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[world-vedic] Y3K - Your 3 Kinds of Karma

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>"S.Graham & Associates" <vedicstars

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>Y3K - Your 3 Kinds of Karma

>Tue, 4 Jan 2000 23:17:46 -0600 (CST)



>****Did you know that there are 3 distinct kinds of Karma?

> by Jeffrey Armstrong


>PRARABDHA - Karma which is already manifest or which must manifest. Karma

>that can't be changed - like your bone structure, body type, (DNA), gender

>(usually), or who your parents were.

>Some prarabdha is pre-scheduled life events which can not be changed.


>SANCHITTA - Karma which exists in the subtle body (mind & intelligence) in

>a seedling or unmanifest form - like the habits of mind, it starts as a


>that forms thoughts goes to words then deeds. Yoga and all mind altering

>methodologies aim at reshaping or removing Sanchitta tendencies.


>KRIYAMANA - Future karma, that which is being generated through present

>action - like investing your money today in a stock or real estate and

>knowing the return is later. For example, who you chose as friends is a

>process of Kriyamana. Do you choose your associates as carefully as you

>would your financial investments? Your behavior this life time is an

>investment in your future. The ultimate investment is to do all actions on

>Gods behalf so you don't get any future karmic reaction. No more reactions


>you are liberated.


>Ultimately your karma is being sent to you by the will of the Divine -

>fulfilling your previous agreements and as a result of your previous

>actions! Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.


>Some questions I get asked all the time.....

>Q. Why is Astrology important in my life?


>A. Why do we try to predict the weather? If you know what is heading your

>way you can act in accordance with nature. Knowing your karmic patterns


>make you more successful in life! An astrological reading gives you inside

>information to facilitate the process. It is deeper than psychotherapy and

>more effective than counseling. Consciously used it is a tool of personal



>Q. How often should I get a chart done?


>A. Charts are useful when you are anticipating partnership changes, births,

>marriages, or career changes. Vedic astrology also has a great number of

>techniques which give a predictive edge. For example, the dashas or

>"planetary ruling periods" is a system which gives the Vedic astrologer a

>tool for predicting the trends, changes and events in your life. Since


>are changing all the time you should have an update done at least once a


>Gocharra or transits are the results which occur as the planets continue

>their orbits and cross the planets in your birth chart. This is different

>each year. It is best to make a map of your karma for each NEW YEAR so you


>be aware of the terrain of time. Forwarned is forarmed.


>Q. How do I get a chart done?


>A. For a personal or telephone appointment with Jeffrey Armstrong Ayurvedic


>Call SANDI in USA at 602-667-6666 or in Canada 604-681-1099 or

>Email vedicstars


>The Vedic System of Astrology is known for its accuracy in prediction and

>for its spiritual content.



>In Service,

>Jeffrey Armstrong - Enlightenment & Lifeskills Strategist

>Specializing in Personal or telephone VEDIC Astrology Charts,

>Relationship & Compatibility, Career & Finance, and Children's Charts.



>Have you had your YEAR 2000 VEDIC Astrological Update?



>JEFFREY ARMSTRONG - For the last 15 years he has been a corporate


>and speaker for Fortune 500 companies. He has degrees in Psychology,

>Literature and Comparative Religion. Jeffrey has spent the last 30 years

>studying Vedanta, Yoga, Tantra and Mantra practices. Simultaneously he's

>been practicing Vedic Astrology for the last 25 years and has read

>horoscopes for thousands of clients. Member of American Council of Vedic



> "He's incredibly gifted and accurate in his consultations!"


>* 7th International Vedic Astrology Symposium in Sedona January 27-Feb 1,


> Call 520-282-6595 or Email acva108 for more info

> Jeffrey will be a Guest Speaker at this Event




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