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[world-vedic] Latest Archaeological & Historic Research - British Distortions By Madan M Mathrani-Part1

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Part 1










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1. Sri Aurobindo. The Secret of The Vedas (Sri Aurobindo Ashram,


2. Dr. Saran, Paramatma. SAPTA-SINDHU WAS THE HOME OF ARYANS, Organizer

Weekly, 29 Jan 89, Page 34

(Bharat Prakashan).

3. Sathe, Shriram.

a. SEARCH FOR THE YEAR OF BHARATA WAR (Navabharati Publications, May


b. ARYANS: WHO WERE THEY (Bharatiya Itihasa Sankalana Samiti, Mysore,

24 June 1991).

c. KINGS & KINGDOMS (Bharatiya Itihasa Sankalana Samiti, Madras, 10 Oct


d. BHARATIYA HISTOGRAPHY, (Bharatiya Itihasa Sankalana Samiti,

Barkatpura, Hydrabad, 1989).



Research Society of India, 1983)


Rao, Khammam- 507003, March


6. Madan M. Mathrani; Sikhism is a Denomination of Hinduism, Organizer

Weekly, 21 June 87, Page 11 (Bharat


7. Madan M. Mathrani; Antiquity of Hindu Grammar, Organizer Weekly, 7

Feb 88, Page 11 (Bharat.Prakashan

8. Donald Johanson & Maitland Edey. LUCY- THE BEGINNINGS OF HUMANKIND,

Pg 10, 95, 96. (Warner Books, May


9. The Ramayana of Valmiki, Translated by Hari Prasad Shastri,

(Publisher: Shantisadan, 29 Chepstow Villas.

London, W.11. 1962)

10. Chamanlal, Bhikshu. India- Cradle of Cultures, (Chamanlal, c/o

Modern School, New Delhi 1. 1976).

11. Har Bilas Sarda, Hindu Superioty, (Vedic Hindu Academy, New Delhi.


12. Golwalkar, M.S. Bunch of Thoughts, (Jagrana Prakashana, Banglore,


13. Arnolds Spekke, History of Latvia. (M. Goppers, Stockholm, 1957)

14. PEOPLING EARTH, Natnl Geographic, Oct 1988.

15. Nehru, Jawaharlal. DISCOVERY OF INDIA, (Oxford University Press,


16. K.R. Malkani, SINDH STORY, (Allied Publishers Private Ltd, 1984)

17. P.N. Oak, Chief Editor, Anual Research Journal 1991,(Institute for

Rewriting Indian and world History,


18. S.D. Kulkarni. What is Hinduism, (BHISHMA, 1989)

19. R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Raychaudhuri & K. Datta, An Advanced History of

India, (Macmillan & CO. 1958)

20. MATSYA PURANAM, Translated by A Taluqdar of Oudh, (Oriental Books

Reprint Corp, N Delhi 110055, 1980)

21. VISHNU PURANAM, Translated by Manmatha Nath Dutt, (Chowkhanba

Publication, Varanasi-1, 1972)

22. Rishi Dayananda, Bhumika

23. P.N. Oak, Chief Editor, WORLD VEDIC HERITAGE 1995 & RESEARCH

JOURNAL 1991, (Institute for Rewriting

Indian and world History, Pune-411007)

24. The Holy Gita, Translation & Commentary by Swami Chinmayananda,

(Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, Mumbai,


25. Keshav Dev Sharma, Popular History vs Real History (The India

Times, 15 June 1991, Page 4).

26. David Frawley, The Myth of the Aryan Invasion of India, (The India

Times 5 June 1991, Page 5)

27. Dr. P.V. Vartak, The Scientific Dating of the Mahabharata War.

28. SRIMAD BHAGVATAM, Translation and Commentary by Bhaktivedanta Swami

Prabhupada, (Bhaktivedanta Book

Trust, 1981)

29. O.R. Gurney, The Hittites, (Penguin Books, 1966)

30. HISTORY & CULTURE OF INDIAN PEOPLE, (Bharatiya vidya Bhavan, 1988)

31. S. Radhakrishnan; Hindu Respect for other Religions, Extensive

proselytization by Hindus & Quotations from

Tandava Brahamana, (Organizer, Bharata Prakashan).


