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[world-vedic] ON CHESS-From Satyahit

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>"Ron &Keli Conroy" <chaitanya

>"Vrn Davan" <vaidika1008



>Tue, 16 Nov 1999 09:18:33 -0800



> Concerning the history of chess & the article on this subject by


>With out going into the story in detail, readers of the Srimand

>Bagavatam,which was translated into the "Krsna Book",contains a story in

>which Lord Balarama was playing chess with the king of Kalinga. It was


>who advised the king to play with Lord Balaramaji in the kingdom known as

>Bhojataka. "Amongst the ksatriya kings,betting & gambling in chess was not

>uncommon. If someone challenged a freind to play on the chess board,the

>freind could not deny the challenge". page 51, volume two ,original edition

>of Krsna Book by Swami Bhaktivedanta,which was incidentally funded by


>Harrison,with an introduction by George Harrison, under the title of Apple

>records in the first volume. There were 3 original volumes which quickly

>became famous among devotees.

> These events are known to have occured some 5000 years ago when Lord


>Krsna was present on earth. The Srimad Bagavatam was spoken by Sukadev

>goswami at the forest of Naimisaranya,(which is outside of Lucknow), &

>recorded after the departure of Lord Krsna.

> The conception hard for most of us now present to conceive of ,is


>ancient cultures were more advanced human civilizations,especially

>morally,in all ways. This conception is verified by the idea of the 4 yugas

>discussed within the Bagavad Gita & spoken by Lord Krsna who is the

>Ultimate Authority, from our point of veiw. Human civilization begins at


>peak in the Satya yuga,with degradation setting in gradually over time

>during the cycle of the 4 yugas. Duration of

>life,strength,memory,beauty,intelligence,& mercy decline with the change of

>yugas descending into the present & final in sequence of the four

>yugas,Satya,Treta,Dvapara,(Dwapaura),& finally Kali yuga. These 4 yugas are

>like the change of winter,spring,summer & fall seasons,in that they go on

>changing in sequence within each comming new year. Similarily the 4 yugas

>descending from Satya to Kali go on rotating as long as this material world

>is manifest. And this also comes & goes in perfect sequence. The spiritual

>world in which time is conspicuous by its absence,& death does not occur,is

>always ever present. Socrates analogy of people/men being born into a cave

>gives us the same idea,that the real world lies beyond the realm of out

>senses,& is not readily perceived without hearing from an authority on this

>subject matter,which is not matter at all.

> Due to the massive influence of technology,& those in power


>themselves continuously to the masses,it is mistakenly thought that we now

>live at the most advanced time of human civilization,whereas actually just

>the opposite is true. Any civilization which slaughters the cow & bull


>even considered civilized by standard of the Vedic culture.

> As was pointed out in certain ways by a recent previous article,the

>vedic culture has been in South America. Similarily an anceint Hopi beleif

>system is practically exactly like the Yuga system mentioned by Lord Krsna

>except that the Hopi system contained 5 changing yugas, or major times on


> Incidentally,the yuga conception along with beleif in a Supreme Being


>& reincarnation of the individual spirit soul, was also held in common.

> Previously,persons who propagated ideas contrary to scripture or truth

>were kept under control by the good Kings. Anyone today,seeped in the


>of democracy, will undoubtedly say,that no single person is alert to the

>absolute truth of things,but this is simply another misconception held by

>todays masses.

> Previously in vedic times the kings were good & so were their


>The event of nationalism is also contrary to vedic culture in which there

>ruled one Emporer over one country & all paid homage as in the case of the

>Emporer Yudhisthir,who was one of the pandava brothers.

> The kali yuga or the final age in the continual ongoing cycles of the 4

>ages,is occuring at present & began some 5000 years previous. In actual


>,in this age the people in general are more confused than ever. ie There is

>constant threat of nuclear war,& now there is also continual threat of

>natural disaster,(floods,earthquake,severe heat & cold), which is presently

>occuring with more & more frequency world wide. So; wars occuring now in

>many countries ,simultaneously,global pollution of many toxic

>forms,heightend crime of all sorts including rape,theft,& murder of young


>older persons is now common . Each person born grows up thinking that

>,"this is normal",unless they hear from a superior source to that of the

>present mind set taught in all schools & universities world wide. But the

>fact that human civilization is daily degrading becomes more & more evident

>to the student of the Srimad Bagavatam & Bagavad Gita. However this is not

>simply a depressing thought since the vedas give evidence & ways of

>attaining the eternal life of the soul,in bliss,& knowledge. This is also

>not to say that we may not turn the earth into a sort of heavenly place for

>we may,but the present governments of the entire world behave & rule in


>which shall only increase the hardships of the citizens.

> Thus,we realize that the themes of the Srimad Bagavatam certainly run

>contrary to present day governmental rulership thought but it is up to us


>somehow spread this information for the good of the people,nay,all life


> Just see how in Comunist atheist China now forming greater trading ties

>with the rest of the world,even persons from simple meditation groups are

>imprisonned for life in labour camps to be grossly mistreated & our leaders

>do trade with these atheistic people for their own benefit,but not for that

>of the masses . Imorality,& crime are way up, & our so called leaders are

>continuously caught in illegal affairs. They, themselves are not properly

>trained as leaders .They simply receive the modern univesity education


>is valueless except for making money & earning a living which is definetly

>the botrtom line today. People were calling our civilization a "rat race ',

>many years ago,or another expression commonly used describing our modern

>culture is "dog eat dog" ,

> Government workers are paid to think up new & newer ways to tax the

>people so that they have more money for weaponry & ther military which is

>the single greatest expenditure today. For example my good wife works at


>Camosun Colledge here in Victoria B.C. & for the last year the colledge

>staff has been arguing the case which the government presented to them in

>order to tax what used to be free arking for the staff at the Colledge. Not

>only did the government workers with their fertile brains think of taxing

>parking, but they also thought to tax it retroactivly into the past when

>this was not even in force ,which is a gross cheating . They also wanted to

>charge the staff $418,per persdon per year, out of the blue . The

>administrators of the Colledge brought the $418 down to $250 & won against

>the retroactive idea. Now,with government paid workers constantly trying to

>think up new ways to tax every conceivable thing which is free or included

>.they simply turn the pressure up & up on everyone. Thus we have the modern

>Rat Race which simply increases the anxiety of the poor citizens daily.

> Incidentally,although our illustrious medical leaders speak of so much

>progress in health,still everyone who is born dies,and never was there so

>much pollution especially for city kids as there is now.

> The entire world culture is strongly contaminated by greed for

>money,which destroys the forests,the oceans & the land. The old concept of

>families living peacefully in the country side has actually been abolished


>it has been over the last few decades that the poorer section of families

>owning farm properties both in the USA & Canada were forced off their land

>in droves due to increased manipulation of taxes.

> We are sorry,but we have very little,or nothing at all to say which is

>positive about present day governments. The world is badly & sadly in need

>of Vedic rulers ! ! !

>Satyahit das




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