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[world-vedic] Fwd: [TMM] "WHERE IS THE SHIVAJI OF MODERN INDIA"? -Francois Gautier

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Mon, 17 Jan 2000 10:12:20 +0900

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Excellent Article by FRANCOIS GAUTIER. Must read....Niyanta

"WHERE IS THE SHIVAJI OF MODERN INDIA" ? Poor India ! What a way to start the

millennium, even though the passengersof Flight 814 have all been released.

For ten centuries, this sacred landof India has been raped and plundered by

Muslim invaders who came fromAfghanistan and beyond.For ten centuries, Indians

have been converted by force to Islam, theirwomen raped, their children taken

away as slaves, their men slaughtered. AndIndia always took it meekly, as a

lamb goes to the slaughter house -exceptfor a lone Shivaji or two, or a

Privithraj who gave four times his life to aMohammed Ghazni, after having

defeated him, until the latter finally won andpromptly proceeded to kill

Privithraj and put India to the sword!And when the Muslims invaders were spent,

then came the Europeancolonisers - and they too took India for a penny, which

surrendered itselflike a humble servant to its arrogant master, except for the

fight of a fewbraves. And when the Europeans were gone, Nehru and Gandhianism

made surethat India remained the goody-goody little boy that it always was,

byclipping the wings of its army, so that when the Chinese treacherouslyswooped

down from Tibet, it was a cakewalk, a humiliation which stillrankles forty years

later.Is it different today ? No ! Small neighbours of hardly any

consequence,such as Nepal or Bangladesh, lend their territories to enemies of

India,without New Delhi doing anything, in the spirit of the old Nehruvian

"GoodNeighbourhood" policy. For three decades, Pakistan, like a Ghazni of

moderntimes, has been able to send its agents murder and loot into

Indianterritory without the Government doing anything, except mouth a few

emptythreats. Hindus are still slaughtered in Kashmir, Pakistan or

Bangladesh(see Taslima Nasreen's book), the perpetrators knowing fully well

that noretaliation will come from New Delhi.Yet, six months ago, during the

battle of Kargil, the soldiers and officersof the Indian army proved that when

they were given a free hand by thebureaucrats and politicians, they are amongst

the best soldiers in theworld, fighting in impossible conditions against an

enemy better equippedand overlooking them. And for the first time in five

hundred years, sincethe last great Hindu empire of Vijaynagar was razed by the

Moghols, theKshatriya Spirit was revived in India - and once more, what the

BhagavadGita had preached became alive : that violence is sometimes necessary

toprotect one's children women and borders; that Knowledge has to be

preservedby Might in the true spirit of ahimsa.But look at what happened when

these modern Barbarians took over flight IC814 : it is not the India of Arjuna,

Shivaji, or the Rani of Jhansi whorose-up, but the meek India - the India of

Macaulay's children, of Nehru andLK Gujral, the India who always goes to be

slaughtered head down, the Indiawho for fifteen centuries has been conquered

and plundered with such anease. Instead of giving a free rein to the army, the

only body which hasshown that it has the courage and leadership to stand-up to

terrorism, itwas left to the bureaucrats to bungle the Amritsar episode, the

only chanceIndia had to overpower five men armed with a lone pistol (before the

Talibanfurnished them with more weapons) and a few knives (and the NSG was

caughtnapping after all these years of useless and arrogant VIP duties). And

itwas still in true Nehruvian spirit ( "we are all gentlemen") left to

thebureaucrats, these arrogant men who think that wearing a tie and

speakingpolished English make them superior, to negotiate with the terrorists,

afterhaving opened the "friendly Taliban" avenue.Friendly Talibans ? Even the

hapless Indian reading his newspaper with hismorning tea ( and feeling

humiliated - once more), knows that since timeimmemorial, Afghanistan has been

Bharat's worst enemy. He knows that today,Taliban mujahidins are the ones who

are inflicting heavy casualties onIndian soldiers by their bold and suicidal

attacks on army headquarters inSrinagar. He instinctively knows that since

Mohamed Ghazni nothing haschanged : Hindus are still for the Afghans (and

unfortunately for thePakistanis too, who are converted Hindus) the Infidels

against whom amerciless Jihad has to be fought until all are conquered or

slaughtered.And the irony is that the Indian Government played all along in the

hands ofits Taliban enemies (even though Jaswant Singh expressed his "gratitude"

tothe Taliban) who were actually protecting with their Stingers the

terroristsfrom an aerial attack - and not the passengers from the terrorists !

ThusIndia is today paying again its pound of flesh to militant Islam, which

isfeeling - once more - that Hindus are cowards (Mahatma Gandhi's own

words).But if we stop behaving like lambs to be slaughtered, what do we see ?

Wesee a tiny country - Afghanistan - who, whatever the fierceness of

itsmujahidins, has no airforce to speak-off, no artillery worth the name

andhardly any infrastructure. "Look at the tiger in the eyes, once said

theMother of Pondichery, and it will become a mouse" ! True, the odds against

amilitary intervention were enormous : India's jet fighters would have had

tobypass Pakistan and fly over the Himalayan ranges or Iran; and a

commando'saction would have put the lives of the passengers in great jeopardy.

Butsuch odds did not deter the Israelis 24 years ago fromrescuing their

nationals taken hostage by other Muslim terrorists in acountry which was also

hostile to Israel (the Uganda of infamous Idi Amin),nor the French two years

ago to storm the Air France plane and killing theall the heavily armed Islamic

hijackers. And the saddest thing is that Indiais so isolated in the world

today. TheIndian Government sought during this hijack the help of the "Free"

World -and what did it get ? Some lip service from the US, even though Bin

Laden istheir enemy number one and they bombed two camps in Afghanistan in the

hopeof killing him; or some other lip service from the French, who should

knowbetter, having to fight on their own soil the deadly Algerian Islamists;

andhardly any sympathy in Asia. It is even sadder that the name "India"

evokesno respect today in the world. Small countries, such as Indonesia or

SaudiArabia, can harbour deadly terrorists wanted by India; or bigger

nationslike Japan, a great war criminal hardly sixty years ago, give India

morallessons, because they all know that India takes things lying down.But look

again at the Israelis: like the Indians, they were slaughtered forcenturies - in

their own land by the Romans and when they were scatteredaround the world, in

pogroms in Russia and Eastern Europe. During the SecondWorld War, six million

of them went to Hitler's gas chambers without even awhimper. But after the war,

when the new State of Israel was founded, itsleaders decided that enough was

enough : henceforth it will be "an eye foran eye and a tooth for a tooth".

Every time Arab terrorists struck theirland, Israelis would retaliate

ruthlessly; and every time the sacred land ofIsrael was threatened, its army

would steal the initiative by invading theenemy's territory. Today, Israel, a

tiny nation surrounded by often hostileArab countries, is feared and respected

not only in the Middle East, but allover the world.India is a much bigger and

powerful nation than Israel. It is an ancientcivilization, which in spite of

fifteen centuries of Muslim conquests andEuropean colonialism, still carries

within herself a Knowledge which onceroamed the shores of ancient Mesopotamia

or Egypt, but which has todaydisappeared from a world ruled by the dogmas and

intolerance of it twomonotheist religions. But who will protect this Knowledge

from the modernBarbarians ? Who will redeem India's long battered honor ? Who

will stand-upto Islamic terrorism ? Where is the Shivaji of modern India ?

FRANCOIS GAUTIER------------------------------

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