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[world-vedic] The Mystery of Ganesh

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In regards to your Ganesh querry I have posted an informative message


As you can see, the reddish tint of your Ganesh has a deep significance.

As there is no one better than the Father of Ganesh, Lord Shiva, to

reveal the true meaning and mystery about Sri Ganesh Dev, I have

provided the answers to your questions as answered by Lord Siva,



The Mystery of Ganesh

By Maharshi Shiva Vrat Lal

One day Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati were sitting on the Mrigasana

(deer skin mat). With hands folded, Parvati enquired from Her husband,

Lord Shiva," My Lord, could You tell Me why You beheaded My child?"

Sivaji replied," He was obstructing my entry into My own abode and

deliberatley pushed Me out. How could I tolerate such insolence?"

Parvati said," He was performing the duty of a gaurd under My own


Lord Siva wanted to evade this question so He offered the

elephant-headed child a toy rat for playing and riding and plenty of

sweets and delicacies. He smeared Kum-Kum/vermillion powder all over

Ganesh's body. By doing so, Sivaji hoped Parvati would be pleased and

stop asking Her question. Women, however, are by nature, very

obstinate. Parvati persistently continued pressing Sivaji for an

answer. She said,"At first, I had only one question, but now I have

many. Why have You offered him all these things and why have You

smeared vermillion powder all over his body?

Lord Siva spoke thus," Oh Parvati. You have created a child and made

him sit at Your gate and alloted him the duties of a gaurd. Now in

reverance to Your pious wish, I have designated him as the Lord of

Karma (Action). In this universe, whosoever will commence on a new

project or course of action, should worship Your son first and then

execute their duties.His diety should always be installed at the gate

of any building as it will gaurd of the rampages of calamities."

Parvati heard all this and remarked," This is all very good and kind of

You. I am very happy. You have always been doing many things to please

Me but I fail to understand why you remain silent in regards to My


Lord Shiva smiled," All right. Now listen carefully-and I will explain

the Mystery of Ganesh. When one engages in work (karma) one should be completely absorbed in

their work. Work is Worship. An elephant works not only with his feet

but also with his trunk. While working, whole hearted concentration is

needed. Entire attention should be focussed on work and work alone. The

Mind should not diverted hither and thither....

Oh Parvati, a sincere worker's heart has a striking resemblance to that

of a rat. The rat never remains idle. It constantly works. It grinds,

digs and cuts apart whatever comes its way. Such should be the

characteristic of one who constantly works. The rat (human mind) cannot

be subdued unless a heavy weight like that of an elephant's trunk is

placed on it. Your child has been designated the Lord of Karma(Action).

He has been given a rat to ride on. The rat(mind) is very smart and

quick and active. Heavy weight is put on it so that it may not go

astray. One with a wavering mind cannot acheive anything.

I have smeared red vermillion powder over Your son's body. There is a

great secret and meaning behind this. When one is absorbed in his work,

circulation of blood is intensified. Blood is pumped from the heart to

all the organs of the body and a reddish glow appears all over the

human frame. Thus as the Lord of Action, Your son's body is smeared

with red vermillion body to symbolize this process.

Only a person who works whole-heartedly acheive success. Those who work

are always stout and healthy. They have good appetites and they enjoy

their meals. I have offered Your son sweets and delicacies because as

the Lord of Action, he has strong appetite.

One of Action is always absorbed in their own ideals. They do not waste

their energy by looking around. They are little affected by other's

thoughts. They are kind and affectionate, whenever any afflicted person

approaches them. They willingly share others misery and sorrow and

offer help and solace.

A village farmer is hospitable because he is a perfect embodiment of

action (karma). Those who dwell in cities, generally lack this quality

of hospitality. This Son of Yours will always be wise and obediant.

Those who toil and sweat are always concentrated. Their hearts always

blossom and new faculties and new avenues are always opened to them.

Success always dawns on them. Their acheivments and accomplishments are

many and meritorious. With diligence they turn deserts into meadows.

Oh Parvati, all the Shaktis (power) and Siddhis (perfection) are

aquired through constant hard and diligent work. Those who are able to

control their mind (mana) and concentrate themselves on their ideals

become pious and holy. God makes His abode in their Soul. One who will

remember Your son and chant His name will acquire "Siddhi" (perfection)

and success will always remain at his beck and call. You have created a

son and I have given him wit, wisdom and discretion. My dear wife, I

think You are now calmed and satisfied."

Lord Shiva then named the child "GANESH". Ganesh means the Lord of the

Ganas (attendants or small gods). The Ganas are the lesser demigods

that control the various sense organs.

Lord Siva continued,"One who is not able to control the sensory organs

can never benefit himself from the worship of Lord Ganesh. I have thus

explained to Your ladyship the qualities with which Your son is


Mother Parvati and the child Ganesh reverently bowed down and touched

the lotus feet of Lord Siva and thanked Him. Sivaji's army of ghosts,

demons, witches and ganas, started dancing and singing sacred hymns in

glorification of their Lord Siva.



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