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[world-vedic] For the Love of Hanuman

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In response to your post:


>Hanuman's followers have brought, not only Hanuman, but his mood of

> devotion/Bhakti for God, to the whole world.


1) Neither Hanuman's nor Crhist's greatness are dependent upon whether

or not follower/devotees spread teachings, dogma, practices, etc. The

greatest testament to each is the state they achieved and the model

they present to humanity.


>Hanuman's glory and Love (are) available to anyone sincerely


>Unlike the "so called" Christians, Hanuman's followers never tried to


>people's faith in God.


2) The power of your message is diminished when you paint all followers

of Christ with the same brush. You make the same mistake as the

misguided sub-group of Christians you indite by superimosing the

imperfect practices of devotees over the perfect lives of living

Saints. Christ taught tolerance, forgiveness, humility, and love for

all- even one's enemies. There is a unity of purpose and action at work

in the lives of all Saints, Avatars, and gods. Christ's true words and

teachings belong to the same lineage as Lord Shiva, Saraswati, Ganesha,

Vishnu, Lakshmi, Durga, Hanuman, Rama, Krisha and the thousands of

fully realized teachers through the ages.


One must come to the conclusion that they are all true or all false.

Who among us has the right or authority to say that the Vedas are

divine scriture and the Bible is not, or that the Bible is but the

Quoran is not, or that the Gita is but the Sermon on the Mount is not?

I have never heard a great being speak or write these words.


My experience has been that all great beings are nothing more than

expressions of Divine Shakti that seem to be different to many because

they lack the discriminatory power to see the world as it really is.


Ours is a truly compassionate God because It sends rays of this Skati

to us in familiar forms! It is we, the devotees, that create the forms

thorugh which the Divine Principle reveals itself. If the time comes

when we can all recognize that we are one community, one people, with

the same unity of purpose- to know God- then the multitude of spiritual

paths will melt away. Only Brahman Itself will remain for our direct



Jaya Hanuman!

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