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[world-vedic] New Zealand Hare Krishna Spiritual Resource Network Newsletter

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Fri, 22 Oct 1999 17:28:08 +1300

jtcd.purohit (AT) priest (DOT) com

John Marshall / Jaya Tirtha Charan Dasa

New Zealand Hare Krishna Spiritual Resource Network Newsletter

#003 Karttik '99



New Zealand Hare Krishna Spiritual Resource Network Newsletter

- Number #003 (Kartik 1999)




)(|)< http://members.xoom.com/hknetworks/index.htm="">(|)(


--------------------< ISKCON="ISKCON" ki="ki" jaya="">---------------------

_0/\, ( PAMRO to you all)

_0____, All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I'd like to Officially welcome everyone who is receiving this

either directly from me or second or third hand from friends to

our Network. Many of you will have had a chance to view our

WWW-site by now - and the feedback has been appreciated. As we

expand the facility of resource more pages will appear, and with

the intent of assisting you all in the smooth execution of your

individual prescribed duties/services/functions. I trust that all

is well with everyone by the Mercy of the Lord. However, if anyone

would like to be removed please just send me a message requesting

me to do so, and I will do promptly. If you would like to be added

directly to the mailout please also let me know and I will do the

needful. Hare Krishna. =>B-) JTCd

This newsletter is best viewed using Courier New 9 font.




|)(|)( The Nectar in this Issue: )(|)(|)(|)<



IN="IN" THIS="THIS" ISSUE:="ISSUE:" WWW="WWW" -="-" news="news" and="and"

views:="views:" Calendar="Calendar" Updates.="Updates." Deals="Deals" for="for"

members:="members:" More="More" amazing="amazing" deals="deals" for="for"

everyone.="everyone." Missing="Missing" Links:="Links:" Talking="Talking"

of="of" that="that" have="have" you="you" visited="visited" the="the"

Darwinian="Darwinian" page?="page?" Advertisements:="Advertisements:"

check="check" them="them" out="out" Words="Words" of="of" Wisdom="Wisdom" -="-"

Shastra="Shastra" &="&" Shastrakaras="Shastrakaras" speak:="speak:"

(Srila="(Srila" Prabhupad="Prabhupad" &="&" the="the" previous="previous"

Acaryas)="Acaryas)" At="At" Grass="Grass" Roots:="Roots:" Y2K="Y2K"

Prasadam="Prasadam" Recipes:="Recipes:" Krishna="Krishna" conscious="conscious"

-="-" Vedikly="Vedikly" acceptable="acceptable" jokes:="jokes:"




)(|)( On the WWW News and Views: )(|)(|)(|)(|)



The Interactive Vaishnava Calendar page is comming along nicely:


You can view the Karttika pages there; Karttik; Damodar;

Bahulastami; Diwali; Govardhan Puja; Go-puja; and Srila Prabhupada

Tirubhav; Vijaya dasami; Durga puja, etc., pages.

The Glories of the month of Karttika are simply amazing just take

a minute to have a look at the Karttika Url, and have a read.


Go-puja and Govardhan Puja in Auckland is on 14th November

Ring 09 412 8075 for details.


Check out the Ekadasi pages that are coming together, with links

to every Ekadasi:



Some interesting Youth and Young devotees / young Hindus sites.

coming off the main index page:


Lots of NEW links....




|)(|)( Deals available for members:: )(|)(|)(|)<



Bhaktapus="Bhaktapus" is="is" no="no" ordinary="ordinary" Octopus="Octopus"

As="As" well="well" as="as" reaching="reaching" to="to" the="the" eight="eight"

directions="directions" He="He" also="also" reaches="reaches" to="to" the="the"

zeneth="zeneth" and="and" nadir="nadir" regions="regions" ...and="...and"

to="to" the="the" spiritual="spiritual" realm.="realm." _,||-._="_,||-._"

,'=",'" ||="||" `.="`." |\="|\" /="/" ,-.||,-.=",-.||,-." \="\" /|="/|"

