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[world-vedic] Saudi Arabian Vaishnavas

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Bhakta Muhamed and the Name of Krishna on

Arabian Shores

SAUDI ARABIA, Dec 26 (VNN) — This year Airavata

das visited Saudi Arabia again to continue the cultivation

of interested people. From the previous years there were

a few Muslim professors who are continuing to read

Bhagavad-Gita and chant the Hare Krishna

maha-mantra. Airavata das organized several private

seminars on The History of Religion and introduced

Vedic knowledge. Both students and teachers were very

inspired. Airavata das also introduced his book The

Hidden Treasure of Al-Qur'an, which created a great

deal of interest.

The assembled participants were taught who Sri

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is and what were His

explanations on the Qur'an. The group decided that this

was a book worth translating into the Arabic language.

They also made orders for the book "Teachings of Lord

Caitanya". Although there were a few objections stating

that the Prophet Muhammad was the last Prophet and

there was to be no Prophet after him, Airavata das

explained that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared on

this planet not as a Prophet but as a pure devotee of the

Lord and showed the masses how to practice love of

God in one's daily activities.

Only then was everybody satisfied.

This year bhakta Muhamed was especially active. He is

a student of the Riyadh University. Riyadh is the capital

of Saudi Arabia and located in the central part of the

country with a population of about 2,000, 000 people.

Bhakta Muhamed is one of the best students in the

University. He is chanting 16 rounds and following 4

regulative principles. He decided to write a treatise


the life of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He was especially

impressed with the prediction of Sri Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu that on the banks of all rivers, seas and

oceans the holy name of Lord Krishna will be chanted.

He felt that the time had come for Krishna's name to be

chanted on the banks of the Arabian Sea. He decided to

dedicate his life to this mission.

Since it is impossible to carry Srila Prabhupada's


into such Muslim countries from outside Airavata das is

now attempting to print within Saudi Arabia the

Isopanisad in the Arabic language. There are some

Arabic scholars who highly appreciate the Isopanisad

and they will be pleased to see it in print.

If anybody is interested in preaching in Muslim

countries or helping in any way please contact Airavata

das through e-mail: airavata.hks (AT) bbt (DOT) se

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  • 3 years later...
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Hare Krsna to all Vaisnavas (& to other fortunate people)!


I have just one question: Does the Qatar have a Hare Krsna community

or something like that (maybe a small group of devotees) which can be

join ?

I ask because my housband and me will come very soon to that country

because of work, and stay for maybe couple of years. I am closely to

Vaisnava community in Croatia (we are from Croatia-Europe) than my

housband, but he is possitive.

If somebody knows anything about Qatar Hare Krsna "activities",

please notify me : gopalflower



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