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[world-vedic] Electricity in the Vedic Age

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Madan M Mathrani wrote:

>Please tell me where can I find the subject article; "Electricity in

>the Vedic Age"? At this location there is discussion of another

>subject, namely; Destruction Of Vedic Culture! Thank you



I do not know that particular article but here is some little help:

Just a glance at a few vedic references from His Divine Grace A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada’s Bhagavad Gita & Srimad Bhagavatam on

*Electriticy*. This is simpy *some* references more can be obtained

especially from Srimad Bhagavatam.

This shows Vedic sages were not ignorant of the knowledge at all.


Bg 15.6 S The Yoga of the Supreme Person

na--not; tat--that; bhasayate--illuminates; suryah--the sun; na--nor;

sasankah--the moon; na--nor; pavakah--fire, electricity; yat--where;

gatva--going; na--never; nivartante--comes back; tat dhama--that abode;

paramam--supreme; mama--My.

That abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity.

One who reaches it never returns to this material world.


SB 2.6.5 T

romany udbhijja-jatinam

yair va yajnas tu sambhrtah

kesa-smasru-nakhany asya


romani--hairs on the body; udbhijja--vegetables; jatinam--of the kingdoms;

yaih--by which; va--either; yajnah--sacrifices; tu--but;

sambhrtah--particularly served; kesa--hairs on the head; smasru--facial

hair; nakhani--nails; asya--of Him; sila--stones; loha--iron ores;

abhra--clouds; vidyutam--electricity.

The hairs on His body are the cause of all vegetation, particularly of

those trees which are required as ingredients for sacrifice. The hairs on

His head and face are reservoirs for the clouds, and His nails are the

breeding ground of electricity, stones and iron ores.


SB 3.5.34 S

anilah--air; api--also; vikurvanah--being transformed; nabhasa--sky;

uru-bala-anvitah--extremely powerful; sasarja--created; rupa--form;

tat-matram--sense perception; jyotih--electricity; lokasya--of the world;

locanam--light to see.

Thereafter the extremely powerful air, interacting with the sky, generated

the form of sense perception, and the perception of form transformed into

electricity, the light to see the world.


SB 3.5.35 T

anilenanvitam jyotir

vikurvat paraviksitam

adhattambho rasa-mayam


anilena--by the air; anvitam--interacted; jyotih--electricity;

vikurvat--being transformed; paraviksitam--being glanced over by the

Supreme; adhatta--created; ambhah rasa-mayam--water with taste; kala--of

eternal time; maya-amsa--and external energy; yogatah--by a mixture.

When electricity was surcharged in the air and was glanced over by the

Supreme, at that time, by a mixture of eternal time and external energy,

there occurred the creation of water and taste.


SB 3.5.36

jyotisambho 'nusamsrstam

vikurvad brahma-viksitam

mahim gandha-gunam adhat


jyotisa--electricity; ambhah--water; anusamsrstam--thus created;

vikurvat--due to transformation; brahma--the Supreme; viksitam--so glanced

over; mahim--the earth; gandha--smell; gunam--qualification; adhat--was

created; kala--eternal time; maya--external energy; amsa--partially;

yogatah--by intermixture.

Thereafter the water produced from electricity was glanced over by the

Supreme Personality of Godhead and mixed with eternal time and external

energy. Thus it was transformed into the earth, which is qualified primarily

by smell.SB 3.5.36 S Vidura' s Talks with Maitreya

SB 3.5.36 Purport

From the descriptions of the physical elements in the above verses it is

clear that in all stages the glance of the Supreme is needed with the other

additions and alterations. In every transformation, the last finishing touch

is the glance of the Lord, who acts as a painter does when he mixes

different colors to transform them into a particular color. When one element

mixes with another, the number of its qualities increases. For example, the

sky is the cause of air. The sky has only one quality, namely sound, but by

the interaction of the sky with the glance of the Lord, mixed with eternal

time and external nature, the air is produced, which has two

qualities--sound and touch. Similarly after the air is created, interaction

of sky and air, touched by time and the external energy of the Lord,

produces electricity. And after the interaction of electricity with air and

sky, mixed with time, external energy and the Lord's glance over them, the

water is produced. In the final stage of sky there is one quality, namely

sound; in the air two qualities, sound and touch; in the electricity three

qualities, namely sound, touch and form; in the water four qualities, sound,

touch, form and taste; and in the last stage of physical development the

result is earth, which has all five qualities--sound, touch, form, taste and

smell. Although they are different mixtures of different materials, such

mixtures do not take place automatically, just as a mixture of colors does

not take place automatically without the touch of the living painter. The

automatic system is factually activated by the glancing touch of the Lord.

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