)o),/=")o),/" (="(" (="(" o="o" )(=")(" o="o" )=")" )=")" \.(o(="\.(o("

/o///="/o///" /|="/|" `-'\/`-'="`-'\/`-'" |\="|\" \\\o\="\\\o\" /="/" /="/"

|\="|\" \(="\(" .="." ,="," )/=")/" /|="/|" \="\" \="\" |="|" |="|"

\o`-/="\o`-/" `\/'="`\/'" \-'o/="\-'o/" |="|" |="|" \="\" \="\" `,'="`,'"

`.'="`.'" /="/" /="/" \.="\." \="\" `-'="`-'" ,'|=",'|" /\="/\" |`.="|`."

`-'="`-'" /="/" ,/=",/" \`.="\`." `.__,'="`.__,'" /="/" /="/" \="\" \="\"

`.__,'="`.__,'" ,'/=",'/" \o\="\o\" ,'=",'" ,'=",'" `.="`." `.="`." /o/="/o/"

\o`---'="\o`---'" ,'=",'" `.="`." `---'o/="`---'o/" `.____,'="`.____,'"

bhaktapus="bhaktapus" `.____,'="`.____,'" Bhakta-pus="Bhakta-pus" is="is"

now="now" reaching="reaching" out="out" with="with" his="his" arms="arms"

to="to" find="find" deals,="deals," and="and" make="make"

advantages="advantages" for="for" devotees="devotees" who="who" want="want"

to="to" use="use" our="our" network.="network." As="As" new="new"

things="things" happen="happen" and="and" become="become" available="available"

we'll="we'll" keep="keep" y'll="y'll" informed="informed" about="about"

discounts="discounts" and="and" how="how" to="to" have="have" access="access"

to="to" them="them" -="-" what="what" to="to" do.="do."


This="This" is="is" a="a" totally="totally" free="free" service,="service,"

we="we" have="have" worked="worked" hard="hard" to="to" organise="organise"

it="it" please="please" make="make" good="good" use="use" of="of" it="it"

for="for" you="you" development="development" of="of" Krishna="Krishna"

Seva.="Seva." We="We" have="have" just="just" received="received" a="a"

shipment="shipment" of="of" books="books" from="from" HH="HH"

Bhaktivikash="Bhaktivikash" Swami="Swami" of="of" some="some" of="of" his="his"

books="books" in="in" print="print" at="at" present:="present:"

Glimpses="Glimpses" of="of" Traditional="Traditional" Indian="Indian"

Life:="Life:" NZ$22="NZ$22" including="including" postage="postage" in="in"

NZ="NZJourney=""Journey" to="to" the="the" REAL="REAL" India.="India."

Discover="Discover" the="the" wisdom="wisdom" and="and" devotion="devotion"

at="at" the="the" heart="heart" of="of" Indian="Indian" life.="life."

Meet="Meet" people="people" brought="brought" up="up" in="in" an="an"

atmosphere="atmosphere" of="of" Godliness.="Godliness." Find="Find" out="out"

how="how" it="it" shaped="shaped" their="their" character="character" and="and"

enriched="enriched" their="their" lives.="lives." Explore="Explore" also="also"

the="the" effects="effects" of="of" technological="technological"

development,="development," the="the" downfall="downfall" of="of"

hereditary="hereditary" culture,="culture," and="and" other="other"

causes="causes" of="of" India's="India's" present="present"

degradation."="degradation."" Find="Find" out="out" about:="about:"

Ideal="Ideal" Family="Family" Life="Life" Intercaste="Intercaste"

Harmony="Harmony" Uncommon="Uncommon" Scholarship="Scholarship" Simple="Simple"

Living="Living" &="&" High="High" Thinking="Thinking" Dependence="Dependence"

on="on" God="God" and="and" Nature="Nature" Woman;="Woman;"

Subordinate="Subordinate" Yet="Yet" Respected="Respected" ...and="...and"



My="My" Memories="Memories" of="of" Srila="Srila" Prabhupada:="Prabhupada:"

NZ$17="NZ$17" including="including" postage="postage" in="in" NZ="NZ" HH="HH"

Bhakti="Bhakti" Vikas="Vikas" Swami="Swami" recalls="recalls" his="his"

few,="few," but="but" precious,="precious," memories="memories" of="of"

the="the" most="most" significant="significant" person="person" to="to"

grace="grace" the="the" earth="earth" in="in" recent="recent" times.="times."

