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[world-vedic] Britain and India

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>OFBJP Editor <Editor

>Britain and India

>Mon, 24 Jan 2000 13:45:15 -0500 (EST)



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>India Weekly,




>Tony Blair and company, like successive British governments since

>Lend-Lease during W.W.II, have become catamites where the US is concerned.

>At their obvious behest, Britain has become the Afghanistan of Europe. It

>harbours every type of Islamic fundamentalist criminal within its borders,

>provides a safe haven for their murderous propaganda vehicles, under the

>guise of press freedom, and sends Jihadist rapists and terrorists to commit

>violence against India and its citizens; two hundred British citizens have

>apparently been trained for this purpose in Pakistan.


>Blair has also appointed assorted Islamist special educational needs

>solicitants to the Upper Chamber, among them one Uddin and one Ahmed. These

>two Jihadist illiterates appear to represent Islamist constituencies rather

>than any conceivable British one. The "Baroness", aka Uddin, on her

>elevation, was unable to find any thoughts for her interview except to spew

>utter rot about India deliberately causing floods in Bangladesh! One

>wonders which Madrasa she has attended, the likes of which are soon to be

>tax-funded in multi-faith Britain. "Lord" Ahmed, who is merely an abusive

>Mirpuri demagogue, has reduced the august chamber to a Pakistani, slum

>bazaar. Recently, he hurled vile abuse against Indian government ministers

>in a House of Commons Committee room, allegedly a country with which

>Britain enjoys friendly relations. But this is slippery Tony's contribution

>to reforming the Upper Chamber by turning it into a chamber pot.


>The BBC, not be outdone, gave the self-same Ahmed a platform to repeat this

>abuse on Sunday night. Some ignoramus commentator waxed eloquent about the

>meaning of Jihad, only a quest for justice and personal self-improvement

>evidently! Not a word about the poor Hans Ostro who had his throat slit in

>the halal manner or Keith Mangan and his unfortunate fellow tourists. Nor

>about the British telecommunication consultants in Chechnya who were

>starved and tortured before experiencing the joys of a halal death. Not a

>word about the ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Kashmir. Not a word about the

>hijack and murder of the innocent passenger Rupin Katyal on IC 814. Jihad,

>the BBC moron solemnly affirmed, does not permit harm to innocent civilians

>and damage to property!! Perhaps the catamites of the BBC might want to

>read a little bit about Islamic history, starting with the fall of

>Constantinopole, the razing of the city of Vijaynagar and the inveterate

>tourists Mahmud of Ghazni, Tamerlane and Nadir Shah.


>Indians in Britain should draw their own conclusions about the Labour

>Party, which has changed little since former Prime Minister Harold Wilson

>supported Pakistan when it launched the war against India in 1965. British

>business should also be urged to seek opportunities in Pakistan because

>India is likely to become inhospitable to it. The first targets should be

>Unilever and Imperial Tobacco.



>Gautam Sen,

>LSE, London.





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