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[world-vedic] N.Z. Hare Krishna Spiritual Resource Network Newsletter #012

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John Marshall / Jaya Tirtha Charan Dasa <jtcd

Mon, 14 Feb 2000 19:49:18 +1300


New Zealand Hare Krishna Spiritual Resource Network Newsletter

Number #0012 ( Y2K ) mid-February 2000 A.D.


This newsletter is best viewed using Courier New 9 font.



)<>(|)< http://members.xoom.com/hknetworks/index.htm >(|)<>(


--------------------< ISKCON ki jaya >---------------------


_0/\, ( PAMRO & BW to you all)


_0____, All glories to Srila Prabhupad.


I'd like to Officially welcome everyone who is receiving this

either directly from me or second or third hand from friends to

our Network. Many of you will have had a chance to view our

WWW-site by now - and the feedback has been appreciated. As we

expand the facility of resource more pages will appear, and with

the intent of assisting you all in the smooth execution of your

individual prescribed duties/services/functions in life, we will

keep you updated. We now go out to 725 receivers. I trust that

all is well with everyone by the Mercy of the Lord. However, if

anyone would like to be removed please just send me a message

requesting me to do so, and I will do promptly. If you would like

to be added directly to the mailout please also let me know and

I will do the needful. Hare Krishna. =>B-) JTCd



|)<>(|)<>( The Nectar in this Issue: )<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)<





WWW - news and views: Calendar Updates.

JayA - Bhaimi EkAdasii

Lord Varahadev's Appearance day

Lord Nityananda's Appearance day


Deals for members: More amazing deals for everyone.

Missing Links: are you here?

Advertisements: check them out...

Words of Wisdom - Shastra & Shastrakaras speak:

(Srila Prabhupad & the previous Acaryas)

At Grass Roots: topical stuff


Prasadam Recipes: To slake the thirst of body, mind & soul

Krishna conscious - Vedikly acceptable jokes:




)<>(|)<>( On the WWW News and Views: )<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)



The Interactive Vaishnava Calendar page is coming along nicely:




The trancendental Appearance days of Lord Varaha and Lord Nityananda.

The disappearance days of Madhwacarya, Ramanujacarya, etc.


Check out the Ekadasi pages that are coming together, with links

to every Ekadasi:




JayA Ekadasi



Some interesting Youth and Young devotees / young Hindus sites.

coming off the main index page:





Brahma-Madhwa-Gaudiya-sampradaya's Guru parampara listing:




A Who's Who...... something about everyone - their pastimes,

teachings, mission, etc. Where they fit in on the Calendar.



. : .

'. . : . .'

._ '._.-'''-._.' _. Not meaning to be too

'-..' | | '..-' mundane, but please remember

--._ /.==. | | .==.\ _.-- to use your sun-block

;/_o__\ V /_o__\; as the sun in NZ has

-----|` ) ( `|----- the potency to burn

_: \_) (\_/) (_/ ;_ in as few as 15-20 mins

--' \ '._.=._.' / '-- with our depleted Ozone

_.-''. '._.' .''-._

jgs ' .''-.(_).-''. ' So slap it on and live long

.' ' : ' '. to serve Lord Sri Krishna

' : '



Now that summer is upon us and lots of people are taking to the

water, I thought you might like to have a look at this site. Its

prime focus is to ensure everyone in New Zealand will have the

water safe attitudes, skills and behaviour necessary to use and

enjoy water environments safely.




Y2K update:





Download your Vaishnava Calendar and make a hard copy for the next

year ( 2000-2001 AD - 514 Gaurabda ) from our site:




Lots of NEW links.... have a surf !




|)<>(|)<>( Deals available for members:: )<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)<



Bhaktapus is no ordinary Octopus

As well as reaching to the eight directions

He also reaches to the zeneth and nadir regions

...and to the spiritual realm.


