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[world-vedic] Why was the Superior Vedic Culture Destroyed?

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Dear Friends,


it is, indeed, a very relevant question, why a great civilisation such

as the Vedic Civilisation was almost destroyed. Still, it is important

to realise that the remnants of Vedic Civilisation are existing and are

alive in India. First please let me quote Dr N.S.Rajaram from his very

interesting website "Kalidas Vedic India":


"In my view, the greatest thing that India has to offer is the secret

of immortality. While other great civilisations of the ancient world

have perished with barely a trace, Vedic India still exists as a

living, vital entity. Egypt of the Pharaohs with its imposing monuments

is no more than a subject for study by antiquarians and the object of

admiration for tourists, while generations of Vedic scholars have kept

alive the practice of the Vedas down to every pitch and accent. The

Vedas are a living monument of the spirit - or 'Pyramids of the Spirit'

- as they have been called. As the young French student of the Vedas,

Jean Le Mée wrote:


'Precious stones or durable materials - gold, silver, bronze, marble,

onyx or granite - have been used by ancient people in an attempt to

immortalise themselves. Not so however the ancient Vedic Aryans. They

turned to what may seem the most volatile and insubstantial material of

all - the spoken word ...


'The pyramids have been eroded by the desert wind, the marble broken by

earthquakes, and the gold stolen by robbers, while the Veda is recited

daily by an unbroken chain of generations, travelling like a great wave

through the living substance of mind.'


This is the heritage of the Vedas that our people - young and old alike

- need to know." --Dr. N.S. Rajaram


Dr Rajaram, unintentionally, gives us the explanation for our problem:

The actual reason for the weakness of the Vedic Civilisation in India

was that it was established on "spoken word" which is just the grossest

level of speech - vaikhari level - whereas it should have been

established on the PARA level of speech - the transcendental vrittis

(vibrations) of Atma, the universal Self - to be really invincible,

strong, and lively.


As soon as the Veda was not anymore lively in the Atma, the Self, of

everyone, the invincible nature of the Vedic Civilisation was lost.

Why? And then, what IS the Ved? Maharishi Mahesh Yogi explains: Atma of

everyone, the Self of everyone, is the total potential of Veda. Veda

means knowledge-Total Knowledge-pure knowledge, which is characterised

by the infinite organising power of Natural Law. It is the Self of

everyone, which, through its own self-interacting dynamics, expresses

itself as the sequentially developing frequencies of its

self-interacting dynamics - Atma, expressing itself in terms of its



These Vrittis of Atma are the reverberations of Vedic Sound. Thus Vedic

means vibration of Veda - vibrations of Atma in terms of Veda -

vibrations of the field of pure intelligence, the field of

consciousness. These vibrations of Veda, these vibrations of the

eternal field of intelligence, are the result of the spontaneous

self-referral dynamics of Atma, or the self-referral dynamics of



The experience of the Atma, Transcendental Consciousness, does enliven

the Veda in the consciousness of the meditator, and through the field

effect of consciousness in the whole environment. How does this

experience of Atma, the Self, show in day-to-day life? Scientific

Research confirms the Vedic declaration that a yogi, an atmavan (one

possessed of the Self, Gita II45), creates around him a state of order,

a state of coherence, which is difficult for negativity to penetrate:

"Tat sannidhau vairatyaagah (Yoga Suutra II 35), In the vicinity of

Yoga - unified consciousness, Atma - enmity ceases! (Charaka Samhita,

the celebrated Ayurveda text book, also states that a country where

unrighteousness exists will be deserted by the devas and will be prone

to be destroyed by arms.)


Relatively small groups that collectively meditate (in this case

Transcendental Meditation) have been shown by rigorous and published

studies to decrease negative tendencies in whole society such as crime,

accidents, disease rate. In conflict regions such as Lebanon, Israel

etc. it has been shown that even international conflicts can be eased

and even prevented, as measured by decreased war fatalities, etc.


In the Vedic Literature this kind of protection of a whole country is

called Raashtriiya Kavach - national armour. It is an automatic

protection by Natural Law on the basis of enlivenment of the Atma, the

universal intelligence where the constitution of universe, the Veda -

the home of all the laws of nature - exists and from where this

intelligence governs the whole universe.


Without this national armour - Raashtriiya Kavach - no nation is safe.

Any enemy can overtake a nation without the support of the Natural

Laws. It is necessary that the Indian government, in fact the

government of every country, establishes a coherence-creating group of

7000 experts in Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation who through their

collective practice enliven the Atma, the home of all the laws of

Nature, in themselves, thereby protecting the whole country. The Sattva

- coherence - in the collective consciousness will be so strong that no

negative tendencies (from within or from without) will be able to

overpower the society.


This missing experience of pure consciousness, the Veda, in the Atma of

the citizens must have been at the root of defeating the Vedic

Civilisation. In the bliss and high standard of life suddenly the outer

achievements, sacrifices, affluence, rules etc. have gained prominence

whereas the root of all that - the inner experience - has been more and

more forgotten. Why did it happen? Bhagavad Gita says: …with the long

lapse of time, O Arjuna, this Yoga has been lost to the world (IV2).


Currently, the Vedic Civilization is again on the rise because of the

rising Sattva in world consciousness. In India, many groups of

thousands of Vedic pandits are being established by Maharishi Mahesh

Yogi. And tens of thousand new experts in Maharishi's technologies of

consciousness are being gathered who will be responsible for Ram Raj -

an ideal administration of the world - just by their daily deep

meditation and chanting of the Veda and other Vedic performances.


A large body of scientific research on Transcendental Meditation, with

reference to education and health, documents the practicality of

accomplishing Automation in Administration through this Vedic approach

to administration.


The means to enjoy the full value of Vedic Administration is to develop

Vedic Consciousness. Only the Vedic Consciousness of the individual and

the Vedic Collective Consciousness of the nation can provide a basic

foundation for Vedic Civilization, which means Administration through

Natural Law.


Vedic Consciousness develops through EXPERIENCE of the Veda and

UNDERSTANDING of Veda, both.


It is so easy for people while enjoying the fruits of a tree to forget

and ignore the root that is the basis of the whole tree. The wise

gardener never forgets to water the root even while enjoying the fruit.

Even such a perfect civilisation such as Vedic Civilisation must always

be careful and not forget that all its heavenly life and achievements

are just an expression of Atma, the Lord, and men are here just to

realise it. Enjoy!


With best wishes,






"vrn davan" <vaidika100- wrote:

original article:vediculture/?start=332


> >"Kailash Srivastava" <srivastava

> ><vediculture >

> >What needs to be known,is why a more advanced civilization


> >destroyed?

> >Mon, 6 Dec 1999 21:19:57 +0100

> >What needs to be known,is why a more advanced civilization became

> >destroyed?


> >This is a very relevant question and experts must give their opinion


> >in

> >this forum.

> >

> >Kailash Srivastava

> >

> >

> >\===================================================================


> >

> >


> ____


> This is a very relevant question and experts must give their opinion

here in

> this forum.


> Kailash Srivastava


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