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[world-vedic] Vivekananda and Ramakrishna were also meat eaters

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Laxmi N. Gupta wrote:

> >Swami Vivekananda and Paramhamsa Ramakrishna were also meat eaters.


So --who cares for these deviants?


> I guess you are the sole abiter of Dharma, now.


P-l-e-a-s-e! at least be honest *to yourself*. The letter below was

*actually* written by A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (the founder and

Acarya of ISKCON) to Satsvarupa in 1968. I am only *quoting* evidence and---

it *is* self-effulgent. There actually is in Bhagavad-Gita this verses

7.20/23(see below) in reference nobody can deny it. This proves that

Vivekananda and Ramakrisha were deviants.


68-02-25.Letter: Satsvarupa

You may know also that Ramakrishna's worship of Kali makes him a third

class man. In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that one who worships the

demigods just like Brahma, Siva, Indra, Candra or demigoddesses like Kali,

Durga, Sarasvati, etc., are described as persons who have lost their

intelligence. One person who has lost his intelligence, how he can become

an incarnation of God? A person who has lost his intelligence, is not even

counted amongst the higher section of society. So, the Ramakrishna is a

bogus man according to the statement of Bhagavad-gita. Vivekananda was also

not even intelligent man because he accepted Ramakrsna as incarnation of

God. This Ramakrsna, who is actually Gadadhara Chatterjee, declared himself

as the same Rama and Krsna. If he is accepted as such by some person, is he

very intelligent man? Suppose a man comes before somebody and says he is

Pres. Johnson. and the foolish man accepts the pretender as Pres. Johnson,

is that man to be accepted as very intelligent man? Vivekananda was not

even an intelligent man because he accepted Gadhadhara Chatterjee as


of God without any credentials. We accept Krsna, the Supreme Personality of

Godhead on the evidence of Vedic literature. There is no evidence in the

Vedic literatures that a common unintelligent person by worshipping a

demigoddess Kali can become an incarnation of Godhead. The goddess Kali is

divine mother for the conditioned souls, not for the liberated souls. There

is no direction in the Vedic literatures that one can become liberated even

by worshipping the goddess Kali. She is superintendent of the prison house

known as material world. One can derive some material facilities by

worshipping Kali or Durga, but nobody can become liberated by worshipping

such demigoddesses, so what to speak of becoming incarnation of Godhead. So

the propaganda that Ramakrsna became incarnation of God by worshipping Kali

is not accepted by any authorized acharya and therefore it is a bogus

propaganda. One who follows therefore, such bogus propaganda is also misled

as far as his spiritual advancement is concerned.


Bg 7.20 kamais tais tair hrta-jnanah

prapadyante 'nya-devatah

tam tam niyamam asthaya

prakrtya niyatah svaya


kamaih--by desires; taih--by those; taih--by those; hrta--distorted;

jnanah--knowledge; prapadyante--surrender; anya--other; devatah--demigods;

tam--that; tam--that; niyamam--rules; asthaya--following; prakrtya--by

nature; niyatah--controlled; svaya--by their own.


Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto

demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship

according to their own natures.


Bg 7.23 antavat tu phalam tesam

tad bhavaty alpa-medhasam

devan deva-yajo yanti

mad-bhakta yanti mam api


anta-vat tu--limited and temporary; phalam--fruits; tesam--their;

tat--that; bhavati--becomes; alpa-medhasam--of those of small intelligence;

devan--demigods' planets; deva-yajah--worshipers of demigods;

yanti--achieve; mat--My; bhaktah--devotees; yanti--attain; mam--to Me;



Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are

limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of

the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.

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