,' || `.

|\ / ,-.||,-. \ /|

)o),/ ( ( o )( o ) ) \.(o(

/o/// /| `-'\/`-' |\ \\\o\

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\`. `.__,' / / \ \ `.__,' ,'/

\o\ ,' ,' `. `. /o/

jgs \o`---' ,' `. `---'o/

`.____,' bhaktapus `.____,'


Bhakta-pus is now reaching out with his arms to find deals, and

make advantages for devotees who want to use our network. As new

things happen and become available we'll keep y'll informed

about discounts and how to have access to them - what to do.




This is a totally free service, we have worked hard to organise it

please make good use of it for you development of Krishna Seva.




I have purchased copies of this book, "Radha Damodara Vilasa",

from America, and I am looking for buyers. The books are HERE NOW!


This is a new publication by His Grace Vaiyasaki dasa about the

early days of ISKCON, and in particular, the lives of two great

vaisnavas from this movement, Jayananda dasa and Visnujana

Maharaja. The stories, the history, the spiritual content are

extraordinary and captivating reading. Over 700 pages, 32 pages

of photos and hardbound.

"There are gorgeous photos of Sri Sri Radha Damodara in

all their incarnations on this planet". (Vaiyasaki dasa).


I have a number of these books left and I am selling them, for

a limited time only, at the special price of, $NZ 60.00. This

price includes all postage and handling, so they are yours in

the hand for only $NZ60.00! You won't find it cheaper!!




The amazing Time utility that tells you the

time zone for any country in the world in seconds:


Are you ready to dazzle and amaze your friends, by generating

custom computer synthesized speech? Yes, I know it sounds

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just needs a nudge in the right direction... With

AnalogX SayIt!





|)<>(|)<>( Bringing together missing links: )<>(|)<>(|)<>(



Place your info' here:


/HH\.M| Contrary to the recent newsletter we have been informed

HMHH\.| that the program in Palmerston North is not a Loft

\HMHH\| rather a couple of ecstatic devotees in their home.

\\HMHH\ Bh Adam and Bhn Mary's Ph. 06 353 0108. There's chanting,

HH\HMHH\ a discussion and a meal. Books are available & beads.


\HMHH\-HHH\ Bhaktine Ann (of Glen and Ann - Masterton)

\HMHH\.HHM\ is presently compiling an Ekadasi Cookbook

\HMHH\.HMH\ if members have any recipies for the book

|\HMHH\\HMH\ or suggestions please send to her at their

|H\HHH| \HMH\ address: <Ahimsa1088

|MH\H/ \HMH\

|MH\ \HMH\ View Ahimsa's web-page:

\HMH\ http://members.xoom.com/hknetworks/Ahimsa4page.htm

\HMH\ __|HM|

\HMH\ /HH\.M| What Else You May Well Ask?

\HMH\ |MHH\.|

\HMH\\HMHH\| If you have anything that you would

\HMH\\HMHH\ like to share or request, that can

\HMHH\HMHH\ be placed in this spot. You know

\HHHH\HMHH\ where to send it.


\HMHH\ <consumer.power

\HMHH\.HMH\ or alernately

|\HMHH|\HMH <jtcd


jgs |MH\H/ \H






<>(|)<>(|)<>( Advertisements: )<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)



Make Money for You or Your Project 4 Nothing.

To turn a friend on to this mailing, go to: .------.

http://go.MailBits.com/Tell.asp?29743.1 / . \

http://aff.webowner.com/info/earn.asp?29743 |\_/| |

| | /|

.----------------------------' |

/ .-. |

| / \ |

| |\_. | http://members.xoom.com/hknetworks/index-deals4-devs.htm |

|\| | /| |

| `---' | Please take a moment to have a look |

| | |

| | /

| |----------------------'

\ |

\ / Deals 4 Devotees








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(|)<>( Words of Wisdom - Shastra & Shastrakaras speak: )<>(|)<>(



jgs __..._ _...__

_..-" `Y` "-._

\ Om namo | bhagavate /

\\ | //

\\\ Vaasudevaya ///

\\\ _..---.|.---.._ ///


'` `'



