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[world-vedic] Superior Civilization!!

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India may have had a superior civilization with possible

contacts with extraterrestrial visitors, and the

flying devices called 'Vimanas' described in ancient Indian

texts may underline their possible

connections with today's aerospace technology, an Italian

scientist told the World Space

Conference here today. Dr. Roberto Pinotti asked the

delegates to examine in detail the Hindu

texts instead of dismissing 'all the Vimana descriptions and

traditions as mere myth.' "The

importance of such studies and investigations could prove to

be shocking for today's man because

the existence of flying devices beyond mythology can only be explained

with a forgotten superior civilization on

earth," he said. Pointing out that Indian Gods and heroes fought in the

skies using piloted vehicles with terrible


Dr. Pinotti said they were similar to modern jet propelled

flying machines. 32 secrets: He said certain

descriptions of the Vimanas seemed 'too detailed and technical in

nature to be labeled as myth.' He cited various

texts to show there were 32 secrets relating to the operation of

Vimanas, some of which could be compared to

modern day use of radar, solar energy and photography. Quoting from

'Vymanika Shastra' he said the ancient

flying devices of India were made from special heat absorbing metals

named 'Somaka, Soundalike and

Mourthwika.' He said the text also discussed the seven kinds of mirror

and lenses installed aboard for defensive

and offensive uses. The so-called 'Pinjula Mirror' offered a sort of

'visual shield' preventing the pilots from being

blinded by 'evil rays' and the weapon 'Marika' used to shoot enemy

aircraft 'does not seem too different from

what we today called laser technology,' he said.

According to the Italian expert, the 'principles of Page 1

propulsion as far as the descriptions were concerned,

might be defined as electrical and

chemical but solar energy was also

involved. For instance, the 'Tripura

Vimana' mentioned in 'Vymanika

Shastra' was a large craft operated by

'motive power generated by

solar rays,' Dr. Pinotti said, adding

'its elongated form was surely

much closer to that of a modern

blimp.' Sophisticated design:

According to Dr. Pinotti, the huge

'Shakuna Vimana' described in the

text 'might be defined as a cross

between a plane and a rocket of our

times and its design might remind one

of today's space shuttle.'

'Surely, it expresses the most complex

and sophisticated aeronautical

design among all the other

descriptions of Vimanas mentioned in the

'Vymanika Shastra,' he said.


He described the author of the treatise 'Vymanika Shastra' as

a man 'attempting to explain an advanced

technology.' Dr. Pinotti, who has

made an exhaustive study of the

history of Indian astronautics, said

another text, 'Samarangana

Sutradhara' had 230 stanzas devoted

to the principles of building

Vimanas and their use in peace and

war. He said ancient Aryans

knew the use of the element 'fire' as

could be seen from their 'Astra'

weapons that included Soposamhara

(flame belching missile),

Prasvapna (which caused sleep) and

four kinds of Agni Astras that

traveled in sheets of flame and

produced thunder. He said the car

that was supposed to go up to

Suryamandal (solar system) and the

Naksatramandala (stellar system) cannot be dismissed as a myth because

of the 'technical nature' of its

description. Dr. Pinotti said depictions of space travel, total

destruction by incredible weapons and the fact that

Vimanas resembled modern unidentified flying objects would suggest that

India had a 'superior but forgotten

civilization.' 'In the light of this, we think it will be better to

examine the Hindu texts' and subject the descriptive

models of Vimanas to more scientific scrutiny,' he said.--

Jerry W. Decker.........Ron

Barker...........Chuck Henderson - Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet

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