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[world-vedic] vediculture digest

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At 08:52 17/07/99 -0000, you wrote:

>eGroups DAILY DIGEST: vediculture has 1 new messages





> vaidika1008




WHY NOT, when She gives us so much milk, much more than her calf can

utilise. Of course I'm not talking of some commercial enterprise that

extracts everything and leaves the poor calfs to suffer for want of food,

that pumps the animals full of drugs and steroids to enchance meat

production or milk production, and rightfully forces so many mundane

sentimentalists to opt out of ignorance to become Vegans - having nothing

to do with the implications of such greed and cruelty.


Vedic culture is an ideal culture where EVERYONE is cared for, EVERYONE is

looked after, all centred around a natural BALANCE in offering pleasing

service to the Lord, Sri Govinda.


He is a cowherd, He has a special affilliation with the cows, caring for

them, in turn the cow looks after society so nicely in a normal

civilisation, thus as her children we also take her milk that has been

offered with love and devotion to the Lord.


I hasten to add I am not talking of the ways of the so-called modern

western "civilisation" who transgress natures laws that even the ignorant

animals who are covered by the lower modes of nature (passion and

ignorance) adhere to. Nor am I talking of people who because of bodily

ailment cannot, or prefer not to partake of a particular kind of protein,

or food. I'm talking of a human civilisation that is based around what is

pleasing to the Supreme Lord.


This is how Vedic culture is identified. Because Vedic culture is agrarian

based, centred around the cow, and her by-products we consider her as our

mother, and the hard working bull as our father. Vedic culture is so

oppulent though, because we are not just limited to one set of mothers and

fathers, there are many kinds (the Earth, the rivers, our nurse, teachers,

wife of guru or the brahmins, etc., Sruti - Smriti - gurus, saints and

teachers as fathers), many uncles too. The perfect environment to grow and

develop with security and love and trust...


I hope that this in brief clarifies the question "WHY MOTHER COW?"




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This is an information resource and discussion group for people interested in

the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its historical, archeological

and scientific aspects. Also topics about India, Hinduism, God, and other

aspects of World Culture are welcome.

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