And="And" a="a" bonus="bonus" in="in" the="the" same="same" cover:="cover:"

On="On" serving="serving" Srila="Srila" Prabhupada="Prabhupada" in="in"

Separation="Separation" Speaking="Speaking" Strongly="Strongly" in="in"

Srila="Srila" Prabhupada's="Prabhupada's" Service="Service" We="We" just="just"

have="have" a="a" few="few" of="of" each="each" left,="left," get="get"

them="them" while="while" you="you" can...="can..."




|)(|)(="|)(|)(" Bringing="Bringing" together="together" missing="missing"

links:="links:" )(|)(|)(=")(|)(|)("



Place="Place" your="your" info'="info'" here:="here:" __|HM\="__|HM\"

/HH\.M|="/HH\.M|" Contrary="Contrary" to="to" the="the" last="last"

newsletter="newsletter" we="we" have="have" been="been" informed="informed"

HMHH\.|="HMHH\.|" that="that" the="the" program="program" in="in"

Palmerston="Palmerston" North="North" is="is" not="not" a="a" Loft="Loft"

\HMHH\|="\HMHH\|" rather="rather" just="just" a="a" couple="couple" of="of"

devotees="devotees" in="in" their="their" home="home" \\HMHH\="\\HMHH\" Bh="Bh"

Adam="Adam" and="and" Bhn="Bhn" Mary's="Mary's" Ph.="Ph." 06="06" 353="353"

0108.="0108." There's="There's" chanting,="chanting," HH\HMHH\="HH\HMHH\" a="a"

discussion="discussion" and="and" a="a" meal.="meal." Books="Books" are="are"

available="available" &="&" beads.="beads." HHH\HMHH\="HHH\HMHH\"

\HMHH\-HHH\="\HMHH\-HHH\" Bhaktine="Bhaktine" Ann="Ann" (of="(of" Glen="Glen"

and="and" Ann="Ann" -="-" Masterton)="Masterton)" \HMHH\.HHM\="\HMHH\.HHM\"

is="is" presently="presently" compiling="compiling" an="an" Ekadasi="Ekadasi"

Cookbook="Cookbook" \HMHH\.HMH\="\HMHH\.HMH\" if="if" members="members"

have="have" any="any" recipies="recipies" for="for" the="the" book="book"

|\HMHH\\HMH\="|\HMHH\\HMH\" or="or" suggestions="suggestions" please="please"

send="send" to="to" her="her" at="at" their="their" |H\HHH|="|H\HHH|"

\HMH\="\HMH\" e-mail="e-mail" address:="address:"

|MH\H/ \HMH\

|MH\ \HMH\ View Ahimsa's web-page:

\HMH\ http://members.xoom.com/hknetworks/Ahimsa4page.htm

\HMH\ __|HM|

\HMH\ /HH\.M|

\HMH\ |MHH\.|

\HMH\\HMHH\| If you have anything that you would

\HMH\\HMHH\ like to share or request, that can

\HMHH\HMHH\ be placed in this spot. You know

\HHHH\HMHH\ where to send it.



\HMHH\.HMH\ or alernately



|MH\H/ \H








(|)(|)( Advertisements: )(|)(|)(|)(|)(|)(|)




/ . \

|\_/| |

| | /|

..----------------------------' |

/ .-. |

| / \ |

| |\_. | http://members.xoom.com/hknetworks/index-deals4-devs.htm |

|\| | /| |

| `---' | Please take a moment to have a look |

| | |

| | /

| |----------------------'

\ |

\ /


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(|)( Words of Wisdom - Shastra &; Shastrakaras speak: )(|)(



Here's an amazing little essay by Srila Sac-cid Ananda Bhaktivinod

Thakur Prabhupad in 1896.





|)(|)( At Grass Roots: )(|)(|)(|)(|)(|)(



_(_)_ wWWWw _

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|// \\|/// \\\|//\\\|/// \|/// \\\|// \\|// \\\|//


If you have any news, events, functions, deals, etc., that you would

like to share with members then please do so by sending what you have

to us, we can pass them on in the next newsletter.

