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Please i need to know, what kind of ceremony to celebrate the day of Lord

Ramacandra, write the kind of pooja and pastime for read this day in Monterrey

mexico Nama-Hata, please write me everything do you know.

Antonio Espinosa

vediculture wrote:

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are 4 messages in this issue.Topics in this digest:1. Fwd: NEW TV times

"Vrn Davan" 2. Vajpayee's poems cost Pak writer dear "Vrn Davan" 3. PM

for practising Indian system of medicine "Vrn Davan" 4. Clinton,"India is

NOT Poverty Stricken.Vrn Davan"


1Sat, 08 Apr 2000 18:02:22 PDT"Vrn Davan" Fwd: NEW TV times

>Michael Balarama >giridhari.swami (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se>NEW TV

times>Fri, 07 Apr 2000 16:19:01 -0500>>>Please accept my humble

obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.>>Starting in June through December

Hare Krishna TV/Dangerous TV will be>aired to 648,000>homes EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT

at 7:00PM. This is a very very good time.The TV>station said that because of

the mixture of music, yoga, vegetarianism &>meditation mixed in with 10 minutes

of philosophy....Hare>KrishnaTV/Dangerous TV would not be aired every Sunday

with all the>religious programs but instead be with alternative/new age on

Friday.>If you would like to be a member and help support this effort it costs

$7 a>month in the USA and you receive one TV show each month... ON our

newest>show the viewer is shown vegetarian stuff and how to cook a

vegetarian>pizza. We are working on the show were Ravindra Svarupa is

interviewed by>myself...This show is all talk...philosophy...talk...talk

.......we have one>or two shows like that..>email me if you would like to

receive you first shows as a member...if you>don't like them you don't have to

pay...REALLY.>>your servant behind the TV for 648,000 sleeping souls>Pandava

vijaya dasa>Turn on,Tune in.Go back to Godhead>every Thursday 7:30pm>648,000

homes receive HKTV>Hare KrishnaTV/Dangerous


Your Private, Free Email at


2Sat, 08 Apr 2000 18:05:21 PDT"Vrn Davan" Vajpayee's poems

cost Pak writer dear >Overseas Friends of the BJP (USA) ........... Voice:

(718) 271-0453>54-15, 108th St. ............................ Fax: (718)

271-1906>Corona, NY 11368............................ WWW:http://www.ofbjp.org>

BJP's Website: http://www.bjp.org>>Title: Vajpayee's poems cost Pak writer

dear>Publication: The Times of India>April 4, 2000>>NEW DELHI: Pakistani

writer Aftab Hussain has taken refuge here>after fleeing his country, following

harassment by the military>regime of Gen. Pervez Musharaff for publishing the

translated>version of a book written by Prime Minister Vajpayee. Hussain,

who>also refused to implicate the ousted premier of his country, Nawaz>Sharif,

on Monday said he had no option but to leave Pakistan.>Asked why he chose India

even though he could have slipped into Iran>or Dubai which were Muslim

countries, Hussain said, ``India and>Pakistan might be two nations today, but

the tradition and culture>of the two nations are the same.... In a way India is

my second>home after my motherland.''>His troubles started after an Indian Urdu

poet Jameel Akhther, who>translated Vajpayee's poems, sent him a copy with the

request to>publish it in Pakistan.>>``Initially no publisher agreed, but as

Vajpayee's visit to Lahore>in 1999 was imminent, I managed to get the book

published as a>goodwill gesture and the Pakistani edition was presented to

Prime>Minister Vajpayee at the Governor's house,'' Hussain told

reporters>here.>>Hussain said he was not aware of what lay in store for him.

After>the military take-over, he was continuously harassed by the

military>regime for publishing the book.>>``The military rulers asked me to

depose against Nawaz Sharif as an>approver and ordered me to record a statement

in the court that>Sharif had asked me to publish the book,'' he said.>>``They

threatened me with dire consequences and even ransacked my>house on March 4,''

Hussain, who arrived here on March 16 by the>Samjhauta Express, said.>>``The

decision was painful but I was left with no option than to>leave the country,''

he said.>>Hussain is not sure about the future but says he could either

extend>his visa or seek political asylum. ``I will decide about it in

the>coming days,'' he said.>>Hussain, who earlier toured India in 1998 when he

was doing a>doctorate on renowned Urdu critic Kalim-ud-din Ahmed, said

the>military dictators were hell-bent on framing all sorts of charges>against

Sharif. ``After the coup, security agencies descended on my>house, asking me to

explain the reason for publishing the book...>They asked me to implicate Sharif

but my conscience did not allow>it,'' he said.>>>The 38-year-old Pakistani

writer, who works as assistant professor>of Urdu language and literature at the

Lahore-based college of the>Punjab University, is sure that his family would be

targeted by the>Pakistani army.>>A writer in Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi languages,

Hussain has>translated a large number of poems and short stories from Hindi

and>other Indian languages to Urdu.

