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[world-vedic] Atalji took the correct decision under the current circumstances

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>Vishal Sharma <vishal


>Atalji took the correct decision under the current circumstances

>Sat, 01 Jan 2000 01:50:40 +0530


>Hare Krsna


>Dear Sir,

>This in regards to the Govt. of India decision to release the 3

>militants in exchange for the release of 159 Indian hostages.


>A good decision by the Atalji under the given circumstances.

>But the government will have to deal with the short term stigma of being

>'soft'. Hence the Govt. should take 'extra-ordinary' harsh steps

>against terrorists particularly in J&K to put forth the point that the

>Govt. of India is not 'soft'. But the Indian state is a rock with the

>heart that beats. Also special steps to be taken to take care of the

>expected rise in the level of militancy in the control.


>In retrospect, once the hijacked plane left Indian air-space, and landed

>in South Kandahar, under Taliban control, the options of India were very

>limited indeed. Hence the Govt.'s current decision is indeed an

>intelligent one.


>A military storming of the hijacked aircraft was much thought about, but

>the repeatition of the Israeli act in 1976, could not materialize, as

>the plane was parked in Kandahar, South Afghanistan, which is surrounded

>on one side by Pakistan, and on the other by Iran. Both Islamic

>countries, and denying Indian military aircrafts to over-fly their

>air-space for a military action probably against the Taliban first at

>Kandahar airport, which it 40 kms away from Kandahar city, and military

>base, and then gain control of the Kandahar airport, and to storm the

>hijacked aircraft. The Taliban had positioned their APC's, and

>reinforced the airport with a battle tank and Surface-to-Air missiles,

>in case Indian armed forces did launch an armed operation.

>Thus in retrospection it seems that a military stroming of the aircraft

>without the co-operation of the Taliban would have been militaristicaly



>This hijack was also an attempt to Internationalise the Kashmir issue.

>The US President went on record saying that the Kashmir situation was

>the most dangerous in the world. The Indian Govt. has asked the US to

>clarify this. Further the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan kept quite and

>only made a statement after 7 days of the hijack! The apathy of the

>Internationl community towards the hostages is pathetic.


>For every action there is a reaction. The decision of Atalji is a

>logical one in the short term, but there need to be IMMEDIATE corrective

>steps to be taken against terrorists interests, and severe action to be

>taken against agencies operating against Indian interests. There is an

>added need to state in militaristic terms that India has a heart, but

>also the hands of steel!


>Last but not the least, we should keep a track of the hijackers and see

>to it that they are caught one day, so that the killers of 25 year old

>Rupin Katiyal are brought to justice, and that the 20 year old Rachna

>Katyal becoming a widow just 21 days after her marriage is not forgotten

>by the short memory Indian mindset. Let us not forget the sorrow of this

>sister of ours.



>Vishal Sharma



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