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[world-vedic] British Destruction of Vedic Culture

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Jai Somanath

Hindu Bashing



"Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully. The effect of

education on the Hindus is prodigious. No Hindu who received English

education ever remains sincerely attached to his religion. Some

continue to profess it as a matter of policy, and some embrace

Christianity. It is my belief that , if our plans of education are

followed up , there will not be a single idolator among the respectable

classes in Bengal, thirty years hence, and this will be effected

without any efforts to proselytize; without the smallest interference

with religious liberty; by natural operation of knowledge and

reflection. I heartily rejoice in this project", said Thomas Babbington

Macaulay in a letter to his father in 1836.


Macaulay's project was secular, yet the main aim of the project seems

to have been Christianising India 'without smallest interference with

religious liberty'. This method that came to be adopted by British has

a reason. What ever one might say, British were most clever of European

white male imperialist lot. They studied India's history and their own

capabilities. They found that Mohammedan methods to subjugate India

with brute force will not succeed for them. They depended on Indians to

subjugate other Indians. When fighting with Nawabs they used Hindus.

When fighting with Rajas they used Moslems. And when fighting with both

Hindus and Moslems as in 1857 they elicited support from Sikhs.

Moreover by nature also they were not given to iconoclasm of Islam.

Only one instance of defacing some statues of Ajanta, Ellora was

credited to them. There also their vandalism quickly came to stop when

they saw beautiful 'trimurthy' sculpture. They figured it was the

trinity, father, son and holy ghost and stopped there.


So they adopted subtler methods to brainwash and bash Hindus though the

aim like that of Islam remained same- to obliterate Hinduism from

India. However this campaign itself did not receive full endorsement

from British administration in India for then Europe itself was in the

midst of an ideological struggle against theocratic stranglehold of

Church on the state and individual. British to their credit refused to

oblige Christian missionary's call to destroy Jagannath temple in Puri

.. The beautiful dances of damsels dedicated to Lord Jagannath offended

puritanical missionary. The administrator however wrote that there was

nothing sexual , sensual or vulgar in the dances offered to deity but a

form of worship.


As such Macaulay's aim to dehinduise India and then transplant

Christianity did not succeed as he would have liked. But it did

register great success in turning many of our elite against their own

creed, against their own glorious civilization and culture. The self

alienation is best seen among Marxist Indians. They also needed to bash

Hinduism , otherwise their new found doctrine could not be imported and

imposed . Just as all past before Mohammed was jahiliya, all that there

was before Marx in India was brahminist tyranny. Is it any wonder

therefore even today they form- atheistic Marxists and Allah's Mullahs-

strange bed fellows when it comes to Hindu bashing?


In this they are very much aided by Macaulay whose 'educating' Indians

consisted of distortion, perversion and misinterpreting Hindu

scriptures. Remember 'thousand cows stacked one on the other' as

forming the distance between earth and nearest planet ?


Thus subjected to meticulous indoctrination many elite of India came to

consider their own ancestors, ancients uncivilized, superstitious and

prejudiced. The success of such brainwashing can be seen in the

aftermath of 1857 revolution in which many brave Indians lost their

lives trying to freeIndia. But their own children considered them

savages for opposing benign British rule just as many converts consider

their own fathers as barbarian while praising the murderous Islamic

invader as liberator.


Such 'education' in the long run provided ideal germinating ground for

Marxism . Hate is important part of such isms-hate every thing that

existed before , hate every one who do not to their view and

destroy them wherever and whenever. That is why Naxalites try to bring

'reform' through savage murders of their own fellow Indians.


Macaulay's children 'brown in skin' alienated by taste and temperament

they later joined the opponents of Hindu Society. Islamist, Christian

proselytizer and Marxist to form a trioka in opposing Hindu or Sanatan

Dharma. Is it any wonder then Hindu baiters are generally Islamophiles

too ? (1)


The first person to form Communist party outside Russia was Comrade

M.N.Roy. He carried deep animus towards his parent culture and wished

to strike a crushing blow on Hinduism with active help of Islam in

bringing a bloody revolution. In a book titled ' The Historical role of

Islam ' published in 1937 he wrote; " .. the educated world has

rejected the vulgar theory that rise of Islam was a triumph of

fanaticism over sober and tolerant people. The phenomenal success of

Islam was primarily due to its revolutionary significance and its

ability to lead the masses out of hopeless situation created by decay

of antique civilizations not only of Greece and Rome but of Persia and

China and that of India." (2)


The credit for such outlook of Indians to look at themselves through

western eyes goes to Macaulay. Hindu became ' foolish, inferior and

reactionary' and unasked they provided apologia for Islamist saying

they uplifted lower caste Hindus. Islamist had a hearty laugh. Here we

massacred millions of them still some of them are praising us for

uplifting them ! - so they chuckled while using the same argument

against any Hindu who dares to question negationism of holocaust of

Hindus by Islam.


M.N. Roy writes; " No civilized people in the world is so ignorant of

Islamic history and contemptuous of the Mohammedan religion as the

Hindus. The average educated Hindu has little knowledge of and no

appreciation for the immense revolutionary significance of Islam. The

expansion of Islam is most miraculous of all miracles. " He wanted

Hindus to do a 'dispassionate and scientific study of this fascinating

chapter of history of mankind'. Yet he himself did not conduct one. He

did not put Islam's origins, its monolatry, its iconoclasm, division of

human society into faithful vs infidels , its history of loot, plunder,

murder, rape performed by believers on non believers or any such

aspects to dispassionate, scientific study. Thus MN Roy who is

considered giant of India's intellectuals came to conclusions that are

not based on any scientific study because such study is based on hard

facts but not on mindless shibboleths which lesser fry still continue

to dish out even to date.


