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[world-vedic] castes

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Bonnie Scott wants to know:

>> Ultimately, we are all equal and we are all entitled to the gifts of


>> and God. That is why Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ignored all class and caste

>> distinctions

Please tell us more about this.

Bonnie Scott

(really, speaking only for myself, of course)



Hare Krishna!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

please accept my humble obeisances.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was preaching so as one can understand his svarupa

(eternal relationship of the soul). That is to say when the soul

understanding his svarupa (constitutional position) begins to serve the

master of the senses Hrsikesa(Krishna) . His philosophy was we are above

material designations and we should learn to identify as spirit souls with a

relationship with Krishna. Its not artificial but has to be attained.

Presently we are in animalist propensities we are not even structured

according to Varanasrama system. So we have to begin to come gradual


Brahma-bhuta prasanatama is the begining of realization that we are spirit

souls not matter so the soul who has this realization is jolly no more does

he feel lamentation because he *knows* thru *realization* he is spirit soul

not matter. He ceases material bodily identification heat cold happiness

distress. He sees everyone equally--*then* actual bhakti begins---not so

cheap. This is why Chanting Hare Krishna has 3 stages

offensive stage, offensless(liberation) stage and finally pure chanting in

which the soul attains prema (love of Godhead)


740415BG.BOM Lectures

So that is bhakti-yoga process. Indriyas cannot be, I mean to say,

controlled unless you engage your indriyas in the service of the master of

indriyas. That is called bhakti-yoga. Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena

nirmalam. If you want to purify your indriyas, then you have to accept to be

free from upadhi. At the present moment, because we are in bodily concept of

life, I am thinking that "I belong to this family. So if I do not satisfy

the family members... "I have to satisfy. This is my real position. Jivera

'svarupa' haya ---nitya-krsna-dasa My position is servant of Krsna. That is

my constitutional position. So Krsna means to serve Krsna's desire, what

Krsna says. As Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam. He is

demanding. But if we do not do that, that means we are not willing to serve

Krsna. Then.... My position is serve, to serve. Then I have to serve in my

designation. "I am the master of this family, I am the belong to this

society, to this nation, to this, that." so many.

Grha-ksetra-sutapta-vittair janasya moho 'yam. Illusory master you have to

serve, because you have to serve.

So these indriyas, unless they are purified by becoming without any

designation... Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, "I am not a brahmana, I

am not a sannyasi, I am a ksatriya, I am not a brahmacari." Because these

are designation. Varnasrama-dharma, four varnas and four asramas. Of course,

now we do not know even this designation. We are simply animals at the

present moment. Ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam. But human society means to

divide the whole human society into these eight divisions, brahmana,

ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha. Then it is

systematic. But you have to go above that. That systematic division of the

society is also sense gratification. That is not real life. That is also

sense gratification. But it is systematized.

Just like I have several times said, the marriage is sense gratification,

sex life. But somebody may say... They say that "Marriage is legalized

prostitution." It may be, but still, there is some control. Although it is

called "legalized prostitution," there is no difference between prostitution

and married life, but there is some control. People become responsible. By

responsible life, they can make advance. Irresponsible life will not help.

Therefore loke vyavayamisa-madya-seva nitya hi jantoh. So our tendency for

sense gratification is controlled. Therefore it is called license. Grhastha

life means a license for sense gratification. But we must know that sense

gratification means material life. It may be systematic or not systematic.

Sense gratifications means material life. But our aim is to transcend this

mate-rial life and come to the spiritual life, platform of spiritual life.

That is required. So there are so many processes.

So that is being discussed by Krsna. Here He is especially referring to

the mystic yoga system, indriyagnisu juhvati, controlling the senses. So

this controlling the senses... The simple method is that artificially if you

want to practice yoga like Visvamitra Muni or Durvasa Muni, very great...

There are many big, big stories about these munis who were big, big yogis.

This Durvasa Muni traveled all over the universe and he went beyond the

universe in the spiritual world. He saw Lord Visnu personally. Still, he was

defeated. There are many stories. Ambarisa Maharaja. So these indriyas

cannot be controlled. Durdantendriya-kala-sarpa-patali. But these indriyas

cannot do any harm to you if you take the poison teeth of this deadly snake,

poison teeth. Indriya-kala-sarpa-patali protkhata...

What is that? What is the process of taking away the poison teeth? That

is bhakti-yoga. That is bhakti-yoga. That means sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam

tat-paratvena nirmalam, hrsikena--hrsikesa means indriya--hrsikesa-sevanam.


Lord.Madhya 19.154 Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Instructs Srila Rupa


Goloka Vrndavana is the highest planet in the spiritual world. In order

to go to the spiritual world after penetrating the cover of the material

universe, one must penetrate brahma-loka, the spiritual effulgence. Then one

can come to the Goloka Vrndavana planet. There are also other planets in the

spiritual world called Vaikuntha planets, and on these planets Lord Narayana

is worshiped with awe and veneration. On these planets the santa-rasa is

prevalent, and some of the devotees are also connected with the Supreme

Personality of Godhead in the dasya-rasa, the mellow of servitorship. As far

as the mellow of fraternity is concerned, the Vaikuntha rasa is represented

by gaurava-sakhya, friendship in awe and veneration. The other fraternity

rasa is exhibited as visrambha (friendship in equality), and this is found

in the Goloka Vrndavana planet. Above that is service to the Lord in

vatsalya-rasa (paternal love), and above all is the relationship with the

Lord in the madhurya-rasa (conjugal love). These five rasas are fully

exhibited in the spiritual world in one's relationship with the Lord.

Therefore in the spiritual world the bhakti-lata creeper finds its resting

place at the lotus feet of Krsna.

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