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[world-vedic] Ongoing War Against India's Vedic Culture

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>The Neo Mayos sniffing around Indian gutters

>S. Gurumurthy.

>The New Indian Express

>Feb 7, 2000


>Before Independence two persons wrote on the title "Mother India". One was

>Maharishi Aurobindo, who saw Mother India as Divine Mother. The other was

>Catherine Mayo, who saw the same mother as filth.


>Mayo wrote her book sometime in 1927. Though she had addressed the book to

>India, she published it in the west; "for the Englishmen and Americans", as

>Gandhiji said. She condemned India, as Gandhiji had noted, "for their

>sanitation, morals, religion". She also described India as a "world


>, the Hindus "as unresisting", "insanitary", "superstitious", and note,

>even "sex-ridden".


>Responding to Mayo Gandhiji had said in Young India (15.9.1927) 'it is the

>report of a drain inspector sent out with the purpose of opening and

>examining the drains of the Country to be reported upon, or to give a

>graphic description of the stench exuded by opening the drains. If Miss.

>Mayo had confessed that she had gone to India merely to open out and


>the drains of India, there would perhaps be little to complain about her

>compilation. But she says in effect with a certain amount of triumph "The

>drains are India" '.


>This happened over 70 years back. But the gutter inspecting culture has not

>stopped. If anything it has become more respectable, and has acquired

>greater legitimacy. But after Independence, the Indian sons and daughters


>Macaulay who devised the English education plan for the intellectual

>subordination of India, have ensured the continuity of Katherine Mayo's



>And now, Deepa Mehtas, Shabana Azmis and other daughters and sons of

>Macaulay seem to continue this Mayo tradition.


>The latest themes of the neo Mayos are indeed exciting, why even sexiting.

>How the Indian husbands sexually starve their wives, forcing them to turn

>lesbians. This was the theme of the film 'Fire'. And now, the next film

>'Water'. Here, the theme depicts how the widows of Varanasi and Mathura are

>condemned to prostitution.


>Inevitably, the husbands who do injustice to their wives are Hindus; and


>wives turning lesbians are again Radhas and Sitas. Of course, the widows of

>Varanasi and Mathuras cannot be Muslims or Christians. The message is

>subtle, yet the targets of attack and hurt are obviously selective.


>This is Mayo in continuity. Otherwise, why talk about lesbianism among


>and prostitution among widows when there are million good things about

>Indian women and Indian widows.


>It is the Indian family, woven around essentially women, which discharges

>the greatest burden that the governments in the West are reeling under. And

>that is the care of the elders at home, widowed and unemployed sisters, and

>brothers, the ill and the infirm.


>The bill for the care of such people is met by the state in the west, and

>this accounts for more than half of the public expenditure in many of these

>countries. They are struggling to bear this bill. Here in India, millions


>sisters and brothers take care of their dependents. It is the Indian women

>who keep this dharmic tradition of family as the delivery mechanism of

>social security.


>Millions of widows sustain their families through work ranging from cooking

>to papad-making. Ask Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjad Papad. They will give you

>true-life stories, which will shame the gutter-inspecting Mayos, the

>original and the neo.


>Likewise there are thousands of good things about Varanasi too - it

>signifies the greatest unity of India, it is a centre of learning, it is a

>production centre of 80% of the small fans produced in India and so on.


>But obviously these neo Mayos do not have an eye for anything good about

>India. They seem to look only for gutter and stench in India. Compared to

>the millions of widows who bring up their families by honest work, how many

>are prostitutes? And compared to the crores of Indian wives who enjoy the

>conjugal bliss how many seek relief in lesbianism?


>Those like the neo Mayos who inspect the gutters are bound to smell stench.

>Otherwise why would they be disinclined to see the million great things for

>which our women and widow are demonstrable examples, and project them as

>lesbians and widow prostitutes.


>For them it does not matter that it hurts. That it hurts the millions of

>widows who do great work for their families. That it presents even the

>contented women of India, as sex-starved and as lesbians, or millions of

>widows as prostitutes. That it presents miniscule exceptions as the

>universal Indian rule. That it erodes the national confidence.


>The tragedy is that the work of Mayos and her neos does create an indelible

>impression about the entire nation, even as one Morarji Desai advocating

>urine-therapy had made the west think that all Indians do secretly what

>Morarji was saying openly.


>But one cannot even dissent against these neo Mayos without getting abused

>and labelled. It is anti-secular to oppose them; it is communal if one

>agitates; dissenting against them is fascism. Contrast the Mahatma with the

>present day leaders. They are with those who hurt; not just that, they are

>against those who are hurt. Terrorised by the abusive might of the

>secularists, the BJP government has cleared the script of 'Water'. But the

>government must know that the stench of Fire and Water cannot be sanitised.

>Because, the idea that Fire and Water represent is gutter, stench. It


>be sanitised, merely by re-scripting it.


>Will it not amount to gutter inspection, as Gandhiji had said, to script


>plight of the HIV-infected the catholic priests of America among whom the

>HIV incidence is four times the US national average; will that not pervert

>the personality of the thousands of other priests who maintain strict

>catholic discipline? Will that not over-shadow the service, which they are

>rendering to the needy? Fortunately the secularists will ensure that such


>thing will not happen in India, against non-Hindus.


>But what about the Hindus? To day there is no Mahatma Gandhi to expose the

>Mayos and her neos. The Hindu society must pray for one like him who can

>successfully dare the children of Macaulay, and the secularists.





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