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The Era of Sri Rama

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Dear Friends,


In regards to the dating of the Rama era to a 1000 years before Lord Krsna,

here are a few points to consider. In the Ramayana there is a quote by Sri

Lakshman, (Lord Rama's Brother) in which He describes the beauty of the

Dandakaranya forest. He notes that the FOUR tusked elephants are breaking

the ICE on the river in order to drink the the water.

As we know the current area of Dandakaranya is currently tropical and does

not freeze at all what to speak of reaching a deep freeze cold enough to

turn rivers to ice. I don't know how long ago it was that India's weather

changed so drastically, but I know for a fact it was a lot longer than 6000

years ago.


Also modern science has confirmed the existance of four tusked elephants in

the far distant past and in the Ramayana they are mentioned along with many

other extinct fauna and flora.


Another point to consider is that the key figures in the epic are the

Vanaras, or Apes, headed by Hanuman and Sugriva. In China a skeleton was

discovered in a cave and when the scientists finished

re-assembling it, they realized that they had discovered some kind of Ape

figure. The scientists created a composite sculpture of the creature and it

looked exactly like the current Indian artistic representations of Hanuman.

It was larger than the modern day human or ape. I have not seen the video

for some years and thus I don't have exact referances. However, if we accept

that the Vanaras existed than we must date the Ramayana to a time when an

ape species resembling them is known to have existed. We are all familiar

with all the Ape like beings we have been told are our ancestors and we are

expected to accept this theory yet we are laughed at when we suggest that

perhaps these beings existed side by side with humankind.




Also the idea that modern day Sri Lanka is the Lanka of the Ramayana is pure

speculation. It does not fit the geography of the Ramayana but rather goes

against it. However, if you use the measurements from the Ramayana you will

find that Hanuman's journey took him much farther than modern day Sri Lanka.

That Island was traditionally known as Simhala/Ceylon and was actually

attached to the Indian land mass quite recently, in geological terms. The

real location of Ravana's Lanka was most probably about 800 miles south of

India, near the modern day Chagos isles area and Diego Garcia. Some Vedic

Scholars even suggest that Ravana's Lanka was a huge land mass that included

Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius etc. Also along Hanuman's path there is

reportedly a seamount that rises from the ocean floor. It has been suggested

that this is the very mount that was offered to Hanuman for his rest, which

he refused.


It is interesting to note that the Seychelles islands are a mystery to

modern science because, unlike most islands, they are made of continental

rock rather than volcanic lava or coral. This suggests that they were part

of a larger land mass in the distant past. When the first Europeans arrived

there the islands were inhabitted by huge oversize crocs and other rare

beasts but supposedly no people. The largest coconuts in the world also come

from Seychelles some weighing over 50 pounds. When a strong wind comes

through the coconuts fall to the ground making loud crashing sounds like



So I hope I gave you some points to consider. The other theories that try to

deny the evidences and descriptions of the Ramayana yet try to place the

epic within a historical time frame are invalid. Their very logic is flawed

and if accepted make the Ramayana into nothing more than a fairy tale not

worth any serious historical consideration.

Yet when a true scientific method is applied and all preconcieved notions

like the modern theories of civilization and evolution are rejected we can

actually get an accurate picture of planet Earth in the far distant past.


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