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[world-vedic] MOHAMMED ANTI-HINDU??????!!!!!!!!

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>"Radha-Govinda Mandir" <govinda

>"Radha-Govinda Mandir" <govinda

>"Brin Davan" <vaidika1008

>mohammed anti-hindu??????!!!!!!!!

>Sat, 12 Feb 2000 20:01:01 -0600


>Mohammed anti-hindu??????!!!!!!

>Answer to Aditi Chaturvedi.

>"P.N. Oak is an indian historian and author. I find his work of uneven

>quality. For example, although I share Oak's opinions about the antiquity

>of worlwide Vedic culture, I find unconvincing and superficial his

>assentions that European place names are equivalent to Sanskrit words that

>happen to have vaguely similar spellings (e.g. Russia is "Rishiya", the

>land of the vedic rishis, or sages)."(1)




>"Abhira: This name appears in the Mahabharata both in the Sabha-parva and

>Bhisma-parva. It`s mentioned that this province was situated on the river

>Sarasvati in Sind. The modern Sind province formerly extended in the other

>side of the Arabian Sea, and all the inhabitants of that province were

>known as the Abhiras. They were under the domination of Maharaja

>Yudhisthira, and according to the statements of Markandeya the mlecchas of

>this part of the world would also rule over Bharata.. Later on this proved

>to be true... On behalf of the Abhiras, Mohammed Gori conquered India.

>These Abhiras were formerly ksatriyas within the brhaminical culture, but

>they gave up the connections. The ksatriyas who were afraid of Parasurama

>and had hidden themselves in the Caucasian hilly regions later on became

>known as the "Abhiras" and the place they inhabited was known as



>What else the Vedas say about Mohammed??

>"As a matter of fact, Mohammed is also predicted in Vedic texts. He is

>mentioned by name in the Bhavisya purana. It`s further mentioned that he

>was preching to low-class idol worshipers-which is true- and that he was

>the "pure among the illiterates".And this also came to pass-he was known to

>be illiterate. Actuelly Mohammed is mentioned by name in 2 places, in the

>Bhavishya Purana and in the Athara Veda, kanda 20, shukta 127, Mantra 1-3.



>Mohammed commands:

>"The Islamic tradition holds that in Mecca, no creature should be

>slaughtered and that perfect harmony may exist between all living things.

>Absolutly no killing was allowed: not mosquitoes, lice, grasssoppers, or

>any other creeature..."(4)


>"Whoever is kind to the creatures of God is kind to himself".....Mohammed


>Mohammed was a vegetarian man, follower of Ahimsa teaching, he also

>established a great respect to other religions like christianity or Judaism

>and all in the name of Allah.


>Wko is Allah, the God that was preached by Mohammed?

>Lord Caitanya said:

>"the Koran has certainly established impersonalism, but at the end it

>refutes that impersonalism and astablishes the personal God.

>The Koran accepts the fact that ultimately there`s only one God. He is full

>of opulence, and hIS BODILY COMPLEXTION IS BLACKISH."(CCCMl 18.189-190)


>Caitanya had a reunion with the Kasi and he said:



>"There are many mistakes and illusions in your scriptures. Their

>complilers, noy knowing the essence of knowledge, gave orders that were

>against reason and argument."(ibid. adi 18.165)


>However the followers made some changes in the Holy Koran and they twisted

>the meaning of the Book, and it doesnt mean that the Prophet was wrong or

>even, in your words, ANTI-HINDU!!!!!!




>Prabhupada said:

>"Even those who are constantly engaged in sinful acts are all corregible to

>the standard of perfect human beings if they take shelter of the devotees

>of the Lord. Christ and Muhammed, 2 powerful devotees of God, have done

>tremendous service on behalf of the Lord on the surface of the globe."(5)

>Many believers of Vedic dharma, they have pround of be called HINDUS; this

>word is not a sanscrit; more well is one arabic word a gramatical


>By Miguel Angel Blanco and Hare Krishna Dasa.




>1.-Cremo, Michael A.Forbidden archeology.Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing,

>Inc.Los Angeles 1998.pp. 3361-.

>2.-Bhaktivedanta; Swami Prabhupada.Srimad Bhagavatam. Bhaktivedanta book

>trust. Manila 1972. 2.4.18 purport 303.

>3.-Dasa, Adhikari Satyaraja et all.East-West Dialogues.Folk Books.New York.


>4.-Rosen, Steven. Food for the Spirit. Bala/Entourage Books.San Diego,

>Ca.11990.N.b.chp.4 p.87.

>5.-Op. cit.Bhagavatam.

>CC.-Sri Caitanya Caritamrta.





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