(PTI)>____Get Your Private,

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3Sat, 08 Apr 2000 18:07:01 PDT"Vrn Davan" PM for practising

Indian system of medicine >Overseas Friends of the BJP (USA) ........... Voice:

(718) 271-0453>54-15, 108th St. ............................ Fax: (718)

271-1906>Corona, NY 11368............................ WWW:http://www.ofbjp.org>

BJP's Website: http://www.bjp.org>>Title: PM for practising Indian system of

medicine>Publication: The Pioneer>March 7, 2000> Prime Minister Atal

Bihari Vajpayee said here on> Thursday that the challenge of providing medical

care to> all could only be met by practising allopathy and Indian> system of

medicine and homoeopathy together.> He urged the Government, non-Government and

industrial> sector to join hands in this endeavour.>> Inaugurating a two-day

seminar on "Good health in the> millennium: Challenges for Indian system of

medicine,"> Mr Vajpayee said the two stream of medicine were> complimentary to

each other. The Prime Minister said all> the streams of medicine had some good

points and one> could not afford to ignore them.> He said the Indian system of

medicine needed> standardisation and research and if the country could> spend a

fraction of the money spent on modern health> facilities for Indian medicine,

the country could easily> meet the challenge of health for all.>> The Prime

Minister was for introducing the education of> Indian system of medicine in the

MBBS curriculum so that> the students were well aware about the achievements of>

Indian system. He narrated several instances when small> ailments were cured by

Indian system within the confines> of the home by the lady of the house.>> He

complimented the Confederation of Indian> Industry(CII) for joining hands with

the Ministry of> Health in exploiting the business prospects and> streamlining

the system on professional and modern> lines. Mr Vajpayee praised the industry

for showing> enlightened self-interest in the promotion of Indian> systems.>>

He urged the Ministry of Health at the Centre and its> counterparts in the

State Governments to create, in all> the primary health care centres and

Government-run> hospitals, facilities for treatment by certified> practitioners

of the Indian system of medicine. He also> stressed the need to provide an

adequate supply of> indigenous medicines.>> The Government would set up a

National Board of> Medicinal Plants by June this year to coordinate all the>

activities connected with the conservation, sustainable> use and propogation of

medicinal plants.>> Speaking on the occasion president of CII Rahul Bajaj> said

the industry was exploring all possibilities of> business in this untapped

sector in India and abroad. He> admitted the Government and industry ignored

the Indian> system for the last 50 years while the foreign countries> were

adopting our system effectively.>> The CII proposed to organise one major event

to support> good health to coincide with the World Health Day which> falls on

April 7. The CII will also set up a task force> to examine all issues connected

with export of plant> based products and the report will be presented to the>

Government by October this year, Mr Bajaj announced.>> He also said the CII

would help to motivate its member> companies to grow medicinal plants,

encourage companies> with more than 1,000 employees to set up a Yoga facility>

for its workers. The industry would also be enrouraged> to set up Indian system

of medicine dispensary in their> premisies, Mr Bajaja said.>> Mr Vajpayee

released a report on conservation and> sustainable use of medicinal plants

prepared by Dr D N> Tiwari, member Planning Commission. The Prime Minister>

also released Ayurvedic Pharamacopoeia of India and> Unani Pharamacopoeia. The

two-day seminar is jointly> organised by CII and Department of Indian System

of> Medicine and Homoeopathy, Ministry of Health and Family> Welfare.>>

Minister of State for Health N T Shanmugam while> speaking on the occasion

higlighted the achievement of> this department and the role of Indian system

of> medicine in treating many

diseases.>>>____Get Your

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4Sat, 08 Apr 2000 18:14:17 PDT"Vrn Davan" Clinton,"India is

NOT Poverty Stricken." >>Title: Kalu Ram Deserves Bharat Ratna. Does he not?>By:

