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[world-vedic] Re. Fwd. Indians to join a VEDIC Political Party

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Dear Abhinanda Das,


Thank you for your three interesting questions/suggestions re. the

Invitation to join Ajeya Bharat Party.



>I would humbly suggest "bring India baack to it's Vedic background"


>then "indianize". To my knowledge "India" is a more or less modern


>compared to Bharata Bhumi's past. It also connotes muslim connection


>they were unable to pronounce "Sindh")


Yes, you might be right. I would say "Indianise India" is just a modern

synonym for the more correct version that you suggested. Eventhough the

Vedic wisdom is universal, fact is that Veda survived best in the

geographical area now called INDIA. So we say: India - the Land of the

Veda - but how much more sweet is to say: Veda Bhuumi, Puurna Bhuumi,




>what about non-Indians, who are embracing Vedic culture?

>Again, I would humbly suggest "Aryan". This is the word Sri Krishna


>in Bhagavad-gita, denoting a person, who knows higher values in life

(Bhg 2.2)


That invitation to join the party was directed to Indians because only

Indians can be candidates for the Indian Parliament in the Indian

national elections. No foreigner is allowed to mingle in the political

process (with the sad exception of Mrs S. Gandhi). Ajeya Bharat Party

is an Indian political party in India for Indians.

Other people who would also like to help to introduce Vedic principles

into the field of politics can JOIN THE NATURAL LAW PARTY in their own

country. NLP is based on the same non-confrontational, natural

law-based, Atma-based Vedic principles as the Ajeya Bharat Party. NLPs

are founded in 84 countries around the world. Through Natural Law

Parties, ABP can share the Vedic knowledge with all other nations.

For more info please visit: http://www.natural-law-party.org (from here

you can find NLP of your country, too).



>What are the Vedic principles of HH Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, that you




The invitation, of course, cannot give much more than a glimpse of the

Vedic principles of the politics of Ajeya Bharat Party and NLP:

-- "To usher in an era of conflict-free politics and problem-free

administration" is basically western 'scientific' expression for Ram

Rajya - the Government of Ram, Government through Natural Law,

Administration of Supreme Intelligence…

-- "To create a disease-free society through Vedic Health Care System"

shows that the Natural Law Party and ABP demand the introduction of the

most ancient, systematic natural health care system of the world -

Ayur-Veda. Unlike today's "Disease-management system" Maharishi's Vedic

Health Care System (includding Ayur-Veda) emphasises Prevention… The

Vedic ideal of health is the state of enlightenment - a perfectly

integrated state of mind, body, and behaviour.

-- "To make ideal citizens through Consciousness-based Vedic Education

for development of full creative potential of every individual." The

present system of education is not based on the traditional Indian

Vedic System of Education, which upholds the principle: Alpakal vidya

sab pai "Total knowledge gained in a short time", because the Vedic

System of Education unfolds Total Knowledge (Puran Gyan endowed with

Purna Kriya Shakti), which is latent in the Atma, consciousness, of


-- "To rebuild Parliament, Legislative, and Government buildings and

all villages and cities according to the principles of Maharishi

Sthapatya Veda, eradicating the bad influences of improper Vastu."

People do not know that living and working in buildings not built

according to Vastu-vidya is in itself the basic cause of suffering.

-- "To make India Supreme and invincible forever through Vedic

principles of 'Heyam Duhkham Anaagatam' and 'Tat Sannidhau

Vairatyaagah'." Vedic Defence system means Victory Before War!


And much more…


The main tool in bringing about ideal Vedic society in the world is, of

course, the Programme of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and

TM-Sidhi. All the Vedic programmes of Ajeya Bharat Party are based on

the Self-realisation of the people! Once the Atma, the Self, is

permeating the personality and life - anything that is being done by

the person will be for good of him and the world.

One important aspect in this connection is the scientifice evidence of

the beneficial results of the regular experience of Transcendental

Consciousness - Atma. Over 600 scientific studies in all fields of life

have documented what Gita and the whole Vedic Literature are claiming

since time immemorial: First contact fully, or consciously realise, the

inner universal pure intelligence, Atma, (nistrai gunyo bhava,

niryogakshema, atmavaan Bh-G. II-45) and then do whatever you have to

do - you will do it better whether is the job, study, religion, etc. -

(Yogasthah kuru karmaani Bh-G. II-48)., and then evolution will be

fastest and Good will be added up to you (yogakshema vahaamyaham,

kshipram bhavati dharmaatmaa, Bh-G.).


I hope this has answered your questions. (If I have missed a point in

your questions, please don't hesitate to let me know)


With best wishes,






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