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[world-vedic] Lord Krsna

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Namaste; All respects to all the assembled devotees of the Lord.

Indeed,the Srimad Bagavatam says that we should have a respectful attitude

to all life forms. That also the lust between humans is on no higher a level

than that of worms interactions. Alas,we have fallen into this place of

birth & death,& we are all faced daily with our own means of extracation or

further implication with the Lords material energies,which are

unsurmountable for the jiva,except he surenders to the Lord .

Some more info concerning Lord Krsna & Lord Visnu-- Srimad

Bagavatam 12th canto. Many of the Yadhu's,Krsna's relatives,being instructed

to leave Dwarka,( due to many inauspicious omens noted by Lord Krsna ),left

for Prabasya to perform the rituals which Lord Krsna instructed them to .

After this was finished they all engaged in taking an intoxicating beverage

so much that quarreling broke out amonst them . Fathers fought with

sons,grandfathers with grandchildren,brothers against brothers,& even the

ladies like Subadra engaged in fighting . Then,becomming more & more

incensed by their intoxicated state,they mistook Lord Krsna,(who was

attempting to stop the fighting to no avail), & Lord Balarama also, for

enimies ,& attacked them,after which the Two Lords took up the bamboo

sticks which became hard like iron rods in their hands,& began moving

through those fighting. In this way the entire feild of Yadhus were killed,&

Lord Krsna retired to sit under a tree,appearing in His replendant form of

Lord Visnu,surrounded by His beautiful weapons & looking beautifully

composed. Daruka,His chariot driver came to the spot,taking the feet of the

Lord upon his head. Lord Krsna told him not to become upset,since it was

only His material energy displaying Its many facets. Daruka was amazed to

see the Lords chariot & weapons go up into the sky. He instructed Daruka to

go to Dwarka & inform those remaining about the fate of their family

members. Upon hearing of the death of their relatives the remaining

residents of Dwarka,sorrow striken, left for the area where the fighting

took place,& took care to see to the remains of their relatives,after which

they,(Vasudev & others), also left their bodies along with their wifes who

entered into the fire of their burning husbands.

A hunter by the name of Jara came to the spot where Lord Krsna was

sitting,& mistaking the Lords foot,for the face of a deer,shot an

arrow,hitting the Lords foot. Jara ,then came to see what he had done,& was

profusely sorry for his act. The Lord Krsna told him not to fret,& an

airoplane arrived to take Jara back to Godhead in his same form.

Thus the Lord Krsna departed from this earth plane,followed by

beauty,truthfulness,& other good qualities we are bereft of in this Kali

Yuga presently.

So also did Lord Rama depart from this plane,in a most dramatic

way,with the residents of Ayodya, entering & disappearing into the river


Only 500 years ago did Lord Chaitanya descend also to the land known

as India,where all incarnations of the Lord have appeared,such as,Lord

Buddha,Lord Krsna,& Lord Rama,just to name a few . Lord Chaitanya departed

by entering into the Jaganath Deity at Jaganath Puri,since He is not

different from Lord Jaganath.

Since the Lords material energies are endlessly mutable,what to speak

of the Source of energy,the spiritual energies,being vastly & inconceivably


All Glories to the pure devotee,A.C.Bhaktivedanta swami,who appeared in

Calcutta,1896, who came among us in North America, for some 12

years,displaying for all to experience ,the ecstatic symtoms of love for

God. Thus He imediately filled us with deep feelings of separation from

God,as He explained to us the Bagavad Gita,the Srimad Bagavatam, & the

Chaitanya Caritamrita. Thus,by comming across the pure servant of the

Lord,we all became filled with faith in His words.

Om ajnana timiran dasya,jnana jnana salakaya,chaskur umilitan

yena,tasmai sri gurudev namaha. I was born into the darkest region of

ignorance & my spiritual master has openned our eyes with the torch light of

transcendental knowledge. Thus we repeatedly offer our prostrated obeisances

unto Him,although He pointed out that best means of pleasing Him & the Lord

is to preach Krsna consciousness to all the fallen conditioned souls in this

material world,to our best capacity,by various means,such as the public

chanting of the Holy names of the Lord,as demonstrated also by Lord

Chaitanya Himself, by distributing books on Krsna consciousness,& by giving

out prasadam..

thank you Satyahit das

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