Archeological Congress 3, Dec 4-11,

1994, N Delhi)

33. Ideas of Race in Science, 1800-1960, by Nancy Stepan, Professor,

Yale University, USA,

Archon Books 1982

34. Will Durant, Our Oriental Heritage, (Simon & Schuster, 1963)

35. George Feuerstein, Subhash Kak & David Frawley, In Search of the

Cradle of Civilization, (Quest Books, 1995)

36. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Summer 1991

Quaterly, Hinduism and the Fate of India.

Articles show continuation of Aryan Race Theory by European (including

American) Historians

37. Dr.P.V.Vartak, Astronomical Dating of Ramayan, Vastav Ramayan


) in Marathi, Vedvidnyana Mandal,


38. Koenraad Elst, Negationism In India- Concealing the Record of

Islam, Voice of India 1992






by Madan M. Mathrani, 818-363-1423, EMAIL: math35


Two Methods used for Dating: I; Based on Puranic & Vedic Data. II;

Modern Scientific Data.


19,251,961,000 yrs ago, per I: Universe created, birth of Brahama &

Shiva & start of Hindu (Sanatan) Dharma


3,893,098 yrs ago, per I: Vedas re-written


2,066,998 yrs ago per I- 9501 BC per II: Deva/Asura Wars in King Prithu

period. 1st recorded Hindu migration to

east & west (west Asia to western europe),


2,066,998 yrs ago per I- 9501 BC per II: Metal Refining invented in

India, also Irrigation and 1st recorded

Democracy used in India.


1,767,523 yrs ago per I- 8957 BC per II: Invention of Chariot by King

Chitrarath of Yadava Dynasty.


1,567,873 yrs ago per I- 9593 BC per II: Parasuram & invention of

Archery by Rishi Richika


1,348,258 yrs ago per I- 8194 BC per II: King Sagar & invention of Fire

Arms and Missiles by Rishi Aurva. First

recorded invaders from west; Defeated by king Sagar, & absorbed in

Hindu society.


1,348,000 yrs ago: King Bhagiratha diverts Ganga river from northward

to south into the ocean. Largest civil

engineering project of the world.


869,098 yrs ago per I- 7323 BC per II: Ramayana. Sanskrit Grammer

taught to Rama. Another migration of Hindus

to east & west.


30,000 yrs ago: Hindus from Sindh migrate & colonize west Asia.


Around 3200 BC: Vishnu Purana, with ideas of relativity, evolution,

roundness of Earth, writen by Parasura

3138 BC: Krishna & Mahabharata war. Attack on Mathura by Yavana's from

west, defeated by Krishna. Attackers

absorbed in Hindu Dharma.

3102 BC: Start of Kali Era at Krishna's death.

3138-1900 BC: Saraswati river drying up & related geological upheavals.

1807 BC: Budha, death of

1600 BC: Hindu Kinds like Mitanni in west Asia. Book in Sanskrit on

chariot building found.

1534-1218 BC: Maurya Dysnasty

509 BC: Adi Shankara's birth

500 BC-500 AD: Tamil Sangam Literature

327-82 BC: Gupta dynasty

323 BC-200 AD: 1000 year invasion by Greeks, Yavanas, Pahlavas, Shakas,

Kushans- Defeated by Guptas, &

invaders absorbed in Hindu Dharma. Alexander defeated by king Puru, &

mortally wounded by Sindhis-causing his


58 BC: Vikrama Era. Invaders from west defeated by King Vikram

638-1193 AD: Moslem invasion of India. 712 AD: Arabs occupy Sindh. 753:

Baparawal with Dahir's wife & son

stops further advance of Arabs. 1193: Kutub Din occupies Delhi. Hindus

inspired by many saints never stop the

war & thus prevent Moslem invaders from consolidation, and finaly in;

1784: Hindus, mainly Marahatas (also helped by Rajputs, Sikhs and

Bundelas), overthrow Moslems from all of India.


1843: British capture all of India

1857: War of independence against British

1947: British leave & India becomes free- Mainly due to Indian National

army of Bose & its impact on Indian

soldiers & resulting mutiny by Indian Navy in 1946. But British leave

on their own terms due to Gandhi's

non-violence policy: British give 29% of country to 15% Moslems. Nehru

thru appeasement gets 8% Moslems to

stay in India to win elections, now increased to 12% and asking for 2nd







The History and writing of History has been important in the Hindu

tradition. The Itihas (History) is found in

Ramayana, Mahabharata and other Purans and Vedas. For constructing

proper ancient Indian History, it is

necessary to use these ancient accounts along with the latest

Archeological and Historic research. This article

does this.


