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Dear friends ,

I thought all of you may enjoy this e- mail

Deen B. Chandora.




>gurukul, achadee,

>singhrr, girish, deenbc,

> prajpal


>Fri, 21 Jan 2000 16:36:07 -0500




>Interesting article from Guyana.


>---------------------- Forwarded by Asne Rajpal/CA-Canada/3M/US on

>01/21/2000 04:34 PM ---------------------------



>Faizul Rahim <FRahim on 01/21/2000 09:15:38 AM



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>Letter in Stabroeknews from one of ROAR leaders:


>Evangelism became a right when Christianity

>became powerful enough to enforce that claim

>Dear Sir,

>Carlton Campbell's letter captioned `Hindu leaders must not panic' (SN

>10-1-00) deserves a close examination, contradictory thought it is . In his

>initial paragraph he accuses Hindu leaders of panicking at `peripheral

>conversions' and toward the end of his letter concedes that Hindus are

>switching to Christianity in such numbers as to panic Dharmacharyas, Gurus

>and Swamis.

>What is peripheral conversion? Let us take the case of Guyana. At the end


>indentureship in 1917 Indian Christians were less than 1% of the Indian

>population. Today, the Christian population among Indians is more than 12%.

>Certainly a cause for concern among Hindus, especially when the state in

>Guyana functions to perpetuate Christian dominance. Whatever is the problem

>of conversion it is Hindus who must decide what constitutes a threat to our

>existence and the appropriateness of any response.

>Campbell also affirms the `right' of making converts demanded by Pope John

>Paul II on his recent visit to India. But where and how did Christianity


>the `right' it so often invokes to propagate its teachings and make


>in other countries. Jesus himself never claimed such a right. His immediate

>disciples never claimed such a right. Even early Christians never saw

>evangelism as a right. Furthermore the concept is alien to what is believed

>to be the teachings of Jesus. The answer to this claim of right can be


>in history.

>Evangelism and making converts became a right when Christianity became

>powerful enough to enforce that claim of right, that is, when it became the

>official religion of the Roman empire, the world's most militarily powerful

>empire at the time. As Christianity spread across Europe with the help of

>the sword, musket and cannon new Christian empires eventually arose in the

>west: Portugal, Spain, France and Britain, and finally across the Atlantic,

>the United States. And as their frigates and gunboats went around the world

>demanding landing rights and trading rights, they also demanded the right


>make converts for Christianity.

>In due course, there developed a clear commensurate relationship between

>right and power. So when Christian leaders speak of the right to propagate

>their religion and make converts they are actually participating in the

>arrogance of western imperialism. Of the religions of the world


>best epitomises the old adage `might is right'.

>Let's come back to the Pope's demand for the freedom to make converts in

>India. What does Catholicism have to offer to the Hindus, freedom and

>democracy? In fact freedom and Catholicism can hardly be said to go hand in

>hand. Catholicism gave the world that barbarous system known as the

>inquisition that trampled on the freedom of people for centuries, Catholics

>invented the Index Librorium Prohibitorium (Index of Forbidden Books) a

>practice discontinued only in 1966, that also has for centuries suffocated

>the intellectual freedom of untold numbers.


>Now, Pope John Paul II goes to India to lecture the Hindus on the need for

>religious freedom. Yet, it was this same Pope who had no qualms silencing

>and then excommunicating Catholic priests such as Matthew Fox, Leonordo

>Boff, and that fine Catholic intellectual Swiss Catholic Hans Kung. What an

>irony that John Paul II, the infallible representative of the Catholic

>church, arguably the most dictatorial and undemocratic institution in the

>world, goes to India demanding freedom and right.

>As countries won their independence and freedom from centuries of slavery

>and domination from the middle part of the last century onward they began


>challenge the ideology of colonialism and imperialism which also meant

>challenging the ideology of Christianity itself. In this India took the


>and many Hindu intellectuals openly challenged the Christian claim of the

>right to make converts under the guise of religious freedom. The challenge

>is still a weak one, because India is still weak. Yet, twice in the past

>decade the Supreme Court of India, one of the most respected judiciaries in

>the world, declared that the right to propagate Christianity does not mean

>the right to make converts.

>The day is soon coming when every Hindu will begin to understand that

>whenever a Christian missionary comes to a Hindu home he or she does so


>the sole intention of destroying Hinduism. This is an act of aggression

>against the Hindu religion and Hindu people. And the time is also coming

>when Hindus will deal with it in the appropriate manner.

>Yours faithfully,

>Swami Aksharananda







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