only relief from

stress in society can resolve the problem. With a large coherence-creating

group we would see results immediately, as shown by 40 scientific studies.

The tension would de-escalate, and a peaceful solution that would please

everyone would naturally emerge."







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