Check out this page:


Sri Nrsimhadev Martial Arts - Carterton, Wairarapa.




|)(|)( Prasadam Recipies: )(|)(|)(|)(



Macaroni And Cheese With Vegetables


Serves 6



8 oz (250 grms) Pasta (bow-ties or ribbed)

3 tb Butter-Ghee or Margarine, divided

1 tb Unbleached Flour

3/4 cup Milk

1/2 cup Grated Cheddar cheese (2 oz)

1/2 cup Grated Parmesan cheese(2 oz) (or 1 cup of Tararua)

1 tb Chopped fresh parsley

1 ts Basil

1/4 tsp Paprika

1/4 tsp White Pepper

2 cups Broccoli florets

½ cup Black Olives

Med sweet red pepper,chopped into ¼ inch squares

1 tsp Table Salt


Bring a large pot of water to boil; cook pasta until al dente.

While pasta is cooking, in med saucepan, melt 2 Tbs. of the ghee,

butter fat or margarine.

Remove from heat; add flour and salt, and stir until blended in

to make the base of a sauce.

Whisk in milk, stirring over med heat until mixture comes to a

boil and thickens.

Reduce heat to low.

Stir in cheeses and spices - and add the Olives

(some may prefer to put the Olives on top).

Continue stirring until cheese is melted.

Remove from heat and set aside.

In a large skillet, melt remaining 1 T margarine.

Add remaining ingredients.

Cook vegetables, stirring constantly, for about 5 minutes,

until tender/crisp.

Reduce heat to low.

When noodles are done, drain well.

Toss with vegetables; stir in cheese sauce.

If you are REALY adventurous sprinkle the top with a layer of

cheese and bake in the oven, or lightly grill the top.

(this is where some may prefer to have the Olives on top with

a little added White Pepper, Paprika and Basil.)

Offer hot



1 cup (250 ml) milk

2 cups (500 ml) water

1 Tbs (15 ml) Ghee or vegetable oil

1 tsp (5 ml) salt

3 cups (750 ml) all-purpose flour

1 tsp (5 ml) baking powder

1/4 tsp (1 ml) vanilla extract

Ghee or Vegetable oil for deep frying

Powdered (confectioner's) sugar, or Vanilla sugar for dusting

Combine the milk, water, tablespoon of vegetable oil, and salt in a

large saucepan and bring almost to a boil over high heat. Add the

flour a little at a time, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon over

low heat. When it has formed a smooth paste, remove it from the heat

and add the baking powder and vanilla. Continue stirring until

thoroughly combined. Heat the oil to a temperature of about 325F

(160C), or until the surface shimmers. Place the dough in a pastry

bag with a wide, star tip. Typically, churros are about 1/2 inch (1

cm) in diameter, with ridges running their length. Pipe the dough

into the hot oil, forming straight fritters 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20

cm) in length. Fry until golden brown and remove to paper towels to

drain. Serve immediately, dusted with powdered sugar.

Serves 6 to 8.


Check out heaps of information on Vegetarianism, Prasadam-ism,

download books, Vegetarian Recipie programs, and more.






)(|)( Krishna Conscious - Vedikly acceptable Jokes: )(|)<



A="A" man="man" spoke="spoke" frantically="frantically" into="into" the="the"

phone,="phone,My=""My" wife="wife" is="is" pregnant="pregnant" and="and"

her="her" contractions="contractions" are="are" only="only" two="two"

minutes="minutes" apart!"="apart!"Is=""Is" this="this" her="her"

first="first" child?"="child?"" the="the" doctor="doctor" asked.="asked."

