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Clinton,"India is NOT Poverty Stricken."

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>Title: Kalu Ram Deserves Bharat Ratna. Does he not?

>By: S Gurumurthy

>Source: New Indian Express



>Kali Ram Meena is a villager. He belongs to the Scheduled Caste. He is a

>srarapanch, a council member of his village panchayat. The village Naila


>in desert state, Rajasthn. This is where president Bill Clinton had gone


>Thursday to understand the deeper meaning of India.


>This rustic villager shocked the american president with a question. He

>asked him straight: "President Saheb, most Americans think that our


>is backward and poverty stricken, where people die of hunger, and which is

>full of snake charmers. You also think so?"


>The head of the strongest and the richest nation was taken back. He never

>anticipated this, especially at Naila village. And, never from a Kalu Ram.

>Against the background of whatever he had been told by Indians and


>about Kalu Ram's country, he would have expected Kalu Ram to ask from the

>world's richest 'Raja' - this is how the Naila people called Bill Clinton -

>for some favours, for himself and for his village.


>But Kulu Ram wanted no favour. His profound question travelled way beyond

>Bill Clinton's understanding of India. He challenged very picture that


>of the best minds in the country, including ministers and prime ministers -

>whether it was Nehru then or Vajpayee today - officials and columnists,

>non-government organisations and intellectuals have presented about India


>the Americans, to the West and even to us, Indians.


>Recovering from his shock, Clinton responded: "No. India is not a poverty

>stricken nation. My visit will help to correct this wrong impression of my

>fellow Americans that India is poor." Bill clinton understand that Kalu

>Ram's question also contained the answer, and, that is, this nation is not


>poor nation, as the whole world is made to believe.


>It would have been shocking only if Bill Clinton were not shocked. That

>India means hunger and poverty, superstition and illiteracy, snake charming

>and bride burning, married children and prostituting widows, is the picture

>that has been unfailingly presented to the world and west for over a

>century. Not by foreigners, but by Indian themselves since independence.

>The neo Catherine Mayos are ever sniffing around the Indian gutters to make

>films and write books to tell the west and India that India means gutter.

>Contrast with Bill Clinton's own country. One-third of pregnant girls are

>school going children. But no American would define the American identity


>unwed, child mothers.


>Before independence, the missionaries started advertising India's poverty

>abroad during the colonial period to raise funds for their religious

>conversion work. After independence, the success of their work inspired


>voluntary organisations to copy their success to secure aid for their work.

>This trend became the obsession of these organisations, which successfully

>made business out of the advertised poverty and hunger in India.


>The Indian government too did not lag behind. It also confirmed the image

>of India as a poverty-stricken and hunger-redden country. Just to secure

>aid for few millions. With the result, poverty and hunger ceased to be

>India's problems, and become her image, even her identity.


>This is what Kalu Ram has challenged. But only very few know that Kalu Ram

>is right in challenging the entire opinion-making intellect of India.


>was never poor, nor is it.


>If India is poor, it is in leadership. Not just political. Even its

>intellectual leadership is only as good. It is poor not in its resources,

>human and material, but in properly augmenting it.


>Just take one asset in which the masses of India and generally the women of

>India, have put faith - gold. Every economist would advise that it is a

>wasteful and idle asset and no one should invest in gold. But the Indian

>mind defied this advice and bought gold. The government virtually declared

>gold as an illegal asset and handed over the entire gold trade to smugglers

>who emerged as monopoly gold suppliers. Yet the Indians continued to buy

>gold. Even Lord Balaji was forced to buy smuggled gold to mint the Balaji

>coin for his devotees.


>Not many in our country know that Indians have accumulated a gold stock of

>nearly 3 lakh tons. The value of this is about 3000 billion US Dollars.

>This may not make sense unless it is related the wealth of America itself.

>The value of gold stock in India alone is equal to one-third the market

>capitalisation of corporate America! Again it is equal to one-half of the

>GDP of America! Again gold in unornamented form is estimated at 20000


>which is equal to 200 billion dollars, or 9.5lakh crores! The entire gold

>is in black form, because only smugglers supplied gold to the people for 50



>Unless the black gold is brought out into circulation, this vital asset


>continue to be our liability. Imagine the government gives tax immunity to

>all gold deposited into banks. The estimate is that we will raise gold

>deposit of at least 5000 to 10000 tons, that is equal to 50 t0 100 billion

>US dollars. This will stabilise our foreign exchange front, help India

>control the world gold market and prices, bring down the interest rates and

>put into circulation a giant asset that moves around stealthily, like a

>thief, even now. This is how we have reduced one of our most valuable


>into a liability.


>Kalu Ram knows nothing about this. But he is sure that we are not a poor

>nation. Will this open the eyes of Indians in the way it opened Bill

>Clinton's and made him promise to correct his fellow Americans about India?

>That is Indians are worth trading and doing business with, and not the

>charity of Americans. Kalu Ram has in effect told Bill Clinton that


>can invest in India, while those who projected India as a poor country had

>convinced themselves that India deserves aid from the Americans.


>Surprisingly, only a few news papers had carried this report. Newspapers,

>which wasted hundred of tons of newsprint to support Deepa Mehta and


>Azmi's constitutional right to project the Indian widow as prostitute, did

>not even print the Kalu Ram and Clinton dialogue.


>Kalu Ram Meena deserves to be awarded Bharat Rathna, for telling the truth

>to the most important man in the world today - a truth, which most Indians

>have not noticed. Does he not?




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