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[world-vedic] Hindu origin of Christian and Hebrew Revelations

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>Dear friends Please read Louis Jacolliot's book of1876 "La Bible Dans L'

>Inde,The Hindu origion of Christian and Hibrew Revelations".

>This will answer all the conflicts and controversies of this topic. This

>french Jurist wrote about one dozen books on this subject and is available

>in english Translation from Sun books publishing ,PO Box 5588, Santa fe NM

>67502-5588 Isb ;0-89540-211-4, their phone Number

>505-471-6151. It is a comparative book .


>Deen B. Chandora.



>>"neil robinson" <kaliya108



>>[world-vedic] Papa-ha ; Catholic/Christian Vedic roots

>>Thu, 27 Jan 2000 15:07:04 PST







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>>Dear friends



>>I was just reading about the Popes recent visit to India.

>>I am sure that most Catholics, as well as others, even the

>>Pope Himself,( If He doesn't already know.) would be

>>quite astonished, alarmed even, in some cases, to find

>>that rather conspicuosly, all points of origin of the

>>Catholic church, and indeed even Christianity, flow

>>from the Vedic tradition. Of course this one cannot inform

>>a devout believer in the Christian tradition, which is there God given


>>to accept inspiration however it has

>>meaning to the individual. Of course this does not call

>>for blind followers trying to convert others into sheer

>>fundamentalism simply because they are like children

>>who sometimes beieve that everything belongs to them and not God. As the

>>great transcendentalist Srila Bhaktivinode

>>once remarked;" Party spirit is the greatest enemy of truth". One who

>>thinks, "God is only in my book, or on my side or my family, race, creed,

>>country or religion,

>>is still greatly attached to the concept of I, Me, and mine. Instead of

>>really believing God to possses in ignorance we falsley put ourselves in a

>>very risky situation and we, in the name of service to the supreme,

>>may actually be attempting to claim that very same post

>>We confess servitude of..

>>What suprises Myself is not this however, yet how many

>>followers of the Vedic dharma can deny the simple unifying

>>princible of Veda(knowledge) underlining all cultures througout the

>>universe, what to speak of this one small

>>planet Earth.The evidence is catalyzed by the Vedas,

>>and all around us we have to but be aware and analyze the existing


>>problem with this lies mainly in it is not want for the current system to

>>freely and abundantly

>>divulge this.

>>Yet however for those who dont already know,

>>a little info on Catholic\Christian origins;


>>>Adolph Hitlers first influence of the swastika was from

>>the Catholic school he attended as a boy, a large imposing symbol that

>>adorned the main gate he passed under every day while attending school.

>>>The early Romans replicated the swastika frequently in motifs and

>>>otherwise, undoubtedly where the Catholic church inherited the symbol.

>>>The Etruscans,long considered the true influence behind the Roman empire

>>>its Strategy, arts, culture, etc.,

>>The Etruscans where a peoples obviously closey related

>>to the Vedic commune if not their direct decsendants.

>>>The Etruscans where known to have the dress and customs

>>of those of India, even the tilaka and bindi placed on the

>>forehead exactly as in India can be found in the ancient

>>Etruscan artifacts.

>>>Shocking enough, in the Vatican museum itself,

>>can be seen Precise replicas of Shiva Lingas'belonging to the pre-Romanic

>>Etruscans. In no other place are such an unmistakable and unique design of

>>the Linga-Yoni combination found out side of India, yet, the Etruscans

>>copied them to the tee.(photos can be found un P.N. Oaks book; World Vedic


>>>The very name "Vatican" is a sankrt term for garden or

>>place of silvan refuge, like the "Ashoka Vatican" were Mother Sita was


>>in Lanka.

>>>The old Vedic priest were known as Papa-ha,or the absolver of sin.

>>>Also the very word "romance" often thougt to be a latin

>>origin is the sanskrt "romancha", meaning, great thrill or pleasure, takin

>>from the sanskrt root,"Roma" or Rama, for,

>>the ultimate pleasure.

>>> The cross as well seems to have its origin in its pagan prehistory. The

>>>Roman community revered the cross as the

>>" Tree of life", long before the coming of Jesus the Christ.This


>>design and concept has long been displayed in the Bhaudist and Vedic

>>traditon I.E. that the

>>Vedic community long held the concept of the "Tree of life"

>>and it is depicted as a cross or candelabra design, for many centuries

>>before the coming of Christendom.

>>>The word Christianity and Trinity, as P.N. Oak points

>>out, have there origin in sanskrt, the suffix,"nity"

>>meaning a path to be followed as in tri-nity, Crisna-nity etc.

>>>That the lineage of certain biblical characters are also found in Vedic

>>>lineage, It strongly suggest that they where, if not of the same origin


>>>least there knowledge was gathered from a common source.

>>>Indded the star of David, supposedly exclusive to the

>>Judaic tradition, can be found in age old, long term use in

>>India,represnting the Mother Goddess "Devi". When the symbols of the two

>>iterlocking triangles are invoked,

>>representing the bestowment of The Mother Goddesses'mercy it is called

>>"Devi-id" or the blessings of "Devi" The Mother Goddess, alias the "Star


>>Dev-id".( P.N.Oak)


>>< With all the common traits of the human race globally

>>you would think it be easy to comprehend our common bond

>>howewver nowadays sadly we seem to be getting futher from the picture. Too

>>bad its being largely perpetrated and distorted in the cause of so called

>>religion or spirituality . more to come Alohanui;kaliya108




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