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[world-vedic] Papa-ha ; Catholic/Christian Vedic roots

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>Sat, 07 Aug 1999 19:17:11 -0000


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Dear friends



I was just reading about the Popes recent visit to India.

I am sure that most Catholics, as well as others, even the

Pope Himself,( If He doesn't already know.) would be

quite astonished, alarmed even, in some cases, to find

that rather conspicuosly, all points of origin of the

Catholic church, and indeed even Christianity, flow

from the Vedic tradition. Of course this one cannot inform

a devout believer in the Christian tradition, which is there God given right

to accept inspiration however it has

meaning to the individual. Of course this does not call

for blind followers trying to convert others into sheer

fundamentalism simply because they are like children

who sometimes beieve that everything belongs to them and not God. As the

great transcendentalist Srila Bhaktivinode

once remarked;" Party spirit is the greatest enemy of truth". One who

thinks, "God is only in my book, or on my side or my family, race, creed,

country or religion,

is still greatly attached to the concept of I, Me, and mine. Instead of

really believing God to possses in ignorance we falsley put ourselves in a

very risky situation and we, in the name of service to the supreme,

may actually be attempting to claim that very same post

We confess servitude of..

What suprises Myself is not this however, yet how many

followers of the Vedic dharma can deny the simple unifying

princible of Veda(knowledge) underlining all cultures througout the

universe, what to speak of this one small

planet Earth.The evidence is catalyzed by the Vedas,

and all around us we have to but be aware and analyze the existing data.The

problem with this lies mainly in it is not want for the current system to

freely and abundantly

divulge this.

Yet however for those who dont already know,

a little info on Catholic\Christian origins;


>Adolph Hitlers first influence of the swastika was from

the Catholic school he attended as a boy, a large imposing symbol that

adorned the main gate he passed under every day while attending school.

>The early Romans replicated the swastika frequently in motifs and

>otherwise, undoubtedly where the Catholic church inherited the symbol.

>The Etruscans,long considered the true influence behind the Roman empire

>its Strategy, arts, culture, etc.,

The Etruscans where a peoples obviously closey related

to the Vedic commune if not their direct decsendants.

>The Etruscans where known to have the dress and customs

of those of India, even the tilaka and bindi placed on the

forehead exactly as in India can be found in the ancient

Etruscan artifacts.

>Shocking enough, in the Vatican museum itself,

can be seen Precise replicas of Shiva Lingas'belonging to the pre-Romanic

Etruscans. In no other place are such an unmistakable and unique design of

the Linga-Yoni combination found out side of India, yet, the Etruscans

copied them to the tee.(photos can be found un P.N. Oaks book; World Vedic


>The very name "Vatican" is a sankrt term for garden or

place of silvan refuge, like the "Ashoka Vatican" were Mother Sita was kept

in Lanka.

>The old Vedic priest were known as Papa-ha,or the absolver of sin.

>Also the very word "romance" often thougt to be a latin

origin is the sanskrt "romancha", meaning, great thrill or pleasure, takin

from the sanskrt root,"Roma" or Rama, for,

the ultimate pleasure.

> The cross as well seems to have its origin in its pagan prehistory. The

>Roman community revered the cross as the

" Tree of life", long before the coming of Jesus the Christ.This particular

design and concept has long been displayed in the Bhaudist and Vedic

traditon I.E. that the

Vedic community long held the concept of the "Tree of life"

and it is depicted as a cross or candelabra design, for many centuries

before the coming of Christendom.

>The word Christianity and Trinity, as P.N. Oak points

out, have there origin in sanskrt, the suffix,"nity"

meaning a path to be followed as in tri-nity, Crisna-nity etc.

>That the lineage of certain biblical characters are also found in Vedic

>lineage, It strongly suggest that they where, if not of the same origin at

>least there knowledge was gathered from a common source.

>Indded the star of David, supposedly exclusive to the

Judaic tradition, can be found in age old, long term use in

India,represnting the Mother Goddess "Devi". When the symbols of the two

iterlocking triangles are invoked,

representing the bestowment of The Mother Goddesses'mercy it is called

"Devi-id" or the blessings of "Devi" The Mother Goddess, alias the "Star Of

Dev-id".( P.N.Oak)


< With all the common traits of the human race globally

you would think it be easy to comprehend our common bond

howewver nowadays sadly we seem to be getting futher from the picture. Too

bad its being largely perpetrated and distorted in the cause of so called

religion or spirituality . more to come Alohanui;kaliya108


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