The British and the Christian Missionaries, who conquered India and

wrote the Indian History, have deliberately

distorted the Indian History to achieve their aims of converting Hindus

to Christianity and securing the British

Colonial rule- by reducing the ancientness of Hindu History and showing

that every thing of value was brought to

India by Europeans, so as to malign Hindus, reduce their self esteem

and therby facilitating the convertion

process. One of the major distortion in this has been the Aryan Race

and Invasion Theory. Some of the European

"Scholars" involved in introducing the distortions were Macauley, Max

Mueller and Monier Williams. Their personal

letters, recently surfaced from the British Archives, clearly expose

their bias. Though the modern scholars have

denounced the imperialist and their designs, they have not succeeded in

correcting the distortions in the Indian

History- and this distorted History is still being taught not only in

the West, but also in India. This article focusses

on the correction of these distortions.


The time scope if this article is very wide; it starts with the

creation of the Universe, 19¼ Billion years ago, and

ends with the 1996 election. Since it is only an outline and not a

text, it is naturally brief. But it provides ample

references (several dozen references are lists, which in turn provide

many hundreds of references) to present the

background and justification for the conclusions and the information

given in the article.


A. METHODOLOGY: There are perhaps three methods to determine the



Method-i: The Quotations from Hindu scriptures like the Veda and


Method-ii: The standard scientific method based on physical evidence.

Method-iii: Quotations from Bible.


Method-iii: It may be mentioned that based on Biblical accounts the

Irish Archbishop John Ushar in 1664 (Ref-2,3a

Pg 15,4) derived that God created the universe in the year 4004 BC, and

also that Earth is flat. The Christian

missionaries and the British who conquered India and wrote the Indian

History, believed in such ideas, and wrote

the Indian history on this basis. Further, the Europeon Christians put

forth the Aryan Race theory, Ref-4 PG15

(1866),Ref-33 Pg-14, which was also partly based on the Racist Biblical

accounts of White and Black men.



Europeans have been obsessed for several centuries with racism and

racial superiority complex (Ref 33; IDEAS OF

RACE IN SCIENCE, 1800-1960, by Nancy Stepan, Professor, Yale

University, USA, 1982). Based on it they have

concocted many theories to claim that world Civilization was developed

by Europeans, and the Europeans only.

For example, when they found an advanced civilization in black Africa,

they claimed it was the white Europeans

who went their and built it. They also claim the same about the ancient

civilizations of Asia Minor, with no credit

to the Black Africans, who have played just as big a role their. So

when they found that the Hindu civilization was

being claimed by some to be the most ancient in the world, they again

concocted theories to claim that it was

also developed by Europeans and brought to India by the blond blue eyed

Europeans, the Aryan Race. Since ideas

flow from the more ancient to the less, they then went to work to

reduce the Hindu ancientness, via many

concocted theories.


These theories include absurd ideas e.g.; that Aryans though nomadic

used chariots, that they used Sanskrit

though it is a synthetic and literary language and can only be used by

scholars, that the Nomadic Aryans brought

the Sanskrit to India from the west though the Pre-Sanskrit languages

(like Brahmi, from which Sanskrit was

developed) and the vast Sanskrit literature exists only in India, that

Mahabharata is more ancient than Ramayana,

that Aryans were the drivers behind creation of even Hinduism- though

per parts of their own theory the

Dravidians already had developed Hinduism and advanced cities like

Mohan-jo-Daro. Further, the latest Historic

and Archeological researches clearly show that the theory is quite

absurd. The use of the word Aryan with

respect to the Jews has almost been completely eliminated. But with

respect to Hindus (and Black Africans), most

western Historians, Ref 36, & their Indian agents, still preach the

Aryan Race Theory & the associated racism and

myths. They are not even restrained by its association with the Nazi

Racist extremism. This European obssession

of superiority is so great that in spite of their most intense hatred

agianst Hinduism (except perhaps agianst the

African Blacks) and the fact that they are using Billions of Dollars

and thousands of Missionaries to destroy the

Hateful Hinduism, they still deny the poor Hindus the credit for

developing even their own religion, Hinduism!


