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[world-vedic] For All The Faults In The Kali yuga There Is One Great Thing!!!

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Namaste Charles, and list,


>Yes, for sure this Kali Yuga is a strange place, that for the most

>resembles the remnants of a better times discarded to the trash.


>But with all that trash there is but one good thing that makes the Kali

>Yuga a special place. In this fallen age instead of performing arduous

>rituals, or feats of severe austerity, simply the chanting of the Maha

>Mantra benedicts all who turn His way.


>I hope that you can share with our enthusiasm in appreciating this nectar

>found in the Sri Chaitanya Upanishad, and its commentary by the Saintly

>devotee Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur 1838-1914 AD.


>(I've started from text three because of its specific relevance toward the

>Kali Yuga, but if anyone wants the preface and introduction and the first

>couple of texts I can send them to you privately).


>Text Three


>sa tatha bhutva bhuya enam upasadyaha-

>bhagavan kalau papac channah prajah katham mucyeran iti




>He, Pippalada, becoming pure in mind, again approached his father and said:


>my Lord Brahma, in the age of Kali Yuga, people are covered due to sin. How

>can they obtain liberation?"




>After practicing purification of the body and mind by celibacy and austerity,

>Pippalada again approached his guru and inquired, "In Kali-Yuga, how can


>who are sinful by nature obtain liberation from the material condition?"



>Text Four


>ko va devata ko va mantro bruhiti




>Please tell me which deity or which mantra is worthy of service.




>Oh, my Lord, for the living beings whose minds are contaminated by Kali-Yuga,

>please tell me which deity or which mantra should be served.


>Text Five


>rahasyam te vadisyami-jahnavi-tire navadvipe

>golokakhye dhamni govindo dvi-bhujo gaurah sarvatma

>maha-puruso mahatma maha-yogi tri-gunatitah

>sattva-rupo bhakti loke kasyatiti,

>tad ete sloka bhavanti




>Lord Brahma replied, "I will tell you the confidential truth. On the bank of

>the Jahnavi, in Navadvipa Dhama, which is known as Goloka, Govinda with two

>arms, golden complexion, the Supersoul, the greatest Personality, the


>Yogi, the Supreme Being, Who is transcendental to the modes of nature, and

>Whose form is truth, will appear to manifest devotional service (bhakti) in

>this world. These verses describe that."




>In the eleventh canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.33-34) the state of


>of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Caitanya, the savior of Kali-Yuga

>is proven.


>dhyeyam sada paribhava-ghnam abhista-doham

>tirthaspadam siva-virinci-nutam saranyam

>bhrtyarti-ham pranata-pala bhavabdhi-potam

>vande maha-purusa te caranaravindam


>"O Supreme Person, O Protector of the devotees, I offer my respectful

>obeisances unto Your lotus feet which are worthy of being constantly


>upon, which destroy misery, yield all desire, which are the abode of all holy

>places of pilgrimage, which are praised by Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, which

>are the shelter of all, which dispel the distress of the devotees and which

>are a boat for crossing over the ocean of material existence."


>tyaktva sudustayja-surepsita-rajya-laksmim

>dharmistha arya-vacasa yad agad aranyam

>maya-mrgam dayitayepsitam anvadhavad

>vande maha-purusa te caranaravindam


>"We offer our respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of the Lord, upon


>one should always meditate. He left his householder life, leaving aside His

>eternal consort, whom even the denizens of heaven adore. He went into the

>forest to deliver the fallen souls, who are put into illusion by the material

>energy." END PART ONE




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