On-line Bhagavad Gita As It Is:



Of all dreaded maladies, saàsära is the worst, because it includes

all other diseases. As long as we are bound to take birth in the

material world, we must inevitably expose ourselves to cancers,

heart attacks, AIDS, and so on. All cures within this world are

temporary because even if we are cured of one disease, we will

eventually contract another, either in the present life or a

future one. As with our attempts for happiness, our attempts

for health must fail sooner or later.

In previous ages in India, a criminal would sometimes be

strapped to a chair and immersed in water almost to the point

of drowning. Upon being brought up, he felt great relief—only

to be plunged under again by his torturers. Similarly, the

times when we are pain-free and happy are like the few seconds

of relief the prisoner feels when he is brought up from under

water. The basic principle of material life is suffering.

Therefore we should be very eager to receive the medicine

that will cure all our diseases. The word nirväëa in this

verse refers to the permanent cessation of samsära and its

attendant miseries. Nirväna has become famous from the teachings

of Buddhism, but the voidistic liberation the Buddhists teach

is unnatural for the living entity, and thus it is temporary.

We can find factual, permanent release from pain only in the

kind of liberation King Kulashekhara refers to here: the

liberation of a devotee engaged in eternal service to the

Supreme Personality of Godhead. When through the process of

devotional service we become free of all material desires

and attain pure love of God, we will be transferred to the

Vaikuntha realm, where there are no anxieties or suffering.

At the beginning of the Tenth Canto of the Shrimad-Bhägavatam

(10:1:4), King Parikshit also uses the word aushadhi (“medicine”)

to refer to the chanting and hearing of krsna-kathä, or words

about Krsna: “Descriptions of the Lord are the right medicine

for the conditioned soul undergoing repeated birth and death.”

Such descriptions, of course, include the chanting and hearing

of the Lord’s holy name.

As with any bona fide medicine, one should take the nectarean

potion of the holy name under the guidance of experts, in this

case sages and the spiritual master. The Supreme Lord’s names

vary with His different pastimes and relationships with His pure

devotees. He appeared as the son of Mother Yashodä and also as the

son of Mother Devaki, and therefore He is named Devaki-nandana

and Yashodä-nandana. One should receive the Lord’s authorized

names from the spiritual master in disciplic succession.

The shästras recommend which names we should chant. For example,

the Kali-santaraëa Upanishad recommends the Hare Krsna mahä-mantra:

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Räma, Hare Räma,

Räma Räma, Hare Hare. We don’t have to search for some name or

manufacture one. Rather, we must follow the saintly persons and

the shästras in chanting the Lord’s holy names, as Shrila

Prabhupäda recommends in his Shrimad-Bhägavatam (8.1.13, purport).

(A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Mukunda Mala stotram 16. purport)


Hopes are but the dreams of those who are awake.


Pindar (B.C. 518?-438)


On a long journey of human life, faith is the best of

companions; it is the best refreshment on the journey;

and it is the greatest property.


Buddha (B.C. 568-488)


yathä suñuptah puruño

vishvam pashyati cätmani

ätmänam eka-desha-stham

manyate svapna utthitah


evam jägaranädini

jiva-sthänäni cätmanah

mäyä-mäträni vijnäya

tad-drashthäraà param smaret



"When a person is in deep sleep, he dreams and sees in himself

many other objects, such as great mountains and rivers or perhaps

even the entire universe, although they are far away. Sometimes

when one awakens from a dream he sees that he is in a human form,

lying in his bed in one place. Then he sees himself, in terms of

various conditions, as belonging to a particular nationality,

family and so on. All the conditions of deep sleep, dreaming and

wakefulness are but energies of the Supreme Personality of

Godhead. One should always remember the original creator of


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