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[world-vedic] Aryan invasion theory

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Aryan Invasion Theory


"In the days when historian supposed that history had begun with

Greece, Europe gladly believed that India

has been a hotbed of barbarism. In 1924 the world of scholarship was

again roused by news from India. Sir

John Marshall announced that he had discovered at Mohenjo-daro, on the

western bank of the lower Indus,

remains of what seemed to be an older civilization than any yet know to

historians. The indications are that

Mohenjo-daro was at its height when Cheops built the first great

pyramid; that it had commercial, religious, and

artistic connections with Sumeria, and Babylonia. It survived over 3000

years, until the third century before

Christ." (Source: "The Story of Civilization" by Will Durant pg



Since the nineteenth century, India's ancient history from Vedic times

and the true content of the Veda have both

been distorted by a blinkered and unsympathetic scholarship. British

rulers, European scholars and missionaries

combined in a campaign to disparage the roots of Indian civilization,

and used the wholly groundless Aryan

Invasion theory to sow seeds of division in the Indian society -

"divide and rule," but also "divide and convert."

The same fallacies continue to be promoted today. Unfortunately, many

of the wounds the Aryan invasion theory

inflicted on Indian society are still painfully open today, nurtured as

they have been by missionaries, Marxist

historians and politicians, who together have made sure that divisions

between castes have been sharpening

rather than subsiding - for the simple reason that without such

divisions they would all be out of business. Today,

it is necessary to examines the birth of the Aryan myth, and the

misuses it has bred; it then gives a fresh look at

the invasion theory in the light of recent scientific evidence, and

shows how it now stands overwhelmingly



Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, famous for his work on the Indian Constitution, as

well as his campaign in support of the

Harijans, studied the Vedas. His conclusion are unequivocal, though

regrettably they are largely ignored. This is

what he said:

" The theory of invasion is an invention. This invention is

necessary because of a gratuitous assumption that

the Indo-Germanic people are the purest of the modern representation of

the original Aryan race. The theory is

perversion of scientific investigation. It is not allowed to evolve out

of facts. On the contrary, the theory is

preconceived and facts are selected to prove it. It falls to the ground

at every point. The Vedas do not know of

any such race as the Aryan race."

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