Some experts, correctly, have opined, Ref 38, that the fact that Islam

and Koran is not criticised by Western

press for being very Barbaric and Fanatical in its hatred towards other

religions, is out of sympathy for them

because Moslems have been victims of racism in the West. But Hindus are

much Darker and have suffered much

worse racism. Many Moslems being from West Asia, N Africa and Eastern

Europe are as light as Nordics. But yet,

Hindus get no such sympathy. Also, Hindus get no credit in the West for

having the most enlightened attitude

(respect) towards other religioins. Note: I think the real reson is

that Moslems are very ruthless and chop off the

heads of their critics and the Christian Missionaries, and so the

Westerners are afraid of them and the Christian

Missionaries do not dare to go into the Moslem countries. In contrast,

Hindus are very tolerant,and as a result

Hinduism has been made the targeted for destruction by the West. It is

only Human nature that one maligns one's

target of destruction.


So, unfortunately, for these and other factors, the Method-iii still

has major impact on Indian History, and the

reasons for it can be summarized as follows;


Reason 1. Method-iii suited the aims of the British Imperialists, the

Racists and the Christian missionaries who

wrote the Indian History books under British rule, had the aim to

malign Hindus & reduce their self esteem so as to

convert them to Christianity & secure the British colonial empire.

Macaulay, Max Mueller, Monier Williams were

some "scholars" involved in this conspiracy. Their personal letters

surfaced from British Archives (Ref-2 PG 38, -3B

PG 19&20, -4 PG 5,10,13,14,37,38) show this. Though Max Mueller latter

(just before his death) changed his

position on Aryan Race Theory (Ref-4 PG 18 1988,-2 pg 38), the racists

& most Western Historians have not,



Reason 2. Method-iii also suited the aims of the corrupt Indian

Government of the Congress/ Communist Combine

which has mostly ruled India the 50 years since 1947. This corrupt

Indian Government stayed in power thru divide

and rule Method. The congress party's own leader, M. Gandhi, said in

1947 that it should be disbanded for being

too corrupt. The communists have always openly been Anti-National, have

maligned Hindus and were even against

the freedom from British, and supported China during the 1962 Chinese

Invasion of India. So, this corrupt

Government has continued to use this same curriculum and the same books

in schools. Being Indian, its impact

has been worse than of the foreigners like the British and Christian




B. HISTORY OUTLINE: Abbreviations. BC= Before Christ. AD= After Christ.

BK= Before Kali Era or Before Krishna,

Also called YUGABADH. Kali Era started 3102 BC, when Krishna passed

away, Ref-3a Pg-24,-3b Pg

35,-4,-ll,-18,-19 Pg 1045, -22. AK= After Kali Era. Billion=Bn.

Million=M. NOTES: (1) The date should be 1324

years earlier to correct the distortions introduced by the British and

Christian Missionaries. The dates are AD

unless noted different. An * is used to highlight certain events.


19,251,961,000 Ago, Method-i; Universe Created, start of Sanatan

Dharma, Incarnations of Brahama & Shiva.

Ref-3A Pg 3 & 4, -11 Pg 14, 15, & Ref-21 : This is per the expiration

since start of the universe of; 4 days of

Brahama (4X4.32 Billion yrs)+ 6 Manavatar's (6X 0.3085714 Billion yrs)+

27 Mahayug's (27X 4.32 M)+ Sat Yug

(1.728 M)+ Treta Yug (1.296 M)+ Dwapara Yug (0.864 M)+ 0.005098 M of

Kali Yuga. Comment: There were also 4

nights of Brahama, for which we should add another 17.28 (4.32X4)

Billion years to the above number. The periods

so ancient boggle our minds, but are common in Hindu tradition, & are

mentioned in Hindu prayers called SANKALPA

or DESAKALASANKIRTANA, recited at start of a ceremony. Brahma made

himself 1/2 man 1/2 woman & started the

name "better half" for wife.


