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[world-vedic] Lord Krishna recognised by scholars.

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>"Radha-Govinda Mandir" <govinda

>"Radha-Govinda Mandir" <govinda

>"Brin Davan" <vaidika1008


>Tue, 14 Dec 1999 17:15:38 -0600


>Lord Krishna was recognised by scholars time ago.


>Part. 1


>Time to time, there are attempts of looking for more evidences to support

>our understanding about the historical means of our spiritual knowledge.

>But in the eagerness of get out our doubts, some time we are contributing

>with news founds. But is necessary maintain in mind, don’t be offensive in

>the name of to be ourselves so called racionalistics or cientifics and used

>hypercritical language for Lord Krishna and vedic history. For example is

>very used in the Indological books even from hindus authors, words like

>mythology that means- mitos- untruth, int the greek root of the spanish

>word men-ti-ra, falsity, Sanskrit- mithya. Other example is when some

>traditional believers said, "In this work I will be probing that Lord

>Krishna was a historical personality", etc.. Because, Lord had been

>recognised for time ago like historical fact:





>Dr. Bimabihari Majumdar 1968: The westerns scholars at first treated

>Krishna as a myth... But many of the orietalist in the present century have

>arrived at the conclusion that Krishna was a ksatrya warrior who fought at

>Kuruksetra,... (1).



>Dr. R. C. Majumdar 1958: "There is now a general consensus of opinion in

>favour of the historicity of Krishna. Many also hold the view that Vasudeva

>the Yadava hero, the cowherd boy Krishna in Gokula..were one and the same

>person." (2)



>Horace H. Wilson, 1870: "Rama and Krishna, who appear to have been

>originally real and historical characters,.." (3)



>Dr. Thomas J. Hopkins, 1978: "From a strictly scholarly, historical

>standpoint, the KRISNA WHO APPEARS in the Bhagavad-Gita is the princely

>Krishna of the Mahabharata... Krishna the historical prince and charioteer

>of Arjuna." (4)



>The New British Encyclopaedia: "Vasudeva-Krisna, a Vrisni prince who was

>presumably also a religious leader levitated to the godhead by the 5th

>century BC." (5)


>Rodolf Otto, 1933: "That Krishna himself was a historical figure is indeed

>quite indubitable." (6).


>1.-Majundar, Bimabihari. Krishna in the History and Legend. University of

>Calcutta. 1969 pp. 5


>2.-Majundar, R. C. The History and Culture of the Indian people, vol. i pp.



>3.-Wilson, Horace H. The Visnu Purana. Nag publisher’s 1989 pp.ii


>4.- Hopkins, Thomas j. et al. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna. Five destined

>Scholars on the Krishna movement in the West. Grooves Press, N.Y. l983,



>5.-The New Encyclopaedia Britannic, 1984 vol. 7 micropedia, pp.7


>6.- Otto, Rodolfo.The Original Gita, cit for Majumdar Bimabihari, ot. cit.






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