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[world-vedic] Where is the spirituality in Krishna Prasadam?

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Laxmi N. Gupta wrote:

> Where is the spirituality in Krishna Prasadam?


Hegel.SYA conversations

Prabhupada: Yes. It is spirit actually. But because I have no sense of

Krsna, I am taking it as matter. Just like sometimes people criticize that

"You are spiritualists, you hate materialism, why you are using this table,

why you are using this typewriter, microphone." But our reply is that it is

not matter, it is spirit. But when you use it for your sense gratification

then it is material. Just like prasadam--the people will say "What is this

nonsense, prasadam, we are taking also dahl, rice, capati, how it becomes

spiritual?" They can argue like that and sometimes they do that. But, they

do not know that we are accepting this dahl, rice, capati in Krsna

consciousness. Actually it belongs to Krsna. They, you cannot produce dahl,

rice, it is Krsna's production; everything is Krsna's production. But when

you forget Krsna, his relationship with Krsna, then it is material.

Therefore you revive the relationship with Krsna, you offer to Krsna, then

you understand Krsna has eaten, now let us take. Therefore it is spiritual.

The consciousness is spiritual.

Nirbandhe krsna sambandhe

yukta-vairagyam ucyate.

prapancikataya buddhya


mumuksubhih parityago

phalgu-vairagya kathyate

This is our philosophy, Rupa Gosvami's philosophy. That

hari-sambandhi-vastunah; everything has relation with Krsna and those who

are giving it up, "No, no it is matter, brahma satyam jagan mithya, this is

false," Rupa Gosvami says, phalgu-vairagya, that kind of renunciation is

insufficient or, phalgu means false, false renunciation. So our renunciation

means renounce things for sense gratification. That's all. (indistinct) we

renounce anything for our sense gratification, but we accept everything for

Krsna's senses. But actually everything is spiritual. Just like if Krsna

does not accept anything material but they argue that you are offering

material flower, material food, how will Krsna accept? Therefore in essence

it is not material, but because we have been habituated to accept them for

our sense gratification, therefore it is material. This body...Just like

this body, this body is material, everyone knows, but Krsna says,

mam ca 'vyabhicarena

bhakti-yogena yah sevate

sa gunan samatityaitan

brahma-bhuyaya kalpate

[bg. 14.26]

As soon as one engages himself fully in devotional service, he

immediately becomes spiritualized. How the spiritual quality is defined.

Actually everything is spirit but it is covered. Just like gold, gold is

covered by some muddy dirt. So if you cleanse it, the heart, then

immediately spiritualized. Ceto-darpana-marjanam [Cc. Antya 20.12]. So our

process is--that we will stress also--cleansing process,

sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam [Cc. Madhya 19.170]. I am now thinking (I am)

American, Indian. You are thinking (you are) American. This is false. This

is false but as soon as you come to consciousness, "No, I am not American, I

am Krsna's. I am Krsna's part and parcel." Then you are spiritual. The same

thing remains intact but as soon as you come to the consciousness that I am

Krsna's, then you are spiritual. What is that verse?

atma-mayam rte rajan


na ghatetartha-sambandhah

svapna-drastur ivanjasa

Atma-mayam rte, it is a mayam rte. Maya, this spiritual and material

conception is maya; except maya there is nothing. Na

ghatetartha-sam...Otherwise, except maya there is no such thing as material.

Na ghatetartha-sambandhah. It is just like the example in Bhagavad-gita,

nice example, svapna-drastur ivanjasa. Just like I am dreaming so many

things, I am dreaming; there is nothing such thing, still I am dreaming. I

am feeling that I am fallen in a dark well and I am now suffocating. But

actually there is no well, there is no suffocation, but I'm thinking because

I've fallen or I am absorbed in dream, therefore all these conceptions,

material conceptions, maya, exactly like dreaming. Dreaming, this is the

best example. When one dreams he factually suffers, he is put into some dark

place and he is trying to get out, he cannot get out; there is no such dark

place, he has not fallen, everything is (indistinct). He is suffering, he is

suffering, he is crying, "Save me." So actually there is nothing material.

But due to our dreaming that I am separate from Krsna, "I'm Mr. American,

I'm Mr. Indian, I'm Mr. This, I have got this duty, I have got that duty."

All this maya. You have no other duty than to serve Krsna because you are

part and parcel of Krsna, that's all. When that consciousness comes, then

spiritual (indistinct). So you have to change the consciousness, that's all.

(indistinct) Everything is spiritual.

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