Correlation between Method-i & -ii: The current science of History is

not advanced enough to recognize that man

has existed for period this long, and only recognizes that man has

existed for about 200,000 years. But many

human bones and artifacts up to several hundred million years old have

been found and reported to scientific

community, but are not yet investigated, Ref-32, 33. Also science, even

when honest, can only state what can

be proven with the physical evidence available, & not that earlier

existence is impossible. So, very little research

has been done in this area of very ancient dates given in the Hindu

History. This research should be done by the

Indian Universities, but they do not due to the wrong Government

policy. However, the trend with advances in

technology is to increase this duration of man's existence. For

example, Sir Arthur Keith's estimate in 1931 for

separation of human branch from the anthropoid was 1.3 million years-

today it is over 10 million, Ref-8. Per this

trend, it is likely that science will recognize these ancient dates in

a few decades. (Scientific conclusions are

based on what is most probable)


Length of a Generation: The Human life now in Kali Yuga is 100 yrs

nominal. Per this, the generation length is

calculated by Dr. Vartak, Ref-27, to be 36.3 years. However in earlier

Yugas per the Purans, the life was longer:

1000 yrs long in Dwapar, in Treta 10,000 yrs and in Sat Yuga 100,000

yrs. The Bible also recognizes this concept

in a brief form, in the Book of Genesis, that Human life was 1000 years

long. So, the generation was also longer by

same ratio. In Sat Yuga, Hiranyakashipu & Deva/Asura war time, a

generation was 36,300 years long, 3,630 in

Treta &, 363 in Dwapar. The average of 1st two numbers is 19,965 &

average of all three is 13,431.


The dates given here are per the total of 100 generations of Kings

determined by British Historian Pragiter, Ref-3C

Pg 22, for all of India's History before Kali Era. This is obviously

approximate and much too low. Per Matsya Puran

the events listed herein were in previous Maha Yugas, e.g. Deva/Asura

wars were earlier than 7th Mahayuga,

Ref-20,Pg 138. There is no way all the Kings could be listed for the 4

Million years of this Maha Yuga, much less

for the previous ones. Any error on hi side in calculating average

generation length is off-set many times by

assuming present Maha Yug. Also, many lists were destroyed by ravages

of time & by the savages, e.g. the

Moslem and Christian Missionaries, who normally destroyed books of

other religions; The libraries at Nalanda

University and at Alexandra were burned by Moslems. The Portugese &

British Christian Missionaries during East

India Co time did the same. For this article all the ages are given for

this Mahayuga. Other methods, e.g.

astronomical dates calculated by Dr. P V Vartik (Ref-37) for major

events of Ramayana based on the astronomical

references given therein, and 100 generation estimate by Pragiter are

also used in this article.


3,893,098 AGO; Vedas & Sanskrit Language, Method-i: Per Ref-21 Pg-176,

the Vedas become lost at end of each

Kali Yuga and have to be researched in the next Sat Yuga. So, the age

of the current and the latest Vedas is

same as the start of the last Sat Yuga, namely 3,893,098 yrs AGO (Sat

Yug 1.728 MY+ Treta Yug 1.296 MY+

Dwapara Yug 0.864 MY+ Kali Yuga 0.005098 MY). The Vedas were already an

ancient Scripture at the time of

Ramayana and Mahabharata. (PER METHOD-ii the age is 25,000 to 50,000

Yrs old, Ref-2 Pg- 36). Note: Per the

tradition, the writing, Sanskrit & its Grammer come from Lord Shiva,

via Indra and Brahaspati, Ref-4 Pg 53,54.


2,066,998 AGO; Deva Asura Wars per method-i; In 7th Treta Yuga as Bali

& Vaman, Ref-20 Pg 126 & 138

("864,000+ 3102 KE+ 1996 AD" years to Ramayana + 60 generations before

Ramayana X 19,965 years per

Generation= 869,098 + 1,197,900 = 2,066,998 yrs), and took place during

the Sat Yuga period, Ref-3C Pg 22. The

KE started 3102 BC and is the time when Krishna passed away. The

Devas/Asuras were blood relations, and

faught the 1st war in time of Hiranyakashipu, Ref-3C Pg 24&25, and the

last & 12th war, which lasted for 300

years, during the time of king Yayati (Son of Nahusha, a contemporary

of King Prithu of Kosala).


Hindu Migrations to Eastern and Western World: There were major

migrations from India to (east &) west to

Egypt, Greece, Middle East, western Europe as far as Skandanavia & to

Americas after major wars and natural

disasters, Ref-35, -18 pg 20 & -11 Pg-109. These were the so called

Aryans. Three such recorded migrations are:

1. After the Deva Asura wars around the time of King Yayati , 2. After

Ramayana and 3. After Mahabharata.


