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[world-vedic] Dalai Lama and meat

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It is common knowledge that Dalai Lama and practically all Tibetans are

meat eaters. I remember reading in one of his books, that he gave up

eating meat for a time but then started again at his physician's

advice. A couple of years ago, Dalai Lama was invited to a Zen Buddhist

restaurant in NY city and was served a vegetarian meal. He was unhappy

with it; went to Waldorf Astoria and ordered steak. This was written

about in the New Yorker magazine. Generally a Buddhist will eat meat

if it was not specifically prepared for him and the animal was not

killed just for him. Practically all Thais, Cambodians. Laotians and

Vietnamese eat meat and they are predominantly Buddhists. Lord Rama was

a meat eater as any serious reader of Valmiki Ramayan knows. Swami

Vivekananda and Paramhamsa Ramakrishna were also meat eaters. I think

the link between vegetarianism and spirituality is very tenuous.



Laxmi N. Gupta

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Lord Rama was

> a meat eater as any serious reader of Valmiki Ramayan knows.


Dear Laxmi,

Shree Ramchandra was a kshatriya and it constitutes part of his dharma to

eat meat. It is probably not within your dharma to do so.



> Vivekananda and Paramhamsa Ramakrishna were also meat eaters.


It is Kali Yuga and most of our spiritual leaders are not like those

described in the Puranas.


I think

> the link between vegetarianism and spirituality is very tenuous.


I take the direct meanings of the shastra with regards to vegetarianism. I

think that the conclusion is fairly straightforward.





> Sincerely,

> Laxmi N. Gupta




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De: Laxmi N. Gupta <lngsma

Para: vediculture (AT) eGroups (DOT) com <vediculture (AT) eGroups (DOT) com>

Fecha: Viernes 31 de Marzo de 2000 10:20 PM

Asunto: [world-vedic] Dalai Lama and meat


Dear Laxmi Gupta:

Nasmaste: "Lord Rama was a meat eater as any serious reader of Valmiki

Ramayan knows".

Here you arise one interesting point. Because some scholars support this

afirmation in his traslations of Ramayana. The idea general is that before

to budhis kings like Asoka, the hindus don't folow the vegeterianism.They

use the confetions of how Asoka practice the hunting of deers before of his

convertion. Therefore the vaisnavas and other vedic followers were not

vegetarians like the jainis ans budhis1.

Firts, the problem that confront this aseveration, is that there is an

axioma that extraordinary claims demand hard evidence. as you said "serius

reader of Valmiki Ramayana knows". Okey, serius means extric, objetive and

rigorus. But a serius and closet look show that: The Srimad-Bhagavatam

9.10.3 show literary proofs that in the time of Parisksit Maharaja there are

many unauthoritative relates of Ramayana, what said to day? Srila Prabhupada

explaind in his tika that those "so called Ramayanas were described in terms

of one's own imaginations, speculations or material sentiments. But the

characteristic of Lord Ramacandra should no be handle as something 2 . For

accept like a fact your reading of Ramayna is necesary make a critical

review of the manuscripst. But five thounsands years ago there are many

apocry scrolls, Therefeore is very dificult of accept this so called

reading. Other point is that Prabhupada give the alternative answer: "But we

must select only those books written by tattva-darsis... not the books of so

called scholars who claims knowledge only the basis of doctorade." 3. Why?

because They tried to prove that Lord Rama is no Bhagavan but an ordinary

person. Prabhupada namely them: "Modern Raksasas". 4. Therefore this claim

is very weak and untesting. Other intersting case is, Rama killed a monky

like Bali but that means he eated him? or He killed the raksasa wich Marica

and others, that means that He eat Raksasas?

You are right in appoint how the Ksatryas practice the hunting, it is a

truth found even in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and other Puranas and Mahabharata

and like you acureds, some Ksatryas eat meat by hunting. It si show in the

sastras. But a closet reading of the all body of evidence, indicate that was

for practice the showtarget for become expert fighters and defende the

Dharma. The animals were haunting after ofert in yajña for expiations. But

this was also sinful and it was no the high dharma. Please you can read

Srimd-Bhagavatam 4.25.7-8. Also Pariksit Maharaja was curse by hunting.

Therefore in the Bhagavatam is prohibed for Kali-yuga hunting or eat meat,

illicit sex, gambling ans intoxicactions. All sastras command the

vegetarians diet: Rig,10.87.16, Yajur 12.32, Ahtarva, 17.1.4 ans 19.48.5,

Manu smriti 6.60, Mahabharata, anu.115.40, 47, Bhagavatam 11.5.14.,

etc...................................." Therefore, there is no evidence

that Lord Rama eat meat. For other hand, his was so benevolent with all

creatures and engaged them in his bhaktiseva. Also, Lord Rama was a

exemplary model of Viasnava-Rajarsi, and them don´t no eat meat. Because he

follow extrictly the sastra. Lord Rama openly said what are his teastes in

the Bhagavad.gita.

I recomended please read Food for Spirit for Steven Rosen and you found

many evidences that contadicti your view like this: "The Ramayana informs us

that elevated souls, such as the decedanst of the demigos Iksvaku, shun

meat-eating ans violence in any form (himsa-rati) pag. 91."

At Krsna service.

Hare Krsna Das,

Unversity student in Linguistic ans Literature in the U A de C. , and the

pirest pf Iskcon Saltillo.

1.-Alvarado, Contreras, Francisco, El Sásncrito en la Lengua Tarasca, Manuel

Porrua. S.A. Mexico.

2.-Bhaktivedanta, Swami Prabhupada. Srimad-Bhagavatam of Krsna-Dvaipayana

Vyasa, 9.10.3 purport.












>It is common knowledge that Dalai Lama and practically all Tibetans are

>meat eaters. I remember reading in one of his books, that he gave up

>eating meat for a time but then started again at his physician's

>advice. A couple of years ago, Dalai Lama was invited to a Zen Buddhist

>restaurant in NY city and was served a vegetarian meal. He was unhappy

>with it; went to Waldorf Astoria and ordered steak. This was written

>about in the New Yorker magazine. Generally a Buddhist will eat meat

>if it was not specifically prepared for him and the animal was not

>killed just for him. Practically all Thais, Cambodians. Laotians and

>Vietnamese eat meat and they are predominantly Buddhists. Lord Rama was

>a meat eater as any serious reader of Valmiki Ramayan knows. Swami

>Vivekananda and Paramhamsa Ramakrishna were also meat eaters. I think

>the link between vegetarianism and spirituality is very tenuous.



> Laxmi N. Gupta





>This is an information resource and discussion group for people interested

in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture, with a focus on its historical,

archeological and scientific aspects. Also topics about India, Hinduism,

God, and other aspects of World Culture are welcome.



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