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[world-vedic] Christian Missionaries & Southern Baptists

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Good wishes to all

1/ Recent articles have stated that the US christian missionaries came with

bibles & the people ended up with the bibles while the missionaries ended up

with the peoples land.

2/ Another article has protested against Hindhus being grossly defamed by

southern baptists on a large scale.

A famous christian tv personality ,Jimmy Swaggart,. used to say openly

that if you didn't have Jesus you were going to hell. He included

Bhuddists,Hindhus & everyone else who didn't accept his doctrine of Lord


Lord Krsna in Bagavad Gita clearly explains that in this world there are

demons, devotees. Lord Krsna also explains that He accepts food offerings of

vegetarian substances only. Certainly the demons problem is one of

ignorance,but God has offered us all some independance to choose our path or

attitude towards life. And certainly it is good to preach the non sectarean

message of sanatan dharma wherein all life forms are a part of the same

Whole & the human form of life is mean't for self or God realization.

Everyone naturally has the same God. Although this attack by southern

baptists may be responded to by reason,logic & preaching,we should not be

naive. Neither should the Indian government allow foreigners to usurp their

own people under disguise of better religion.

Since Lord Krsna states clearly that meat eating & animal slaughter is

demonic,then those following the flesh eating program are recognized clearly

as demons,& especially those who also make a point to attack sanatan

dharma,& deity worship as "nauseating". There may be many inocent meat

eaters since everyone is led into it in North America,but those who attack &

blaspheme deities of the Lord are not innocent,they are behaving in a way

absolutely uncondusive to any peaceful solution & should be regarded as a

real menace to peace. If one dosen't know about deity worship there is no

nescesity for them to blaspheme,they may inquire if interested. Simply

provoking a fight or an argument without inquiry is mean't to be an

aggressive act,& not one of thoughtful contemplation.

Which countries government upholds the basic principles of religion ?

None that i know of ! Animal slaughter is against Gods laws & this is

condonned by all world governments.

The great emperor Ashoka,(268-233 B.C.) said," Moreover I have had

banyan trees planted on the roads to give shade to man & beast; I have

planted mango groves ,& have had ponds dug & shelters errected along the

roads at every eight kos,( a days journey), Everywhere I had wells dug for

the benefit of man & beast....What i have done has been done so that all men

may conform to righteousness. All the good deeds that I have done have been

accepted & followed by the people. And so obediance to mother &

father,obediance to teachers,respect for the aged,kindness to ascetics &

brahmans,to the poor & weak,and to slaves & servants,have increased & will

continue to increase....And this progress of Righteousness among men haqs

taken place in two manners,by enforcing conformity to Righteousness,& by

exhortation. I have enforced the law against killing certain animals and

many others,but the greatest progress of Righteousness among men comes from

exhortation in favor of non injury to life and abstention from killing

living beings."

The Emporer Ashoka was a devout follower of Lord Budha & he enforced the

principal of ahimsa or non violence in the whole land of India at that time.

The following quote is taken from . "Travel Report on India" Translated

by James Legge in H.H Gowen. History of Indian Literature New York :


Fa Hien a chineese traveller & writter is quoted. " The people (of India of

the fifth century),are numerous & happy; they have not to register their

households ,or attend to any magistrates or their rules;only those who

cultivate the royal land have to pay a portion of the gain from it. If they

want to go ,they go ; if they want to stay they stay. The king governs

without decapitation or corporeal punishments .Criminals are simply fined

....even in cases of repeated attempts at wicked rebellion,they only have


KILL ANY LIVING CREATURE ,nor do they eat onions or garlic." These quotes in

turn were taken from "The Portable Dragon". by R.G.H.Siu The Western Mans

Guide to the I Ching.

These southern baptists or whatever they are,who say all but them goes

to hell;neither do they beleive in vedic or any astrolgy,nor i ching,nor

tarot,nor any free thinking process of self realization. They simply pat

themselves on their backs while shoving in the beef.

If someone or some class of persons claiming some sort of religion

attacks Hindhus or their deity worship,& they are meat eaters which is

always the case,then they are understood to be fools & rascals & must be

treated as such. We quote what Lord Krsna says & what the Srimad Bagavatam

,(the Veda),says. This gives us the understanding of what others are saying

& doing.


Satyahit das

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