King Prithu, Invention of Metal & Irrigation, Method-i: Process of

excavating metal ore and refining was invented

by Bhrigu Gotra Rishis, Ref-3C pg 28. Also hills were leveled for

agricultural land & irrigation, Ref-28, & this being a

major event, Earth was named Prithvi after Prithu. Per Method-I,

2,066,998 yrs ago. 9501 BC per Method-II (7323

BC for Ramayana per Ref-37+ 60 generations X 36.3)


Earliest Democracy during time of Prithu; Descendants of King Druhyu

(son of Yayati) of Punjab grew tyranical,

Ref-3C Pg-25, were overthrown & Atri Gotra Rishis set up a Democratic

Government. The Democracy was also

copied in Malwa by Bhrigu Gotra, and was named "Pluralist Self Rule".


1,767,523 AGO per Method-I; Invention of Chariot by King Chitraratha of

Yadava Dynasty. (869,098 to Ramayana

+ 45 Generations before Ramayana X 19,965 Years average per generation

= 1,767,523). 10,955 yrs ago per

Method-II. The Chariot bears his name, Ref-3C Pg-25. His son King

Shashabindu won many battles by adding a

Chariot Division to his army and became the Emperor. His empire was so

vast that was said to spread over entire

travel of the Sun.


1,567,873 AGO, Method-I; Parasuram & Archery: (869,098 to Ramayana + 35

Generations before Ramayana X

19,965 Years average per generation = 1,567,873), Ref-20 Pg 138 (19th

Treta). 10,591 Per Method-II. Archery

was invented by Rishi Aurva of Bhargava gotra & developed by his son

Richika. Was adopted as war technology in

time of Jamadagni and Parashurama, Haihayas and Vasisthas of Kosala.

There were major wars between these

groups. Parashurama was a master archer and he inflicted many defeats

on the Haihayas, his enemies. Ref-3c



1,348,258 AGO, Method-I; King Sagar & Agneastra (fire arms): 24

Generations before Ramayana= 869098 years to

Ramayana + 24 X 19,1965 yrs average per generation = 1,348,258 YRS.

10,192 yrs ago per Method-II. The

Haihaya kings Taljangha and Veetihotra, with the help of Sakas,

Yavanas, Paradas and Kambhojas defeated

Koshala king Bahu. Bahu fled from Ayodhya and took refuge with Rishi

Aurva. Aurva invented the Agneyastra, a

missile launched via fire power, Ref-3c Pg26, Ref-11 Hindu Military

Pg-292 etc, Ref-21 pg 252. Sagar (Bahu's son)

acquired this technology & with it defeated the enemies from West- 1st

recorded invasion from west. Also per

Ramayana, Ref-9, Vol-III, Pg 623: Bharata used a Nuclear type Missile

against Afganistan (Gandharvas) killing

300,000 soldiers instantly.


1,348,000 AGO, Method-I; King Bhagiratha & Diversion of Ganga River,

soon after King Sagar. 10,155 yrs ago per

Method-II. Ganga used to flow to north of Himalayas. Bhagiratha

surveyed the land and diverted Ganga to south

thru the North Indian Plain and into the Bengal Sea, Ref-3c Pg27 .

Appears to be the largest civil Engineering

project ever in the world.


869,098 Ago; Ramayana per Method-i. 5098 to Start of Dwapar+ 864,000

for duration of Dwapar= 869,098. Per

Matsya Puran, Ref-20 Pg-138, Ramayana was in 24th Maha Yuga and now it

is 28th. The date is older by another

4 Maha Yugas (4X 4.32 Million Yrs). Ramayana, written by Valmiki &

recited at Rama's Coronation. 17,803 AGO per

METHOD-ii (=1996 AD+ 3102 KE+ 35 Genrations per Ref-3c Pg-31, X10 X36.3

(years per Generation, see above).

Per astronomical dating by Dr. P V Vartak, Ref-37, Ramayana took place

7323 BC.


Points of Interest: (1) Ref-20 Pg 75; Creation of Planet Mercury and

that Moon was a part of Mercury not earth,

(2) Ref-21 (a) PG 138; Earth is round, (b) Pg 19; Re; evolution states:

The force resident in things created was

the cause of creation, © Pg 349; Snow in Mathura, (d) Pgs-6,7,18,

Relativity Basics; No Time without Mass, (2)

Ref-9 Vol-ii Pg-37; Snow in Nasik.