Some of that lesser fry came to adorn high positions in Independent

India. They started looking down at their own people and felt nothing

good can come to India unless they import some marxist model . The

result was disaster in economy which was saved only due to Hindu bania

providing employment, paying taxes and efficient distribution network

while the socialistic pattern factories turned out huge losses year

after year. Still when it came to blame for slow growth that resulted

from such imported models, again Hindu came for bashing. Hindu growth

rate it was termed !


Such people suffering from deep inferiority complex gained false sense

of self confidence by talking in the way of conquerors and finding

fault with their own people and in all expressions of Hindu society.


Hear MN Roy again. " There lived in India multitudes of people who had

little reason to be faithful to Hindu laws and traditions of Brahmin

Orthodoxy and were ready to forsake their heritage for the more

equitable laws of Islam which offered them protection against the

tyranny of triumphant Hindu reaction."


Every time we hear swear words like 'Brahminical tyranny' or the 'caste

system' we Hindus are expected to hang heads in shame and keep quiet.

And are expected to learn from Islamic brotherhood and progressivism

and of course as well as from Marxist 'proletarian paradise ' the art

of forming an 'egalitarian society.'


Said Sri Sita Ram Goel in response. " Here we have erstwhile

traffickers in slavery( actually still engaged in Sudan and S Arabia)

and white flesh trade trumpeting about brotherhood and social service

and brushing aside the whole of Hindu society as beehive of Brahmin

domination, caste oppression, degradation of women and bonded labor.

Hindu society has yet to make a muster-role of their societies, and

bring into open the true character of 'brotherhood' and social service

from the annals of their remote as well as recent history. Hindu

society has yet to peep into their 'proletarian paradise and raise the

curtain on a vast slave empire sustained by mass slaughter and

unmitigated terror. The day Hindu society does that the

socialist(Marxist, Mullah, Missionary as well ) swearology will lose

its sting and the (MMMs, and other) Hindu bashers will not know where

to hide their malignant mein." (3)


Hindu society in its long history has known no slaves, has not indulged

in usurping other people's lands, never terrorised the weak.


It also never allowed any one to carry human fecal matter. The ancient

Hindu scholar Chanukya prescribed severe punishment on all those who

would ask some one to carry human excreta. Thus there was no community

as such in ancient India to clean or carry human waste. The so called

Bhangi community that was engaged in such task never existed in India

before the arrival of Islam. The entire Sanskrit literature does not

contain a single word which would describe a Bhangi. This is yet

another giant contribution of Islam to India. The 'progressive' Moslems

due to purdah system had toilets inside the houses. They used captured

Hindu soldiers of defeated armies to perform the shameful task of

carrying human waste which was forbidden in Hindu laws. Ignorant,

prejudiced motivated Marxist historians put the blame on Brahmins for

the sorry plight of Bhangis who were actually Kashtriyas.(1) That Islam

did not have any liberating influence or uplifting lowercastes even in

this matter can be seen in case of 'Haris' of Pakistan. There these

hapless 'Hari's so called lower caste Hindus still are held in slavery

by rich Moslem feudals, not by any Brahmins. And they still do menial

tasks noted above and even worse treatment is being accorded to them by

their Moslem masters. Human right associations estimate at least 50,000

such slaves held in Pakistan a pure Islamic state. Where is liberation

of lower castes by Islam ? It is simply a concoction of con artists.


In contrast to such closed creeds given to hypocrisy and Hindu bashing

, our society is a open society always ready to listen to reason and

advise if well intentioned. Guru Nanak, Maharishi Dayanand Saraswathi,

Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Narayan Tirtha, Bankim Chandra,

Subramnayam Bharathi and host of others like that also criticized one

or other aspects of Hindu society. All such were accepted with profound

willingness by our society to rejuvenate and reawaken itself.


But their admonitions are world apart from Hindu bashing of evil minded

progeny of Macaulay or mind children of Marx or sworn enemies of Hindu

society the Mohammedan fanatics and such ilk. They spare no effort to

create falsehoods, fabrications, exaggerate and propagate by hurling

swear words like Brahminism, casteism, obscurantism, polytheism,

animism and of course flat-earthism at Hindus.


"What have Hindus done to disciples of Christ that every Christian

child is taught to call Hindu, 'vile' and 'wretches' and the most

horrible devils on earth ?


Look again at the books published in Madras against the Hindu religion.

If a Hindu writes one such line against the Christian religion the

missionaries will cry fire and vengeance... What is meant by those

pictures in school books for children where the Hindu mother is painted

as throwing children to the crocodiles of Ganga ?..


I have heard one of these gentlemen preach in Memphis that in every

village of India there is a pond full of bones of little babies." (

Swami Vivekananda (4)


By selling such false stories a deep sense of hatred was engendered

which in turn translated into millions of dollars for Christian

missionary. The same thing also provided a convenient veneer for

Islamist to hide his continuing terrorism against India and Hindu. And

both are aided and abetted by Marxist. Together they form a united

front against Hindu society. This front is very much active and alive



Unless we recognize and realize their evil designs and strengthen

ourselves ideologically , spiritually and philosophically as well

materially and morally our future as continuity of a great , ancient

civilization and culture unbroken to date from times immemorial will be

at stake.



1. Hindu bashing through the decades; Sri Mayank Jain, May 18,1997

2. The historical role of Islam; MN Roy, 1937.

3. Defense of Hindu society: Voice of India.

4. Complete works of Swami Vivekananda, Advaita Ashram.

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