"No,=""No," you="you" idiot!"="idiot!"" the="the" man="man" shouted,="shouted,"

"this=""this" is="is" her="her" husband!"="husband!""

*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^="*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^" [Text="[Text"

2315302="2315302" from="from" COM]="COM]" If="If" lawyers="lawyers" are="are"

disbarred="disbarred" and="and" clergymen="clergymen" defrocked,="defrocked,"

doesn't="doesn't" it="it" follow="follow" that="that"

electricians="electricians" can="can" be="be" delighted,="delighted,"

musicians="musicians" denoted,="denoted," cowboys="cowboys"

deranged,="deranged," models="models" deposed,="deposed," tree="tree"

surgeons="surgeons" debarked="debarked" and="and" dry="dry" cleaners="cleaners"

depressed?="depressed?" If="If" you="you" take="take" an="an"

Oriental="Oriental" person="person" and="and" spin="spin" him="him"

around="around" several="several" times,="times," does="does" he="he"

become="become" disoriented?="disoriented?" Why="Why" do="do" we="we" say="say"

something="something" is="is" out="out" of="of" whack?="whack?" What="What"

is="is" a="a" whack?="whack?" Why="Why" do="do" overlook="overlook" and="and"

oversee="oversee" mean="mean" opposite="opposite" things?="things?" Why="Why"

isn't="isn't" 11="11" pronounced="pronounced" onety="onety" one?="one?"

Why="Why" is="is" it="it" that="that" if="if" someone="someone" tells="tells"

you="you" that="that" there="there" are="are" 40="40" billion="billion"

stars="stars" in="in" the="the" universe="universe" you="you" will="will"

believe="believe" them,="them," but="but" if="if" they="they" tell="tell"

you="you" a="a" wall="wall" has="has" wet="wet" paint="paint" you="you"

will="will" have="have" to="to" touch="touch" it="it" to="to" be="be"

sure?="sure?" *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^="*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^" A="A"

devotee="devotee" was="was" giving="giving" class="class" and="and" was="was"

saying="saying" how="how" wonderful="wonderful" the="the" sanskrit="sanskrit"

language="language" is.="is." He="He" was="was" telling="telling" of="of"

the="the" laws="laws" of="of" grammar,="grammar," and="and" the="the"

Divine="Divine" nature="nature" of="of" it="it" all.="all." He="He" was="was"

saying="saying" how="how" in="in" sanskrit="sanskrit" there="there" can="can"

be="be" many="many" meaning="meaning" to="to" words="words" unlike="unlike"

any="any" other="other" language.="language." He="He" then="then" told="told"

of="of" grammar="grammar" that="that" allowed="allowed" the="the" rare="rare"

and="and" near="near" magical="magical" use="use" of="of" a="a" double="double"

positive="positive" to="to" mean="mean" a="a" negative="negative" in="in" a="a"

sentance.="sentance." At="At" this="this" point="point" another="another"

devotee="devotee" said,="said,Yeah,=""Yeah," right!!!"="right!!!""

*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^="*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^" [Text="[Text"

1521271="1521271" from="from" COM]="COM]" A="A" LESSON="LESSON" IN="IN"

HIMILITY:="HIMILITY:" [What="[What" follows="follows" is="is" a="a"

transcript="transcript" of="of" an="an" ACTUAL="ACTUAL" radio="radio"

conversation="conversation" between="between" a="a" U.S.="U.S." naval="naval"

ship="ship" and="and" Canadian="Canadian" authorities="authorities" off="off"

the="the" coast="coast" of="of" Newfoundland.]="Newfoundland.]"

Canadians:="Canadians:" Please="Please" divert="divert" your="your"

course="course" 15="15" degrees="degrees" to="to" the="the" south="south"

to="to" avoid="avoid" a="a" collision.="collision." Americans:="Americans:"

Recommend="Recommend" you="you" divert="divert" your="your" course="course"

15="15" degrees="degrees" to="to" the="the" north="north" to="to" avoid="avoid"

a="a" collision.="collision." Canadians:="Canadians:" Negative.="Negative."