S Gurumurthy>Source: New Indian Express>03/25/2000>>Kali Ram Meena is a

villager. He belongs to the Scheduled Caste. He is a>srarapanch, a council

member of his village panchayat. The village Naila >is>in desert state,

Rajasthn. This is where president Bill Clinton had gone >on>Thursday to

understand the deeper meaning of India.>>This rustic villager shocked the

american president with a question. He>asked him straight: "President Saheb,

most Americans think that our >country>is backward and poverty stricken, where

people die of hunger, and which is>full of snake charmers. You also think

so?">>The head of the strongest and the richest nation was taken back. He

never>anticipated this, especially at Naila village. And, never from a Kalu

Ram.>Against the background of whatever he had been told by Indians and

>Americans>about Kalu Ram's country, he would have expected Kalu Ram to ask

from the>world's richest 'Raja' - this is how the Naila people called Bill

Clinton ->for some favours, for himself and for his village.>>But Kulu Ram

wanted no favour. His profound question travelled way beyond>Bill Clinton's

understanding of India. He challenged very picture that >some>of the best minds

in the country, including ministers and prime ministers ->whether it was Nehru

then or Vajpayee today - officials and columnists,>non-government organisations

and intellectuals have presented about India >to>the Americans, to the West and

even to us, Indians.>>Recovering from his shock, Clinton responded: "No. India

is not a poverty>stricken nation. My visit will help to correct this wrong

impression of my>fellow Americans that India is poor." Bill clinton understand

that Kalu>Ram's question also contained the answer, and, that is, this nation

is not >a>poor nation, as the whole world is made to believe.>>It would have

been shocking only if Bill Clinton were not shocked. That>India means hunger

and poverty, superstition and illiteracy, snake charming>and bride burning,

married children and prostituting widows, is the picture>that has been

unfailingly presented to the world and west for over a>century. Not by

foreigners, but by Indian themselves since independence.>The neo Catherine

Mayos are ever sniffing around the Indian gutters to make>films and write books

to tell the west and India that India means gutter.>Contrast with Bill Clinton's

own country. One-third of pregnant girls are>school going children. But no

American would define the American identity >as>unwed, child mothers.>>Before

independence, the missionaries started advertising India's poverty>abroad

during the colonial period to raise funds for their religious>conversion work.

After independence, the success of their work inspired >many>voluntary

organisations to copy their success to secure aid for their work.>This trend

became the obsession of these organisations, which successfully>made business

out of the advertised poverty and hunger in India.>>The Indian government too

did not lag behind. It also confirmed the image>of India as a poverty-stricken

and hunger-redden country. Just to secure>aid for few millions. With the

result, poverty and hunger ceased to be>India's problems, and become her image,

even her identity.>>This is what Kalu Ram has challenged. But only very few know

that Kalu Ram>is right in challenging the entire opinion-making intellect of

India. >India>was never poor, nor is it.>>If India is poor, it is in

leadership. Not just political. Even its>intellectual leadership is only as

good. It is poor not in its resources,>human and material, but in properly

augmenting it.>>Just take one asset in which the masses of India and generally

the women of>India, have put faith - gold. Every economist would advise that it

is a>wasteful and idle asset and no one should invest in gold. But the

Indian>mind defied this advice and bought gold. The government virtually

declared>gold as an illegal asset and handed over the entire gold trade to

smugglers>who emerged as monopoly gold suppliers. Yet the Indians continued to

buy>gold. Even Lord Balaji was forced to buy smuggled gold to mint the

Balaji>coin for his devotees.>>Not many in our country know that Indians have

accumulated a gold stock of>nearly 3 lakh tons. The value of this is about 3000

billion US Dollars.>This may not make sense unless it is related the wealth of

America itself.>The value of gold stock in India alone is equal to one-third

the market>capitalisation of corporate America! Again it is equal to one-half

of the>GDP of America! Again gold in unornamented form is estimated at 20000

>tons,>which is equal to 200 billion dollars, or 9.5lakh crores! The entire

gold>is in black form, because only smugglers supplied gold to the people for

50>years.>>Unless the black gold is brought out into circulation, this vital

asset >will>continue to be our liability. Imagine the government gives tax

immunity to>all gold deposited into banks. The estimate is that we will raise

gold>deposit of at least 5000 to 10000 tons, that is equal to 50 t0 100

billion>US dollars. This will stabilise our foreign exchange front, help

India>control the world gold market and prices, bring down the interest rates

and>put into circulation a giant asset that moves around stealthily, like

a>thief, even now. This is how we have reduced one of our most valuable

>asset>into a liability.>>Kalu Ram knows nothing about this. But he is sure

that we are not a poor>nation. Will this open the eyes of Indians in the way it

opened Bill>Clinton's and made him promise to correct his fellow Americans about

India?>That is Indians are worth trading and doing business with, and not

the>charity of Americans. Kalu Ram has in effect told Bill Clinton that

>America>can invest in India, while those who projected India as a poor country

had>convinced themselves that India deserves aid from the

Americans.>>Surprisingly, only a few news papers had carried this report.

Newspapers,>which wasted hundred of tons of newsprint to support Deepa Mehta

and >Shabana>Azmi's constitutional right to project the Indian widow as

prostitute, did>not even print the Kalu Ram and Clinton dialogue.>>Kalu Ram

Meena deserves to be awarded Bharat Rathna, for telling the truth>to the most

important man in the world today - a truth, which most Indians>have not

noticed. Does he not?>____Get

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In a message dated 4/13/00 3:00:13 AM Central Daylight Time, "Mahesh Raja"

<mahesh.r writes:


<< So lets agree to agree why disagree? >>


And then Mahesh Raja also writes:


<< By disciples I actually mean those who are following Srila Prabhupada's

*discipline*. Not those who are disciples in name only while doing all

nonsense this is not disciple according to the definition of disciple. >>


Mahesh Raja, did you mean to imply that only Srila Prabhupada's *discipline*

is valid and that those who follow another discipline are not true disciples?

Please be reminded that Prabhupada's discipline, while excellent, is not the

only worthwhile discipline in the world. Disparaging other belief systems or

the ways of other disciples, while cultivating a pleasureable feeling of

superiority, does nothing to further Krisna Consciousness.




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