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A Post-Modern Demand for Historic


In any investigation one must use evidence. The evidence can come

from many sources, but a conscientious investigator is not swayed by

the various prejudices and biases, that he or she will be confronted

with. The present state of world history, as taught in a majority of

schools, is fraught with theories, assumptions and outright cultural

and racial prejudices. This is especially clear in the current field of

Indian historical studies.


Many of the current theories find their roots in the 19th century, a

time of European world domination. From the genocidal doctrine of

America's 'Manifest Destiny' to the British colonial and Christian

missionaries' 'Theory of White Man's Burden', one can clearly see the

unworthy and unstable foundations upon which Western historical

research stands. The fact is that the expansionist agendas of the 19th

century European/American nations were enthusiastically supported by

many of the intellectual elite, who devoted volumes of the books to the

scholarly rationalization of European world domination. This fact alone

not only damages the validity of their opinions, but actually

discredits them. If presented in a legal setting, this so-called

scholarly evidence would be thrown out of court.

Another Western misconception is the supposed anti-women bias of Vedic

culture. The truth is the Vedic culture promotes the greatest potential

of femininity, whereas Western culture perceives equality to mean the

masculinization of woman.

Another fallacy of the modem theorists is the assumption that humanity

has always been driven by animalistic drivcs such as lust. greed,

jealousy, etc. The problem is compounded by their attempts to measure

past human events by comparing them with current trends in human

affairs. With such an unscientific approach to historical research, the

need for an accurate and objective revision is extreme.

It is obvious that the Aryan/Indo-European theories evolved out of the

colonial era's expansionist mold. With these theories now exposed

false, there are many questions that remain 'officially' unanswered.

Many aspects of ancient Indian history demand to be reviewed,

researched and, in many cases, revised.

For example, 'Alexander the Great's' ambiguous retreat from India. Why

would his victorious armies mutiny on the threshold of reaching their

goal of India? Mysteriously, after allegedly defeating the powerful

king Puru (Poros), the Greeks decided to mutiny and march back to

Persia. These inconsistencies are analyzed by H.C. Seth in his paper,

'Was Poros the victor at the battle of Jhelum?' Also the ancient

Ethiopic Text covering the life of Alexander(edited and translated by

E.A.W. Bad Alexander, reveals a picture of defeated Alexander.

Manu finds common usage in cultures, as in the Vedic Manu, the

Teutonic Manus, the first Egyptian king Menes, the Polynesian Menehune,

etc. Danu is a Vedic progenitor goddess and in Celtic tradition Danu is

also a progenitor goddess, as in 'Tuata te Dannan', or 'Children of

Danu'. The word Arya is found in many cultures, as in the Ayar founders

of the Incas, or in the Polynesian word Ari'i, meaning 'chief or

'noble.' We also have the 'Eire' of Ireland, and the word 'aristrocat'

also has its roots in the word Arya. In Sumerian we have the word Ara

meaning 'lofty', and some say the name Sumeria comes from the Sanskrit

'Soma- Arya'.

In a book called 'India in Greece', author Pococke suggests many clues

connecting ancient Greece with ancient India. Although somewhat

speculative, many of the author's points make much more sense than many

of the presently accepted theories. For example, the first Greek king

is said to have come from Gaia. If this is read as Greek, he would be

thought of as coming from the earth. However, if read as Sanskrit, Gaia

becoi-nes Gaya, the famoits holy city in India. Instead of coming out

of the earth, it makes sense for him to have come from a historical

place. Pococke also points out that the major mountain chain of Greece

is called Othrys, and an ancient name of the Himalayas is the Adhri. In

the Nordic tradition heaven is called Himmel, very close to the word

Himalayas, the location of Kailash. In his book 'Art and Culture of

India and Egypt' author S.M. El-Mansori proves the ancient connections

between these cultures. This is a very important field of research that

has not been given the attention it deserves.

The world-wide prevalence of Swastikas has also not been adequately

explained, nor has the prevalence of the name Rama. Rama is found in

the Vedic culture, in Egyptian history, Assyrian, Native Americans,

notably amongst Incas, in Europe, Arabia, etc. We find the name and

word Rama to have the same divine and auspicious connotations wherever

it is used. Also there is some question as to the true location of

'Lanka'. Was it located in the present Sri Lanka or was it located at

the equator in and around the Chagos lsland area? Some have also

questioned the authenticity of Emperor Ashoka's Buddhism and see his

'Dharma-Vijaya' to be the 'righteous conquest' of Vedic emperors like

Sri Rama, King Prithu, and Maharaja Yudhisthira (Glimpes of the Vedic

Nation by Balshastri Hardas). If this is a fact, the implications are

enormous. India's history has been so distorted that it appears every

era of its history needs to be reviewed. Amongst all this, glaringly

obvious is the Vedic civilization evidenced by the Sarasvati-indus


Frawley's paradox has exposed the falsity of the supposed Pre-Vedic

basis of this culture. The amazing thing about all this is that the

evidences of common Vedic World heritage are so prevalent that it

obviously took a calculated effort to distort the truth. A real

historian or a sincere student can never be satisfied with distorted

truths. In the investigative search for historical facts, we obviously

cannot rely on biased and misguided views. This is especially true for

Indian historical researches. To get to the truth, we must access the

ancient truths as recorded in the ancient scriptures of ancient India.

We must replace the biased and unscientific fallacies of current

mainstream Indian studies with a scientific fact-finding approach,

measured with a healthy dose of respect for the grand achievements of

the ancients. The greatness of the ancients is self-evident from their

monolithic structures to the amazing oral preservation of the Vedic

literature. We can read in these achievements the character and noble

quality of these people and their culture. The modern theories which

make every grand structure a tomb or place of human sacrifice, that

portray every divine doctrine as an experiment in social engineering or

a form of tyranny, lack credibility and border on the fantastic. Like

the idea that the presumed Vedic authors, while crediting Vyasadev for

it all, ingeniously and accurately noted the astronomical, geographical

and scientific realities of a bygone era, all in the name of

perpetuating a hoax.

The modern historians/theorists, being emotionally attached to their

beliefs, reject revisionism, though revision is a necessary part of

most endeavors. The truth is that an investigator of facts immediately

forfeits his ability to gather facts, by rejecting evidences in an

off-hand way. In the same way, a historian who is unwilling to weigh

historical evidence on the scale of objective science and logic,

forfeits the ability to be an accurate historian. History is a field of

study that should rise above the emotions, prejudices, and agendas of a

current era. History seeks to be a window into the past. To color or

taint historical past events with present day ideologies is

unscientific, to say the least. A real historian must have the facts,

in order to offer a true account of the past. The wonderful thing about

truth is that it cannot be altered. The truth in history is solid and

immutable, even in the face of many distortions. We are reminded here

of the Vedic proverb 'SATYAM EVA JAYATE'-'TRUTH


The accuracy of the Vedic sciences, such as Sulbasutras, is

evidenced in the book by Rajarama, 'The Politics qf History'. It is a

self-evident truth relating to matters, both mundane and spiritual. Its

continuity throughout the ages, points to an organic culture that

synchronizes with the natural laws of the universe.

The Aryan/Indo-European race invasion/migration theories were invented

to fulfill colonial designs. But now with these theories proven false,

we are left with a vacuum. Only the historical truths of the Vedic

scriptures and traditions can justly and accurately fill the void. The

implications of this demand a complete review of the current theories

of not only ancient Indian history, but also the ancient history of the

entire world.

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