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>"francois gautier" <fgautier


>Thu, 06 Jan 2000 15:08:18 +0530




>Poor India ! What a way to start the millennium, even though the passengers

>of Flight 814 have all been released¦

>For ten centuries, this sacred land of India has been raped and plundered


>Muslim invaders who came from Afghanistan and beyond. For ten centuries,

>Indians have been converted by force to Islam, their women raped, their

>children taken away as slaves, their men slaughtered¦ And India always took

>it meekly, as a lamb goes to the slaughter house - except for a lone


>or two, or a Privithraj who gave four times his life to a Mohammed Ghazni,

>after having defeated him, until the latter finally won¦ and promptly

>proceeded to kill Privithraj and put India to the sword !


>And when the Muslims invaders were spent, then came the European colonisers

> - and they too took India for a penny, which surrendered itself like a

>humble servant to its arrogant master, except for the fight of a few braves

>Sikhs. And when the Europeans were gone, Nehru and Gandhianism made sure

>that India remained the goody-goody little boy that it always was, by

>clipping the wings of its army, so that when the Chinese treacherously

>swooped down from Tibet, it was a cakewalk, a humiliation which still

>rankles forty years later.


>Is it different today ? No ! Small neighbours of hardly any consequence,

>such as Nepal or Bangladesh, lend their territories to enemies of India,

>without New Delhi doing anything, in the spirit of the old Nehruvian "Good

>Neighbourhood" policy. For three decades, Pakistan, like a Ghazni of modern

>times, has been able to send its agents murder and loot into Indian

>territory without the Government doing anything, except mouth a few empty

>threats. Hindus are still slaughtered in Kashmir, Pakistan or Bangladesh

>(see Taslima Nasreen+s book), the perpetrators knowing fully well that no

>retaliation will come from New Delhi.


>Yet, six months ago, during the battle of Kargil, the soldiers and officers

>of the Indian army proved that when they were given a free hand by the

>bureaucrats and politicians, they are amongst the best soldiers in the

>world, fighting in impossible conditions against an enemy better equipped

>and overlooking them. And for the first time in five hundred years, since

>the last great Hindu empire of Vijaynagar was razed by the Moghols, the

>Kshatriya Spirit was revived in India - and once more, what the Bhagavad

>Gita had preached became alive : that violence is sometimes necessary to

>protect one+s children women and borders; that Knowledge has to be


>by Might in the true spirit of ahimsa¦


>But look at what happened when these modern Barbarians took over flight IC

>814 : it is not the India of Arjuna, Shivaji, or the Rani of Jhansi who

>rose-up, but the meek India - the India of Macaulay+s children, of Nehru


>LK Gujral, the India who always goes to be slaughtered head down, the India

>who for fifteen centuries has been conquered and plundered with such an

>ease. Instead of giving a free rein to the army, the only body which has

>shown that it has the courage and leadership to stand-up to terrorism, it

>was left to the bureaucrats to bungle the Amritsar episode, the only chance

>India had to overpower five men armed with a lone pistol (before the


>furnished them with more weapons) and a few knives (and the NSG was caught

>napping after all these years of useless and arrogant VIP duties). And it

>was still in true Nehruvian spirit ( "we are all gentlemen") left to the

>bureaucrats, these arrogant men who think that wearing a tie and speaking

>polished English make them superior, to negotiate with the terrorists,


>having opened the "friendly Taliban" avenue.


>Friendly Talibans ? Even the hapless Indian reading his newspaper with his

>morning tea ( and feeling humiliated - once more), knows that since time

>immemorial, Afghanistan has been Bharat+s worst enemy. He knows that today,

>Taliban mujahidins are the ones who are inflicting heavy casualties on

>Indian soldiers by their bold and suicidal attacks on army headquarters in

>Srinagar. He instinctively knows that since Mohamed Ghazni nothing has

>changed : Hindus are still for the Afghans (and unfortunately for the

>Pakistanis too, who are converted Hindus) the Infidels against whom a

>merciless Jihad has to be fought until all are conquered or slaughtered.


>And the irony is that the Indian Government played all along in the hands


>its Taliban enemies (even though Jaswant Singh expressed his "gratitude" to

>the Taliban) who were actually protecting with their Stingers the


>from an aerial attack - and not the passengers from the terrorists ! Thus

>India is today paying again its pound of flesh to militant Islam, which is

>feeling - once more - that Hindus are cowards (Mahatma Gandhi+s own words).

>But if we stop behaving like lambs to be slaughtered, what do we see ? We

>see a tiny country - Afghanistan - who, whatever the fierceness of its

>mujahidins, has no airforce to speak-off, no artillery worth the name and

>hardly any infrastructure. "Look at the tiger in the eyes, once said the

>Mother of Pondichery, and it will become a mouse" ! True, the odds against


>military intervention were enormous : India+s jet fighters would have had


>bypass Pakistan and fly over the Himalayan ranges or Iran; and a commando+s

>action would have put the lives of the passengers in great jeopardy. But

>such odds did not deter the Israelis 24 years ago from rescuing their

>nationals taken hostage by other Muslim terrorists in a country which was

>also hostile to Israel (the Uganda of infamous Idi Amin), nor the French


>years ago to storm the Air France plane and killing the all the heavily

>armed Islamic hijackers.


>And the saddest thing is that India is so isolated in the world today. The

>Indian Government sought during this hijack the help of the "Free" World -

>and what did it get ? Some lip service from the US, even though Bin Laden


>their enemy number one and they bombed two camps in Afghanistan in the hope

>of killing him; or some other lip service from the French, who should know

>better, having to fight on their own soil the deadly Algerian Islamists;


>hardly any sympathy in Asia. It is even sadder that the name "India" evokes

>no respect today in the world. Small countries, such as Indonesia or Saudi

>Arabia, can harbour deadly terrorists wanted by India; or bigger nations

>like Japan, a great war criminal hardly sixty years ago, give India moral

>lessons, because they all know that India takes things lying down.


>But look again at the Israelis: like the Indians, they were slaughtered for

>centuries - in their own land by the Romans and when they were scattered

>around the world, in pogroms in Russia and Eastern Europe. During the


>World War, six million of them went to Hitler+s gas chambers without even a

>whimper. But after the war, when the new State of Israel was founded, its

>leaders decided that enough was enough : henceforth it will be "an eye for

>an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Every time Arab terrorists struck their

>land, Israelis would retaliate ruthlessly; and every time the sacred land


>Israel was threatened, its army would steal the initiative by invading the

>enemy+s territory. Today, Israel, a tiny nation surrounded by often hostile

>Arab countries, is feared and respected not only in the Middle East, but


>over the world.


>India is a much bigger and powerful nation than Israel. It is an ancient

>civilization, which in spite of fifteen centuries of Muslim conquests and

>European colonialism, still carries within herself a Knowledge which once

>roamed the shores of ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt, but which has today

>disappeared from a world ruled by the dogmas and intolerance of it two

>monotheist religions. But who will protect this Knowledge from the modern

>Barbarians ? Who will redeem India+s long battered honor ? Who will


>to Islamic terrorism ? Where is the Shivaji of modern India ?






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