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[world-vedic] Greek & Other Cultured Formed From India

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Dheeraj Verma wrote:

Pl. could you resend me the names of these peoples, lands & countries where the

survivors had fleed.

750311mw.lon ConversationsDevotee (1): Were all the races

originated in India?Prabhupada: Huh?Devotee (1): The races were originated in

India, all the races, the different races that there are now?Prabhupada: India

what do you mean by? Not the modern India. India was the whole world.Devotee

(1): So all the different kinds of human beings actually were originated

there?Prabhupada: Yes. (break) ...men, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya. First,

second, third. Then fourth is the sudras. And the fifth, candalas: no Vedic

culture. They are candalas. So the Europeans, they were ksatriyas originally.

On account of Parasurama's massacre process, they fled from India to European

side. And Greece and Rome, they were given--I think, Turkey also--given to two

sons of Maharaja Yayati. They refused the order of the father. The father was

very licentious. So he begged from two sons that "You give me your youth." They

refused. So therefore they were banished in this part of the world.Pusta Krsna:

Into England.Prabhupada: Not England. Greece, Rome, Turkey. Next to India, they

were civilized. So European race mostly come from that part. Caucasian. Kasyapa

Muni. Central India. Er, central... What is called? Asia, Asia.Brahmananda: Why

it took Parasurama twenty-one times to defeat?Prabhupada: They were not properly

doing their duties. So Parasurama said, "I will kill all of them." Formerly

ksatriyas were guided by the brahmanas, even Maharaja Yudhisthira, all the

rules and regulations. But the brahmanas were the legislative assembly. And

ksatriyas were the executive, and the vaisyas, productive, and sudras worker.

At the present moment there is no director, neither executive. Some of them are

only productive, and some of them are worker, most of them. Therefore it is

said, kalau sudrah-sambhavah. In the Kali-yuga, mostly all the people are

sudras. Because they are workers. (break) Everyone can be purified, even the

candalas. Kirata-hunandhra-pulinda-pulkasa abhira-sumbha yavanah khasadayah.

Yavanah khasadayah. Yavanas means these European groups, and khasadayah,

Mongolian group: China, Japan. So Japanese were there in Vedic age also.

Kalayavana. Kalayavana fought with Krsna.Pusta Krsna: Hare Krsna. (devotees

laughing)Prabhupada: What is that?Brahmananda: He was recording like this.Pusta

Krsna: No, just the last few minutes. (laughter) I was listening though, Srila

Prabhupada.Devotee (1): Srila Prabhupada, will the Krsna consciousness movement

will take over the world eventually?Prabhupada: Huh?Devotee (1): Is going to

take over the world eventually some time during the Kali-yuga, in this

Kali-yuga?Prabhupada: No, that is not possible, because only the fortunate

persons will take.

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