35,000 Ago: Cave paintings, method-ii, ref-3d pg 20

30,000 ago: Sindhi Hindus migrate & colonies Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia,

Greece, Phoenicia, ref-16a (pg 7, 8), ref-18

(pg 20).

85,00 Ago: Tamil Grammar by rishi's of Agastya Gotra, ref-4 pg 54.

3139 Bc, around: Duryodhana sent 30,000 brahamins to Sindh, ref-16a

3138 bc or 36 bk: Mahabharata war, ref-3a pg 24 on,ref-4 pg 31, ll pg

114, 19 pg 1045, -22, Bhumika. The

Mahabharata & Bhagvata Puranas written few years after the war by Rishi

Veda Vyasa, and recited to King

Parikhyat, Arjun'a son. Ref-3a gives a survey of 120 Dates determined

by various scholars. The References show

this date to be the most probable.


3102 BC OR 0 KE; Kali Era start (Ref-20 Pg 205, Ref-3a Pg24, 11, 114,

19, 22 , Bhumika) with Krishna's Death. Kali

Era and associated Mahabharata Date is key point in the modern Indian

History. The Kali Era Calendar has been

used for several thousand years & also by Aryabhata. There are 2 Dates

for Krishna's age; 80 & 125 yrs. Yavana

from west in alliance with Jaidratha attacked Mathura from several

directions, forceing Krishna to move the capital

to Dwarka, which was protected by sea from couple sides.


3202-1900 BC; Saraswati river had already started drying up, per

method-i and ii,ref-3c (pg-35): Landsat photos

show a bed of fertile soil deposited by saraswati 12-15 feet below sand

in Rajistan. These and events below, were

caused by geological upheavals like earth quakes and crust shifts.

3000-1900 BC; Harpa/Mohenjo Daro, end of

3000-1900 BC; Dwarka City submerged

3138-2132 BC; Barhadrath dynasty, ref-3c(pg-36), -4(pg-32), ref-30

(kaliyug raja vrithanta)

2132-1994 BC; Pradyoth Dynasty

1994-1634 BC; Sisunag Dynasty

1807 BC; Budha's Death, ref-3c pg-37, -18 pg 20.

1634-1534 BC; Nanda Dynasty, ref-3c pg-37 on.

1600 Bc; Hindu Kings (like Mitanni) in west asia, ref-29 (pg 104 on)

Ref-19 (pg 1045). They worshiped Hindu

deities like Indra and Varuna & used highly sanskritised language.

1534-1218 BC; Maurya Dynasty

1534 BC; Chandra Gupta Maurya's coronation & Chanakya

1472 BC; Ashoka's Coronation ref-3c, (pg-37)

1218-918 BC; Sunga Dynasty

918-833 BC; Kanva Dynasty

833-327 BC; Andhra Satvahan Dynasty

509 BC; Adi Shankara's Birth, ref-3c pg-37

327-82 BC; Gupta Dynasty ref-3c(pg-38), -4(pg-32)

500 BC-500 AD; Tamil Sangam Literature, ref-3c, pg-50. Sangam was an

association of poets of Tamil literature.

Per tradition, commentary by Iraiyanar Agapporul, there were 3 sangams

which continued for 990 years.

600 BC- 400 AD; 1000 year invasion from west by Yavanas, Shakas,

Pahlavas, Kushans & Greeks- defeated by

Guptas & invaders absorbed in Hindu society. Alexander's invasion was

part of this & quite minor, only 4 years long

& covering petty border kingdoms- But western Historians have

exaggerated it.


323 BC; Alexander's Defeat & Death by Sindhi Army: Alexander was

defeated in a battle by Sindhis, received

mortal wounds there & died from these wounds in a few months, ref-3c

Pg-43, 16a (PG-13). He was also defeated

by King Puru per the Russian Historians (Ref-16a, Pg-13 on), and had to

yield territory and gold, as a result, Puru

has more land after Alexander left.


58 BC; Vikrama Era Start ref-3c(pg-49), -19(pg 1046). A great emperor,

with major impact on India and outside.

An Arab poet Bin Toi (165 years before Mohammed) has eulogized king

Vikram, ref-4 pg47.

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