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that all meat eaters are not considered demoniac. However The modern

day system of mass slaughter of animals is certainly demoniac. This is

a self evident fact. We don't need to turn to the Vedic scriptures to

recognize this. So many of the earths precious resources are used to

support the meat industry. The grain it takes to get one hamburger,

from a fattened beef cow, could literally feed hundreds of starving

children. Over 80% of USA drinking water is used for beef cattle. Over

80% of the corn, soy, wheat etc grown is used to feed beef cattle. The

fact is, the meat industry is a vampire like parasite on the earth's

resources. It is unsustainable and completely out of balance with the

needs of the earth as a whole.

e/images/s_buddha_tib.gif" align="left">

According to Vedic culture, one is allowed to eat meat, but within

limits. The first rule is "Never kill the cow because she is a mother

figure." Another important rule is that one must kill the animal

themself. One must also whisper into the animal's ear,"As I am doing to

you, you may do to me." Because meat is an unneccesary part of the

diet, the Vedic culture does not allow one to forget the high price one

must pay for eating meat.

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About Slavery: One of the definative aspects of True Vedic Culture is

its strong support of the right of the individual to pursue their

chosen path. No Being can be forced to act beyond the bounds of their

Dharma. So the concept of a slave being bought, sold and torn asunder

from their loved ones does not enter the picture. In a true Vedic

society, all living beings, not just humans, had full rights, equal to

any citizen, including "DASAS"(slaves).In other words, if a DASA

decided that he/she could no longer maintain their dharma as a Dasa,

he/she would be within their rights to renounce their position. The

Lord/Master would be forced to comply with the DASA's desire.

The transalation of the word DASA into Slave is somewhat arbitrary and

does not really compare.The term Slave comes from the word Slav. This

came about because most slaves were originally Slavics. The horror and

mistreatment of these slaves, along the terror experienced by the

African slaves can not, at all, be equated with the Vedic System of

DASAS. The DASAS of Vedic Civilization were not living under the

tyranny of ruthless masters such as the slaves of recent history.

Another point to consider: Most people today are in a position of

slavery. The society we live in today enslaves the masses through an

employment system which leaves no real room for any progress, spiritual

or material. Yes, there are no slave blocks, as in the past, but there

is no real individual freedom compared to the individual freedoms

enjoyed by the people of the Ancient Vedic Civilization.

When we want to get a clear picture of REAL VEDIC CIVILIZATION, we must

look to the ancient Vedic culture that predates 5000 BC. The fact is,

Lord Buddha and Zorarastra both developed spiritual paths that rejected

the Vedic scriptures, because of the massive abuse of power and ritual

by the higher castes.Against the teachings of all the vedic

scriptures, people were being judged by their birth and family rather

than by character. In other words, Brahmanas and Kshatriyas were

inheriting their positions rather than earning them. People were

slaughtering innocent animals in the name of engaging in Vedic

ritualistic sacrifices. Seeing the corrupt state of affairs, Lord

Buddha, in a seeming paradox, purified Vedic Culture by rejecting the

Vedas, and the dependance on ritual, and reestablished the right of

individual spiritual growth. Emperor Ashoka was one of these Buddhist


Why such a noble soul didn't create a movement to free the DASAS is

because of the simple fact that the DASAS were not an oppressed class

toiling away at the whims of their masters. The DASAS can be more

accurately compared to the modern day housemaid or in a worst case

scenario, the indentured servant of the recent past. That is why modern

followers of Vedic Culture translate the term DASA to mean "SERVANT."

Just like my initiated name is Vrindavan DASA, or servant of

Vrindavan=Forest of Tulasi=Holy Basil.

om/science/worship/tulasi.jpg" align="center">

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