You="You" will="will" have="have" to="to" divert="divert" your="your"

course="course" 15="15" degrees="degrees" to="to" the="the" south="south"

to="to" avoid="avoid" a="a" collision.="collision." Americans:="Americans:"

This="This" is="is" the="the" captain="captain" of="of" a="a" U.S.="U.S."

Navy="Navy" ship.="ship." I="I" say="say" again,="again," divert="divert"

YOUR="YOUR" course.="course." Canadians:="Canadians:" No.="No." I="I" say="say"

again,="again," you="you" divert="divert" YOUR="YOUR" course.="course."

Americans:="Americans:" THIS="THIS" IS="IS" THE="THE" AIRCRAFT="AIRCRAFT"












Canadians:="Canadians:" Er....this="Er....this" is="is" a="a"

lighthouse.="lighthouse." Your="Your" call.="call."




)(|)( A Grateful Word to our Supporters: )(|)(|)<



Many="Many" thanks="thanks" to="to" all="all" the="the" readers="readers"

who="who" have="have" one="one" way="way" or="or" another="another"

d="d" to="to" N.Z.H.K.S.R.Network="N.Z.H.K.S.R.Network"

in="in" the="the" last="last" few="few" weeks.="weeks." Your="Your"

interest="interest" and="and" support="support" makes="makes" this="this"

work="work" possible.="possible." Those="Those" wishing="wishing" to="to"

add="add" to="to" this="this" Network,="Network," send="send"

donations,="donations," and="and" or="or" information="information" by="by"

regular="regular" mail,="mail," write="write" to:="to:" 43,="43," Kea="Kea"

Street,="Street," Katikati="Katikati" Bay="Bay" of="of" Plenty,="Plenty,"

3063.,="3063.," Aotearoa,="Aotearoa," New="New" Zealand.="Zealand." If="If"

you="you" would="would" be="be" so="so" kind="kind" as="as" to="to" let="let"

me="me" know="know" your="your" views="views" on="on" this="this"

newsletter="newsletter" please="please" do="do" it="it" here="here" ...="..."

Would you like to see this newsletter sent out:

According to feedback from our readers we are trying to put out the

newsletter Bi-monthly, I hope that this is okay with everyone, and it

will be shorter. See you in a couple of weeks.


This newsletter is NEVER sent out unsolicited. If you are receiving

this because of a friend giving us your address, and you would rather

NOT receive mail from us, please send us a message saying Un,

and we will do the needful immediately. We apologise for any

inconvenience caused.






|_____|_____Please pardon the intrusion_|____|______|

Under Bill s.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th US Congress this

letter cannot be considered spam as long as the sender includes

contact information &; a method of removal.

If somehow you are receiving this double - ie., at home and in the

office please let me know, and your preferential option =>:-) JTCd





* Purohit JAya Tirtha ChAran dAsan \\\\ //// ø |\/\/\/| º *


* jtcd (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz \\ || // °|/\/\/\| ¤


* ( @\/@ ) ¤|\/\/\/| ø ¤


* | | oOOo-(_)-oOOo ° ¤


* | | Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


* |__| Hare RAma Hare RAma RAma RAma Hare Hare


* ( ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oooo~~~~~~~~~~~


* \/ oooO ( )


* Phone: +64 7 549 1807 ( ) ) / /\


* (Plus 11:30 Hrs GMT.) \ ( (_/ \(__)/


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* =>:-) Om tat yajumAnam sArvam kArmani (~~~~)


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* http://welcome.to/jtcds-functional-priest-Home-Page


* http://www.iskcon.net/nz-namahatta/jtcd/1-homepage.html


* http://www.iskcon.net/nz-namahatta/jtcd/2-sacredrites.html


* http://www.iskcon.net/nz-namahatta/jtcd/3-synastry.html


* http://members.xoom.com/hknetworks/index.htm




* International Society for Krishna Consciousness Inc.






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