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[world-vedic] You know you are Asian when

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>From Vrinda Devi





>You know you are Asian when

>Thu, 10 Feb 2000 21:05:00 EST


>[sent to me by an Indian friend in London]




>10. White House not big enough for in-laws

>9. Engineering, medicine, and law always preferred over politics

>8. Oval Office has bad feng shui

>7. Can't find decent roast duck inside the beltway

>6. Secret service can't handle nagging from mother

>5. Dignitaries generally intimidated by chopsticks at state dinners

>4. No chance for promotion

>3. Lactose intolerance not considered politically correct

>2. Senior aides won't take off shoes before coming in

>1. Air Force One: No frequent flyer miles



>(From the second generation perspective)


>1. Be a little more lenient on the 7:00 p.m. curfew.

>2. Don't ask where the other point went when your child comes home with

>99 grade on his/her report card.

>3. Don't "ai-yah" loudly at your kid's dress habits.

>4. Don't blatantly hint about the merits of Habad (Harvard),

>Yeil(Yale),Purinsiton (Princeton), or Stamfud (Stanford).

>5. Don't reveal all the intimate details of your kid's life to the entire

>Asian community.

>6. Don't ask your child, "What are you going to do with your life?" If

>he/she majors in a non-science field.

>7. Don't give your son a bowl haircut or your daughter two acres of


>8. Don't try to set your kid up on a date in anticipation of their poor

>taste or inept social skills.

>9. Incorporate other phrases besides, "Did you study yet?" or "When are

>you getting married?" into your daily conversations with your


>10. Don't ask all your kid's friends over the age of 21 if they have a

>boy/girlfriend yet.



>(* The NEW List from the 1st to 1.5 Generation Perspective*)


>1. You were/are a good student with very high GPAs

>2. You majored in something practical like engineering, medicine or


>3. You have more than one-college degrees, especially more than one


>4. If you play a musical instrument, it must be piano

>5. You have a vinyl table clothe on your kitchen table

>6. Your stove is covered with aluminum foil

>7. Your kitchen has a sticky film of grease over it

>8. You beat eggs with chopsticks

>9. You always leave outdoor shoes at the door

>10. You use the dishwasher as a dish rack

>11. You keep a Thermos of hot water available at all times

>12. You boil water before drinking

>13. You eat all meals in the kitchen to keep your dining room clean

>14. You don't use measuring cups when preparing foods

>15. You save grocery bags and use them to hold garbage

>16. You have a rice cooker

>17. You're a wok user

>18. You fight over who pays the dinner bill

>19. You wash rice 2-3 times before cooking it

>20. You make sounds when you have a bowl of soup.

>21. Your don't dry-clean cloths, even if they need to be dry-cleaned

>22. You iron your own shirts

>23. You like congee (Zhou1) with thousand year old eggs Song1Hua1)

>24. You always cook yourself, even if you hate it

>25. You use credit cards, and pay monthly bills in full

>26. You keep most of your money in a savings account

>27. You buy Christmas cards after Christmas, when they are 50% off

>28. When you hand wash dishes, you only use cold water

>29. You hate to waste food

> a) Even if you're totally full, if someone says they're going to

>throw away the leftovers on the table, you'll finish them

> b) You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or

>one leftover chicken wing

>30. You don't own any real Tupperware--only a cupboard full of used but

>carefully rinsed margarine tubs, takeout containers, and jam jars

>31. You also use the jam jars as drinking glasses

>32. When toilet paper is on sale, you buy 100 rolls and store them

>33. You have a collection of miniature shampoo/conditioner bottles and

>little soap bars that you take every time you stay in a hotel

>34. The condiments in your fridge are either Price Club sized or come in

>plastic packets, which you "save" every time you get take out

>or go to McDonald's.

>35. You carry a stash of your own food whenever you travel (and travel

>means any car ride longer than 15 minutes)

>36. You spit bones and other food scraps on the table

>37. Your dad thinks he can fix everything himself

>38. When you go to a dance party, there is a wall of guys surrounding the

>dance floor trying to look cool.

>39. Your house/apt. is always cold in winter, and hot in summer

>40. Your mom drives her Mercedes to Price Club, or Shoppers Food

>Warehouse regardless how far it is, even if Safeway is next


>41. You always look phone numbers up in the phone book, since calling

>Directory Assistance costs 50 cents

>42. You only make long distance calls after 11pm or during weekends

>43. You prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached.

>44. You never call your parents just to say hi.

>45. You think ONLY Japanese can make good CARS!

>46. You use a colored face cloth every morning

>47. You starve yourself before going to all-you-can-eat places.

>48. You've joined a CD club at least once

>49. You never discuss your love life with your parents



>50. You take this message and forward it to all your Asian friends.




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