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[world-vedic] The Pope's speaks out, and asks forgiveness - the web-sites

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His Holiness the Supreme Pontiff Pope John Paul of the Catholic Church has

admited responsibility for, and asked forgiveness for the sins of the

Catholic Church over the past 2000 years.


One of the seven categories he asked forgiveness for was the forced

conversion of natives in various continents, where the church propergated

colonialism, etc. He also asked that forgiveness be given for sins

comminted against other cultures by the colonialists.


I saw this on New Zealand's TVOne Network News at 18:00 hrs, and again on

NZTV Three at 10:30pm again on the 13th of March 2000.




American Broadcastng Corporation (ABC):



BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation:




To me this is a major step in the re-establishment of Vedic culture in the

modern world.


For so many years the Catholic Church has sponsored the forced conversion,

misrepresentation of historical events and doctoring of religious

scriptures to futher their own ends in the spreading of Christianity in the

new world (the colonies - USA, South America, India, Africa, Australia, New

Zealand, etc., etc).


Thousands have been harmed, tortured, and even killed in the name of

Christianity that uphold the ten commandments as its epitaph.


Cultures have been purposefully blasphemed, misprepresented, mispresented,

ruined, or near removed, being replaced by church sponsored zelots waving

their Christian banner.


There is now a rennaisance of presentations of reality around the world

revealing the herasies that have been done.


Teachings presented by unscrupulous persons such as the church sponsored

Max Muller, a person who's books are now found and taught in every

university world wide, even in India.


Now let it be declared boldly who are the true representatives of Vedik

culture. Some of the great proponants that I know of are; Srila

Bhaktivinoda Thakur (Kedarnath Datta), Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati

Thakur Prabhupada (Siddhanta Saraswati),

Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - they stand bodly among their

volumes of works, purely chaste to the Vedik view.


You might like to see a few sites in relation to the above topic on our

resource network:












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